ugh, ive been in the debate so many time i dont even wnat to do it. it never goes anywhere and we just wind up disagreeing... but here goes... *deep breath in*
the mandalorian is amazing, but it feels nothing like the OT. its way more modern, the music is different, there are tons of special effects, cool choreography and there are even a few backflips (OH THE HORROR!! lol) and it doesnt have enough hype surrounding it to bring out the haters. just wait till the next movie comes out. itll get shat on, as always. i mean, just check out all the SW hate videos with millions of views on them. the people making them obviously see that is working for them, why would they stop? itd be foolish and theyd probably wind up losing money bc of it. they cant stop, they have to keep hating SW
and i disagree with the whole idea that SW is some deep meaningful narrative. its a good story and there are themes in it that mean a lot to me personally, but at the end of the day its just a space movie with amazing music and a nice story. a lot of people who see the original trilogy for the first time these days say they are just okay but definitely dont live up to the hype. some even say they just straight up suck.
and whats the matter? you dont like fun? i mean who the hell gets bent out of shape about great special effects, cool looking laser sword fights, backflips and what not? its an all ages popcorn flick that supposed to be fun. it isnt Shakespeare or some mega nuanced narrative with heavy, read between the lines, deep thinking required. its a space movie with an engaging story and its just supposed to be fun, which is exactly what the prequels and sequels are (ok maybe the politics was a bit much in the PT, but the story of how palpatine gained control of the republic couldnt be told without politics... and the ending to rise of skywalker was dumb, so fair enough on that...). but i dont understand the argument that we cant have those things in a movie about space wizards and laser swords
and no one is "actively trying" to fuck up the characters lol. there is no conspiracy, but you are sounding quite a lot like those guys on the youtube videos who are basically making a living off of shitting on SW. lol, dude, no one is trying to destroy your childhood. you guys get so weird with your defense of the OT and accusations of the people making the new movies. not sure where to begin to address that.
i think you just want something that no one can give: to be wowed and amazed like you were the first time you saw the OT. but that cant happen because there will never be another OT. we just have to move on and try to make new movies without holding them up to those kind of ridiculous standards.
*deep breath out* ok go nuts. i dont have the energy to go back and forth. we both made our points but i dont see it going anywhere. especially if youre int he camp of the people making the new movies purposefully trying to destroy the old characters, lol that is just whacko conspiracy babble