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Day of Defeat: Source (interview)


Q: Do you predict DoD:Source will hit stores in 04?
A: I wouldnt even dream of mentioning anything resembling a release date at this point in time. nice try though (piu)

Q: Who makes/made the german voices? Is it a real german or someone who learnd german at school.
A: Our german mapper/sniper Sector-Effector does the voice. Micheal is the man. (piu)

Q: Can the Source Engine handle wind? If so, will there be wind in DoD:S?
A: don't know. bigger fish to fry at the moment. (piu)

Q: So the very first release of DoD: Source is just like a port of DoD 1.3 with better technology right? No new maps, weapons or classes right?
A: There will be a few new features, but outside of those, it will be identical to 1.3 (piu)

Q: Does/will/can the new engine set the appropreate video settings for your system
A: video settings are being tested with CS:S (piu)

Q: how far has the game in development so far and is it going well?
A: Well, the game is ported.. the first playtest was hilarious, but really fun. The ragdolls were awesome. Some of us are busy with other Valve projects at the moment, but soon everyone will be full-time DoD again. (m_b)


Time ta STEP IT UP
I was kinda hoping they'd be farther along with it :( O well, can't win 'em all. As long as I have CS: Source...
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