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Darien and other Martial Arts ppl ( new Ong-BakTrailer)

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being watched
I loved it when he fights that Korean or Japanese guy with the fuzzball afro and super fast foot movements, terrific! :D


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
You know I still haven't bought Ong Bak because people kept saying the US subtitled versions on eBay were bad quality.....

aoi tsuki

DarienA said:
You know I still haven't bought Ong Bak because people kept saying the US subtitled versions on eBay were bad quality.....
Do you need to know the story? Bad martial artist guy does something bad, good martial artist guy stops him. Along the way, there's minor comedy and a girl. i saw it with French subs (i don't speak French) and came away satisfied.


Ive got a subtitled version and its good. I hear there are a few version some with with shit subs and some with good. The movie kicks major ass by the way, can you say 720 spin kick with you legs on fire :D


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
aoi tsuki said:
Do you need to know the story? Bad martial artist guy does something bad, good martial artist guy stops him. Along the way, there's minor comedy and a girl. i saw it with French subs (i don't speak French) and came away satisfied.

Yeah I actually am pretty anal about wanting to know the stories... ;) It's been awhile though so I'll go ahead and start looking on eBay again.


force push the doodoo rock
the japanese title is MAHHA!!!!!!

i dunno wtf that means. sounds like a laughing sound or something.

the poster is pretty rad looking though.

edit: maha means "mach" as in "mach 5" or whatever.


Thanks for the trailer, I need to check this out...

Yean I oicked this up at a local comicon a few motnhs back. Very good stuff. Hollywood WISHES they could make action movies of this intensity.....
The movie is okay. It is carried by it's great action scenes but then gets bogged down by all of its Van Damme-esque repeated-cuts-from-different-angles shots. It's like the director is so proud of himself that he has to keep showing the same jaw dropping scene over and over and over until the magic of the shot loses any effectiveness. Get it if you like your typical martial arts revenge flick but don't expect anything beyond that.
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