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Cross-Console Controller Adapter - Recommendations?


Finally got around to trying out a couple of adapters today (Picked up GGXX Reload), and was wondering what some of the fighting game enthusiasts have settled on.

I've got a ps1 japanese Hori stick (the red one, w/ programmable button), and I wanted to see how it worked out on the Xbox. First, I tried a PS to Xbox adapter that a friend loaned to me a while ago (don't remember the manufacturer, started w/ an "I", black w/ a green dot in the center). No Workie.

Next, tried one I picked up at Walmart or something a few months back, made by Gemini. Package is Red/Black/White, and it's a PS to Xbox/GC adapter. (says "Works with Joysticks and Wheels" on the package). Well, this one worked like a charm...no issues, had a game by myself, and then tried to hop online for a bit (got foiled by other dude's crap connection).

Anyway, I was just wonderin' what everyone's doin' for their setup...any hot tips?

p.s. A friend picked up that Pelican multi-out stick a while back, and swears by it...any other opinions?
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