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Dennis Kucinich concedes primary, endorses Kerry/Edwards

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I swear, when you join a political party, they must make you check your brain and free will at the door. Well, maybe not entirely; Kooch DID run, after all.
I can't think of Kucinich without his "D-D-Den-D-D-Dennis Kucinich" Rock the Vote video immediately coming to mind.

Ahahaha! That's great.

The bad thing is, despite the utter stupidity of that video, what stood out the most was his awful, used-car salesman haircut. That I've seen a thousand times. Christ, it's awful.


Small balls, big fun!
Kucinich thinks we should bring the troops home. They would be replaced by the exact same number of UN peacekeepers. Of course, since we'd be the only country that can and would contribute a large amount of peacekeepers...
Well, this has been the plan for several months. I just figured he'd wait until the convention itself, so I'm only slightly surprised it's happened by now.
Kucinich thinks we should bring the troops home. They would be replaced by the exact same number of UN peacekeepers. Of course, since we'd be the only country that can and would contribute a large amount of peacekeepers...

That plan doesn't sound so hot, since we really wouldn't be bringing the troops home, just putting them under someone elses authority. And I'm sure the UN member countries would just jump at the chance to send troops to Iraq. Jesus, there would be no holding them back at that opportunity.

Wait, no, that's completely wrong. Kucinich really is a moron. Sometimes the system does work to separate the wheat from the chaff, ya know?
I love Kooch but I really don't get what his "endorsement" does. Any of his supporters who actually believe in the the Kucinich platform aren't going to support John Kerry unless they really want to see Bush out of office. As a Kucinich supporter(donated $200+ and voted for him...heck I even heard him speak and met him!!!) I really see no difference between Bush and Kerry on many things...especially in foreign policy.

Things where Bush and Kerry do disagree death penalty and gay marriage amendment....Kerry comes out looking like a mild version of Bush. Kerry is against the death penalty but too chicken shit to do anything about banning it. Kerry is against the marriage amendment but too chicken shit to actually put his neck out on the line saying all US citizens should receive equal rights...which the homosexual community loses out on because the 1049 FEDERAL rights given through marriage can't be given because of DOMA(Edwards on the other hand doesn't even know what the fuck DOMA is...as seen in one of the debates). Equal rights should not be a states' rights issues as Kerry proposes no less than slavery should have been a states' rights issue. So in fact Kerry's domestic agenda sucks as well. He can't even deliver equal rights to people...didn't he support a war in Iraq to get rid of people like this?

In the end...I won't vote for someone who just sucks, even if a great person like Kucinich endorses Kerry.

John Kerry is a douche bag and douche bags should not be president nor do they deserve my support or my vote.

My vote will be going to most likely David Cobb. If the Democratic Party and John Kerry want to run on a piece of shit platform that supports continuing wars, relying on Saudi Oil, fucking over the Palestinians, state-sponsored murder, 400+ billion pentagon budgets, big brother watching over me and so on and so forth...they can blow me.

Kucinich's endorsement of this shit is a disappointment but he has been saying all along he would support the Democratic nominee. Really though, idealists, like myself and most Kucinich supporters won't support douche bags like Kerry.


Small balls, big fun!
I'm amazed that Kucinich didn't win the nomination with guys like you canvassing for him. I mean, who could possibly not be won over by this approach?


Mandark said:
I'm amazed that Kucinich didn't win the nomination with guys like you canvassing for him. I mean, who could possibly not be won over by this approach?
Heh, you should see how my "liberal" friends treat me when I try and get them to sign a petition to get Nader on the GA ballot. You'd think I had just asked them to watch me rape their dog or something.
Ahahaha... only now do I realize that Raoul Duke isn't just a new name for ErasureAcer for the new board. ^_^;

I'm amazed that Kucinich didn't win the nomination with guys like you canvassing for him. I mean, who could possibly not be won over by this approach?
People who vote for douche bags, presumably.


Raoul Duke said:
Heh, you should see how my "liberal" friends treat me when I try and get them to sign a petition to get Nader on the GA ballot. You'd think I had just asked them to watch me rape their dog or something.

They're probably mitigating it with good dose of reality. Nader can't win (ever, quite frankly. But the reasons why have been argued to death), and Bush really is THAT dangerous that it's better to just push him out of office now, and then deal with how centrist the Democratic party has become in 2008.
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