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Dang! Kirby TAM is fun:

But I'll be damned if I'm not stuck in it (yea, it's Kirby... I'm just as suprised as anyone)

I snagged 2 copies and have been playin' it with my girlfriend, you can split off in different directions and play everywhere.. and call the other person when you need shtuffs.

it's like some hermaphroditic shotgun marrage between Castlevania/Metroid, 4-Swords, and Kirby...
In keeping with those exploration games, it seems they like for you to get lost a bunch..
(can anyone point me in the direction of a Walkthrough or abilities list .... also you need the SmashBros. ability to get most places, but I can't find it anymore.)
Smash Bros ability is easy to get from the Master Hand sub boss in Area 1's Goal. Should be a door that takes you right there. Just use the Burning skill from the fire wheel dudes and spam him, and then eat the Hand and POWER UP.


Yeah, this Kirby game is really fun. I didn't know anything about it and was planning on ignorning it (I mean it's Kirby, right?) until last week when I was reading through a Nintendo brochure and saw the line of text that changed my life forever:

* Use Kirby's cell phone to call multiple Kirbys for assistance

That shit knocked me on my ass. A cell phone that calls multiple Kirbys. Do you know what I could do with a phone like that? I'd be unstoppable. A friend of mine told me that I could buy a cell phone and put all of my friends in it and then label them all "Kirby". Not quite as good, but I'm considering it now that I've seen the real thing in action.

The Kirby cell phone just might be the most awesome game item in recorded history (maybe cavemen had better game items, I'm not sure). First of all, let me tell you about these fuckers. They are not there to hold your hand and play along with you. These Kirbys are on a mission, a mission to destory everything in their path so they can stop wasting their time with weaksauce Kirbys like you. You see that star thingy with the cool powers in it? Yeah, forget about it, because one of them is taking it. Just press the R button and watch these things drop down like green berets or some shit, sucking up all of the power ups and going hog-fucking-wild on every enemy on the screen. Boss battles with the Three Kirbys of the Apocalypse are the best, they grab any stars on the screen in a second and then just charge on like a sonbitch, crushing anything in their way under a wave of cute destruction. I half-expect the three of them to turn on me for the final battle, and if that happens I fear for everyone on the other side of me and that game. The three Kirbys must not be allowed to escape from my GBA.

Forget the terrorists. Fear the Kirbys.
levious said:
there's two player co op in this game?
Try 4-player co-op, go anywhere and call your friends or be called when in need. It's one of the best games this gen. And it will be overlooked because once again, it's Kirby. And you all deserve my hot piss in your mouth.

Dave Long

Drinky Crow said:
Smash Bros ability is easy to get from the Master Hand sub boss in Area 1's Goal. Should be a door that takes you right there. Just use the Burning skill from the fire wheel dudes and spam him, and then eat the Hand and POWER UP.

Right there is what IMO is so awesome about Nintendo games. Drinky just spoke in fucking tongues as far as I can tell but when I finally play this game I'll be in on the dialect and singing praises too.
holy crap, this game gets complex!
It's as non-linear as the origional zelda!

the first 2 maps alone are larger than the origional metroid, and just as vague. They should've kept the origional Japanese name 'Mirror Loborynth'...
Nintendo is gonna be responsible for a lot of aneurysms this x-mass.

Cathcart: HAHA, yea crazy 4-Kirby Boss beatdowns can only be comprehended when you actually see them on screen...


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
evilromero said:
Try 4-player co-op, go anywhere and call your friends or be called when in need. It's one of the best games this gen. And it will be overlooked because once again, it's Kirby. And you all deserve my hot piss in your mouth.
Kirby is overlooked? By whom? Nightmare in Dream Land has sold 921,951 copies in the US alone. Of the 41 GBA games Nintendo has published in the US, Kirby:NiDL is 9th.

I wasn't big on NiDL so I'm not sure if I'll pick this up. Maybe down the line.
Don't overlook this game. It is such a huge evolution over past entries in the series that you wouldn't even recognize it. Seriously, you're jaw will drop at the sheer size and scope of this awesome game. If you can manage to get more than one copy, which is asking alot, you will experience one of the best co-op modes in history. I was lucky enough to know two other people with the Japanese version. Using a GB Player and two SPs we were up all night "calling" each other.
evilromero: Don't overlook this game. It is such a huge evolution over past entries in the series that you wouldn't even recognize it. Seriously, you're jaw will drop at the sheer size and scope of this awesome game. If you can manage to get more than one copy, which is asking alot, you will experience one of the best co-op modes in history. I was lucky enough to know two other people with the Japanese version. Using a GB Player and two SPs we were up all night "calling" each other.

I have to agree, this is the full concept of 'Kirby' realized... I'm fully engrosed in it (sketching my own maps and shyt), And I've never been a fan of Kirby games...

It's good too, 'cause games needed more in the 'exploration' genre than just Metroid and Castlevania.
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