L levious That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us. May 14, 2005 #2 I thought this was going to be about Tenacious D.
X xsarien daedsiluap May 14, 2005 #4 Wrong forum, and this latest Test Drive looks about as dull as ever. Atari's really outdone themselves. (I think this is one franchise that should just be left to die.)
Wrong forum, and this latest Test Drive looks about as dull as ever. Atari's really outdone themselves. (I think this is one franchise that should just be left to die.)
T themadcowtipper Smells faintly of rancid stilton. May 14, 2005 #5 You have soiled the good name of the OT forum with this thread.
S Shinobi Member May 14, 2005 #6 :lol I won't even try to explain why this thread was posted...it simply wasn't meant to happen. Delete it and put me out of my misery...or hell, leave it up to mock my ass if it's more entertaining.
:lol I won't even try to explain why this thread was posted...it simply wasn't meant to happen. Delete it and put me out of my misery...or hell, leave it up to mock my ass if it's more entertaining.