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Damn TV

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i am at pc I heard crackling I spin around and like the picture is flickering a whole bunch and when I switch it to a video channel, it has like these little white golf ball size *blips* appearing everywhere on the picture ( think the light a tv makes when it goes off and on and then imagine it the size of a golf ball appearing at random spots on the screen and hear *pops* from inside the case)

And I called the store and they said im SOL


edit: and yes I tried different surge protectors, NO surge protectors and even different outlets in other rooms, no change


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, where DO you live?

I am selling a 20" Toshiba flat myself. :p

edit - Toldeo eh? Only a few hours from Cincinnati! Let's get that Ohio meeting scheduled. ;)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
How cheap?

27" analog sets are coming WAY down in price...you could consider that if space isn't an issue.
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