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DC-era SHT


Recently I've basked once again in the glory that is the shooting genre on the good ol' DC. Is it just me, or is that console home to some of the best and, more important, innovative shmups on this planet?

From the straightforward Gunbird 2, the two player loving of Twinkle Star Sprites, over the unique control scheme of Zero Gunner 2, via the reflect / catch shields of Giga Wing, Giga Wing 2 and Mars Matrix, coming to the "TBS" and "Buzz" risk systems of Shikigami no Shiro 2 and Psyvariar 2, the black/white system of Ikaruga and finally arrving at the so unique Bangai-o! _all_ these shooters rock hard. Easy to pick up, hard to master, is what comes to my mind when trying to dodge my 8 pixel hitbox through 758 enemy bullets. Fun for 5 minutes and fun for 5 weeks when highscore hunting, shmups are always refreshing in todays slobber of 30 hr story snoozefests. You can always come back for a quick fix of action without having to sit through half an hour of introduction and buildup. I'm lovin' it.

Anyway, is there more on the DC that I missed? What's your stance, do we need more SHT bliss? Discuss.

Sho Nuff

Well, there's Zusar Vasar, the Ring, a bunch of Acclaim games --

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you meant DC-era SHIT.


hyperbolically metafictive
you didn't mention the absolute best shooter on dc - border down. it just does so many different things well...pleasingly detailed old-school level design, modern bullet dodging, an extremely deep scoring system, a brilliant ambient soundtrack, stunning visual design. one of the best horizontal shooters i've ever played. by virtue of the scoring system, maybe it's the best.


DaCocoBrova said:
Anyone know where to get Border Down on the cheap?

Btw, I shopped along Akihabara last month and the ONLY copy of BD I found, either used or new, was 10,000 yen for the LE version (like 95 bucks).

It's easier to find Border Down here (NCS, VGD, etc) than it is in Japan. As soon as I got back, I bought the $60 RE version from VGD. But NCS has a sale on the LE version for $70, if you're interested.


It's a 6800 yen game though (~$66), released somewhat recently, and is apparently scarce. $60 is cheaper than the MSRP.
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