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CounterStrike is at it again!

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Haha, thinking about the local gaming cafe I know of I would think a CS rumble would be pretty fun - it's the only brawl I can imagine getting into where I'd be Ivan Drago to everyone else's Apollo Creed.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
No doubt their imaginary girlfriends were very upset at them when they got home...


being watched
Just tried to play TFC for first time and ages and got a lame Steam 'THAT GAME IS NOT AVALIABLE AT THIS TIME' message. Bejezus, Steam is *still* shit. :(


There's probably been 6 updates since you last played it, just let Steam do it's thing. It usually takes less than 2 or 3 minutes to update. The monitor will show you what's left to download and which games it's trying to keep current.

I had the same thing happen to me in DOD - the error message makes it sound like the service is down when really it's updating. First time it happened I quit right away and then again an hour later until I realized it was just my version that wasn't ready.


This is no better than the lineage clans..err I mean gangs they have in korea.

and yes people do get hurt over lineage there also.
Goddamn nerdy CS players.

I play Counter-Strike pretty much all the time, no game has ever rivaled it. It truley is a master peice... I've been playing the game for a year and there's one thing I've learned -- I SUCK AT IT.

I get 'own3d' and 'shanked' every round, but it never bothers me. Hell, the game is too fun to get annoyed about it. But sometimes I listen to these geeks in the Internet Cafe or on any random server and they all take this shit too seriously. Goddamn.

And friends, if you suck at the game and you somehow manage to get a head shot or a knife kill on a SUPPER L33T player, he will either

a) Hack you the next round
b) Complain about you the entire game, calling you various names... 'NEWB' being his favorite
c) Kick you from the server
d) or in this case, pick a fight with you :-/
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