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Def Jam FFNY

A.I. is a bag OF SHIT

Billy Gunns unflushed TURD could code something better than this

Never mind the fact the fps on the xbox rev fluctuates 99.9999999% of the time, and Perimeter grapples are unblockable

I just had a fight with some guy named WC

and anything punch, countered, grapple, countered, running grapple countered.

Im just glad I bought this bag of shit used so AKI didnt get any incentive to pander to the suburban "OGs" more.

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Yeah I'm still wary of even renting this game. I hated the AI in the first one. If you don't KO a guy when you use your special your fucked. Makes no sense. You could never pin after a special either.
its going back for MK deception or back on my card for KOC 2 which either, call yukes what u will at least they didnt become the VIBE magazine of videogames.



the AI in this game really is pathetic
the 2 player is fun
the 3-4 player is great

it balances out nicely IMO :b


Fun game, but yeah the AI pisses you off. And since reversals aren't as easy as they were before it can be really annoying when the computer does them non-stop.

And I really don't like how some Blazes don't knock you out... I mean, what's the point of a finisher that doesn't ... finish her (or him)?
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