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Critics say: Daniel Dormer sucks.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Bored at work today, I decided - Hey, why not collect all those articles you've been writing into a nice portfolio? Using Google, I was searching for my name to find some older articles. However, a weird result came back on the sixth page, entitled "Daniel Dormer sucks." I was intrigued and ended up checking it out.

I was just minding my own damn business today when I was sent an IM from a friend about a post on the forums of Gaming-Age with a picture of me and Tomonobu Itagaki talking to each other. Someone took this picture at the Xbox Press Event 04 and that someone is Daniel Dormer. Now I think it goes without saying Gaming-Age isn't a very
well made site and they seem to have a hard-on for Tomonobu Itagaki and his antics. When this guy posted this image on their forums he put a caption under it "You decide which has the worse complexion."

Wow good observation asshole. You have revealed that both I and the guy who made DOA have had acne before in our life. Really, your like the master of ****ing observation. Do you ask people to decide which red car is more red? I later found out this asshat actually writes for the website GameDaily, I have nothing personally against GameDaily but because this master oberserver is associated with them, I say **** them to, and I would like them to know I the ownerof Xbox Evolved another website has said this. If they or their gimp want to start some shit with me well they definately have.

BTW here is the pic he took: http://www.agentdormer.com/jpeck/E3/Itagaki.jpg

Now, I instantly knew what the confusion was - this guy had beef with Meier, not me. I had just been hosting his E3 pictures for him. Hell, if he had visited my blog he would have known I wasn't even at the Microsoft Pre-E3 Press Event. I was at the Dear Friends conference. I shot the author of the post and cleared it up, but some of the responses in the thread were priceless.

**** him, he's just hating man. If anything, that pics free advertisment since you were wearing a XE T-shirt. Still, if they want to start war, I say to them...."BRING IT BITCHES!!!"

Why does that shit bother you? Who cares?

Who cares what this guy thinks dude. He has to put others down to make himself feel better. Thats the sadder and truer part. If I were him I would talk to him and let him know that your just a regular guy and not some "person he took a pic of". And let him know you may some day meet him in real life at the next E3 :)

Anyone else ever get similar treatment?



"Oops! My bad."
This is a forum. What does the guy expect? No off color comments from the several thousand registered users here? I think he should stop being a wuss and just take it as what it was... an attempt at humor at his expense, much like 95% of the humor that happens on every forum. It's no reason to shit his pants.
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