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Cordless Headphones kinda rock...

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...If you're not a big audiophile. Some of you may remember that some time ago, I picked up a pair of cordless headphones from Ebay for 20 bucks and fixed them up. I used them on my Xbox mainly, but now (even though the RF signal kills any REAL need to do so), I've hooked it up via S/PDIF from my computer, and with a little tweaking of the sound card's audio blah blahs, I've got some really, really nice sound, they totally cover the ear, really comfortable thick padding. I'm no big audio freak and I know for a FACT that corded headphones at a similar price (retail, which mine cost like 250 or so), would spank the fucking PANTS off of them, for 20 bucks broken...It's a nice deal.
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