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Desert Combat > BF1942 > Battlefield Vietnam

Everyone was right. I was wrong! Blind Optimism will only get you so far.

Picked up BF Vietnam the other day and while its fun in its own way I suck at it. Its an entirely different game. In my mind they recaptured the Vietnam Experience a little too well. I cant tell who the fucks on my side. Jungle fucking everywhere. No one can fly helicopters. And the maps are too fucking big. Plus they got rid of a good single shot alternative to the sniper class. IM LOOKING AT ENGINEERS.

BF1942 is the same old goodness, and I find my skills havent deminished nearly as much here as I had feared after playing Vietnam. Old maps are a lot of fun, and the familiarity allows me to enact some l33t strategies. Still some people doing dumb shit on these servers.

I dled Desert Combat and Oh wow. Not only did they keep a single shot alternative to a sniper class, but the whole atmosphere as changed for so much the better. I love the new vehicles, the new models are awesome and the maps are a lot of fucking fun. BF2 will require a shitload more than fancier graphics to pass up this mod. Man.! Awesome. Ill be playing tomorrow probably.


BFV <-- try the Point of Existence mod.. it's like DC for BFV

BF1942 <-- try the Forgotten Hope mod.. yes the download is intimidating (1.6GB), but it's one heck of a mod. Hundreds of vehicles. It's basically a better WWII game than BF1942. Sound effects are awesome btw.


Has problems recognising girls
I agree with the topic, as much as I try.. Battlefield Vietnam is not fun. Desert Combat is great and I do enjoy BF1942 quite a lot (Pacific War maps rule).. Have yet to try Forgotten Hope as that's on my "next to do" list but it's been hyped up for months.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Even after I posted all those screenshots, and gave you the link you asked for, you still haven't tried out Forgotten Hope?


I'm going to check out Forgotten Hope soon, first I'm installing Battlefield 1942 and patch 1.6 again. And Desertcombat. Their official site is pathetic though concerning the d/l links. They either aren't working anymore, require you to d/l a downloadprogram or have you register first....

Finally I found a bittorrent though (not very fast)...
Well I picked up 1942 again. And I've downloaded FH. I'll admit, when I heard all this talk about the mod, I assumed it was the Star Wars mod. Then I actually followed a link someone posted and saw what it really was. Seems really cool. But in case people are bandwith restricted, know that it is a realistic style game. Trying to fire that bazooka is a comedy of errors (Guess I should RTFM.)


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Oh yes, don't forget about the Pirates mod either. The most fun is had when running around as a drunkard class with naught but a tankard to smack people in the head with. It's a relatively small download, and the maps load quicker than even the vanilla maps. Lots of ship combat too.

They have a neat little submarine based on the Turtle from the American Revolution, but it has the small problem that it is a kamikaze weapon, so even if you kill somebody with it, you get hit with a TK penalty for blowing yourself up.

I haven't tried it yet, but one of the vehicles is a Komodo Dragon that you can walk around as (or swim) and bite at people.
MrAngryFace said:
Plus they got rid of a good single shot alternative to the sniper class. IM LOOKING AT ENGINEERS..

WRONG! The Vietnamese side has a good alternative to the sniper class. Its basically like No 4 or Type 5 from 1942. Comes with a timebomb and trap kit. Go check it out.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Oh yeah, if you like Desert Combat, but wish there was a little more realism to it, try out Desert Combat Realism Mod. The link is just to one of the download sites; I'm not sure where the homepage is. There's also a map pack to download, and you could probably find the stuff at fpscentral.com. It's based mainly on the DC stuff, so you of course need to have that installed too. Unfortunately, few people seem to play it at the moment, but if you find a server with a good amount of people, it can be quite fun. One of the neat (although troublesome if you have no good teammates) is that the main battle tanks and most IFVs have separated driver/commander and gunner positions. The commander has a view from above the tank, as though looking out the cupola, and can look all around while driving. His fire buttons issue a verbal command to the gunner to traverse right or left. The gunner has a gunsight view, which is a bit magnified/zoomed, so your view is a bit restricted, and you have to rely on the driver to tell you where stuff is a little, but when you do get stuff in your sights, you have a closer view than he does. The MBTs also have switchable ammo types, usually an armor piercing round (anti-armor), or high explosive (anti-infantry).
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