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CRT / Carbon Nanotube / Liquid Silicon / Plasma / LCD

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Which one of these have (or will have) the best:

1. Image quality/resolution

2. Price

3. Size (the thinner the better)


GAF's Bob Woodward
I *thought* I read in one of KLee's famous nanotube threads that carbon nano-tube tvs would boast better contrast/clarity. I guess we'll know for sure when they start being produced.


If you want to buy now. Nothing beats CRT for best picture and price. Unfortunately it fails in the space and size area :p


Queen of Denmark
Yeah, for the money, I don't think you're going to do better than a good CRT for the time being. You have to take it in the ass for the space, but if you have the extra room, I think it's worth it.
CNT will offer the best in all three categories, so it's no surprise it may take the longest to hit the market. The display mechanism is thin, construction (once they have the materials) is relatively simple, and the level of miniaturization far exceeds other technologies.

Since everybody in the TV market is looking for an edge, though, expect LCOS to have a very successful time until CNT can hit the major markets.

I totally agree about CRT though - the quality is great, no latency/ghosting, no burn-in...all you lose is size.

Beerbelly: Hmm, I definitely need to look into what they are doing to make that CRT happen, because if that TV hits the market with 1080i, I'm sold.


Alright... klee or anyone that knows... Will I get any type of burn-in playing football games or any type of X-Box game on it?

I am doing it... this weekend... I am buying this... I am happy with the screen size and picture is great.



Will I get any type of burn-in playing football games or any type of X-Box game on it?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Boj, it's a CRT-based RPTV, so it's technically possible for burn-in to occur. Whether it *will* occur is a different story and not one I feel qualified to help you with.
BojTrek said:
Alright... klee or anyone that knows... Will I get any type of burn-in playing football games or any type of X-Box game on it?

Will I get any type of burn-in playing football games or any type of X-Box game on it?

Sure could, especially with factory settings. Of course, if you go read up at the Home Theater Forum or get professional color calibration done, the risks can be minimized.
BojTrek, just make sure you turn your brightness way down when you play your XBOX. You can find a wealth of information at the Home Theater Forum that Crazymoogle mentioned. Also check out the AVS Forum.

I just ordered the same model, but the 57" version from onecall.com. From what other people have said on those forums, it seems like a reputable place. You may want to consider it, as it is only $300 more than what you are buying (after the $200 rebate). In addition, there's no tax and they are offering free shipping.


beerbelly said:
Which one of these have (or will have) the best:

1. Image quality/resolution

2. Price

3. Size (the thinner the better)

Right now and for the near and medium future, you can't buy CNT, so don't even think about it. Whether or not CNT even pans out remains debatable, since OLED and other technologies can in theory beat it.

As for image quality, LCD is on the bottom; just above that is projection from reflective LCD ("liquid crystal on silicon"); and above them are CRT/Plasma.

Resolution-wise, LCD (either type) can be on top, with CRT/Plasma following. Any type can have good resolution if you pay enough. Projection CRTs will go out of alignment and lose over time, though.

CRT is cheapest. Projection LCD is next, followed by flat LCD and Plasma.

Flat LCD and Plasma are flattest, then projection LCD, then CRT.

OLED can beat everything, assuming that materials & manufacturing issues ever get sorted out. I count out CNT since it still requires a vacuum, immediately increasing its cost and complexity vs. LCD and OLED.

LCD still has some development legs, and can improve in quality. Plasma has some room for improvement, too, but it also requires vacuum assembly.

It's really pointless to talk about tech much if you're shopping for a set. Just understand the basics, and then go and look at actual sets. Pick what fits your needs (and budget).

There's nothing coming out in 6 months that will shake the market up (my guess).
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