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Destiny |OT33| Hey Luke, What's the Theme for King's Fall? (Unmarked Spoilers)



Unconfirmed Member
mars, today:

eliminate the target
eliminate the target
eliminate the target
eliminate the target
taken incursion, no public event
eliminate the target

just send me
the fucking

fwiw Taken incursions don't take the place of public events. I've had them overlap more times than I can count. Also just check http://destinypublicevents.com/


Hope everyone can get this thing done today so you can wait and get the next part done whenever Bungie decides to spring it on you. I don't understand defending things like this. People have lives and want to enjoy their games on THEIR time.


You guys realize that this is the questline for an Exotic gun right? If they didn't do these types of hidden quest steps/one day availability things then the playerbase would become flooded with the stuff within a couple weeks easily. Especially since the community typically spreads the solutions to the puzzles quickly, so most people simply follow a guide.

This allows people the ability to make tangible progress towards the specific exotic if they want it (rather than waiting on RNG like Y1 Hawkmoon or Gjall) but prevents it flooding the game.

I'll take RNG in a loot game vs. having to follow a schedule.
I got mine within 2 events :p I'll help you get it if you still need it.

Haha. Thanks. I'll hit you up tonight then!

I agree with most folks here...these types of "only this day only" quests are terrible. It's really bad for people who can't actually play everyday. It's like..."Time to start my day...wait what? New mission?! Reset Day!? Gunsmith tomorrow?!"


Should put it on a Saturday/over the weekend or something at least.
Better chance of people having a few hours.

Yeah, weekly stuff is fine, same with Trials and IB since it lasts for a period of time (plus with those you usually know when they're coming). Daily shit with no warning sucks for people with real lives and jobs and responsibilities. I mean obviously it's not the end of the world for anyone if you can't get something the very first day it goes up, but if you're someone who plays a lot but just happens to have one day they can't get on because they have family or work responsibilities and there was no prior notice that's pretty shitty.
Dat real life compatibility of 1 day only events with no prior warning that include mundane grinding during the work week with no idea when it will return next. Black Spindle, The Paradox daily, getting stuff done before armsday, and now this. Having a regular ass job, it's hard enough planning raid times etc.

I'm personally taking it easy on trying to do all this content as soon as it hits. the problem I had with TDB/HoW was that I burned through content too quickly. we're not in danger of actually missing out on content if we miss a week here or there.
Haha. Thanks. I'll hit you up tonight then!

I agree with most folks here...these types of "only this day only" quests are terrible. It's really bad for people who can't actually play everyday. It's like..."Time to start my day...wait what? New mission?! Reset Day!? Gunsmith tomorrow?!"

Instead of drop based RNG we have time based RNG.


Haha. Thanks. I'll hit you up tonight then!

I agree with most folks here...these types of "only this day only" quests are terrible. It's really bad for people who can't actually play everyday. It's like..."Time to start my day...wait what? New mission?! Reset Day!? Gunsmith tomorrow?!"

Yup. I was lucky I even got an opportunity for Black Spindle last week, since Wednesdays are my busiest day during the week, and the only 2 attempts have been Wednesday.


next exotic mission will only for 5 hours in the morning and then not come back for another month! bawahahah

exotic sword is a pretty nice bday gift.



What do you even miss if you don't do whatever this thing is today? It's coming back right? I don't understand the panic aside from the "why can't I do this thing immediately" mindset.


So do you only have to do the mission part today and get the item? Or do you have to do every step of it today? It doesn't seem clear from that tweet. If it's just clearing the mission, no problem.
The way I read it they're referring to those 4 fusion rifle random drops needed to unlock the mission. So I think you only have to do mission part today like you said. This is my interpretation though.
sucks for people with jobs tho. :(

Sure. But it also sucks when people do a raid dozens of times and never get that Fatebringer or Mythoclast. Or having 20 exotic bounties pop and never getting the choice for the weapon you're actually looking for.

I mean, I know people want these things. I want a Spindle but due to missing the launch of TTK because I was moving, I was too far behind to have a chance at it. But that's how it goes sometimes. Everyone will have another chance at this in the future and so far it seems like the questlines themselves aren't nearly as bad as praying for RNG to give you what you want like Y1.


Should put it on a Saturday/over the weekend or something at least.
Better chance of people having a few hours.

Yeah but the whole exploration of the quests get spoiled for those at work, and you might miss it if you dont follow a guide. Kinda shitty but whatever.
Im used to MMO raid style so eh.

I'll take RNG in a loot game vs. having to follow a schedule.

I mean, if that's how you feel about it there's nothing anyone can really say to change that. I mean you guys are entitled to your feelings. But there were a ton of complaints about the RNG of drops in Y1 too so in the end Bungie is damned if they do, damned if they don't.


next exotic mission will only for 5 hours in the morning and then not come back for another month! bawahahah

exotic sword is a pretty nice bday gift.

It's the gift I'm looking forward to most. Though I'm going to be jelly of your Raze-Lighter uppercut.


What do you even miss if you don't do whatever this thing is today? It's coming back right? I don't understand the panic aside from the "why can't I do this thing immediately" mindset.

I'm pretty sure you will feel left out when you see your buddies rolling with their 320 Stimulants.
You guys realize that this is the questline for an Exotic gun right? If they didn't do these types of hidden quest steps/one day availability things then the playerbase would become flooded with the stuff within a couple weeks easily. Especially since the community typically spreads the solutions to the puzzles quickly, so most people simply follow a guide.

This allows people the ability to make tangible progress towards the specific exotic if they want it (rather than waiting on RNG like Y1 Hawkmoon or Gjall) but prevents it flooding the game.

Time gates are one thing. One day only time gates with no advance notice of arriving is fine too. Makes it surprising and neat.

  • Having 0 indication other than a tweet of how long events will last sucks.
  • Having 0 indication when a one day event will be back sucks.
  • If you're not going to tell people how long it will last or when it'll be back, having it last only one day sucks.
I think we were cool with it with Spindle because it was one event. We were cool with it with Praedyth because it's just grimoire. I haven't even gotten around to Ghost hunting yet and I can get all that content at the Ishtar Collective if I'm curious. This is the 2nd Exotic Quest line tied to random daily events and it doesn't feel good.


I'm pretty sure you will feel left out when you see your buddies rolling with their 320 Stimulants.

Not any more than I feel seeing people do almost everything in week 1, have all three exotic swords, have a Chaperone, etc. FOMO is a bad way to experience this game.


This feels exactly like when the community figures out some sort of work around (ie. 3oC), but I am stuck at work while everyone reaps the rewards. I rush home hoping it hasn't been patched yet. The big difference being this is a mechanic implemented by Bungie, not some random exploit. Seems like a bad way to do it. It should either last a few days, or we should know when it will be around next.
You just need to do First Firewall today in order to get the Curious Transceiver.

After you get the receiver, the rest of the steps can be done any time afterwards.


What do you even miss if you don't do whatever this thing is today? It's coming back right? I don't understand the panic aside from the "why can't I do this thing immediately" mindset.

So today, this mission is only unlocked for the people who did the first part of the quest.

Who is to say that the 3rd part of the quest won't just spring up out of nowhere?

Now you have to wait for Bungie to roll back the 2nd part.
You guys realize that this is the questline for an Exotic gun right? If they didn't do these types of hidden quest steps/one day availability things then the playerbase would become flooded with the stuff within a couple weeks easily. Especially since the community typically spreads the solutions to the puzzles quickly, so most people simply follow a guide.

This allows people the ability to make tangible progress towards the specific exotic if they want it (rather than waiting on RNG like Y1 Hawkmoon or Gjall) but prevents it flooding the game.

Who cares if someone gets all the exotics at once? The only options are:
Gating it behind a grind
Making boss specific loot
Time gating

The only reason rng doesnt work is because people will grind to get the thing. Unlike say, Diablo 3, the exotics all have the same perks and stats and you can level them up. So they decide to gate a good amount of exotics through either a fucked up grind(swords) or time gate it. People being able to get all of the exotics for vanilla wasnt the problem. It shouldnt be a problem. Instead their solution is to artifically longeviate the process of getting an exotic while letting everyone the fair chance of earning it? On the one hand sure thats nice, everyone gets the same exotic. On the other hand, fuck this arbitrary gating and bring back the rng, when someone got a Gjallahorn it was a moment of victory. Now its just a job of waiting week by week for something everyone will have.

Fuck. That. Noise.


Not any more than I feel seeing people do almost everything in week 1, have all three exotic swords, have a Chaperone, etc. FOMO is a bad way to experience this game.

It's exclusionary for the sake of being exclusionary. This isn't just the hardcores powering through and getting everything first. This actually excludes hardcores that just happen to be busy today. Maybe they miss out on the next step of the quest and are behind a week. Who knows, but it seems more and more that this sort of thing is popping up.

This is like bad RNG but for real life when people happen to be busy.


I had more trouble getting the Warsat on Earth than I did on Mars. I went straight to Scablands on my Hunter and Titan and got the Warsat event on first try. Damn thing wouldn't pop up at Skywatch or Mothyards for my Hunter. It was after nearly an hour when I finally got it to pop up at Mothyards.


Not any more than I feel seeing people do almost everything in week 1, have all three exotic swords, have a Chaperone, etc. FOMO is a bad way to experience this game.

That's your choice. If you don't want something right away, cool.

Some people do. You can't really tell someone how to enjoy the game.
Who cares if someone gets all the exotics at once? The only options are:
Gating it behind a grind
Making boss specific loot
Time gating

The only reason rng doesnt work is because people will grind to get the thing. Unlike say, Diablo 3, the exotics all have the same perks and stats and you can level them up. So they decide to gate a good amount of exotics through either a fucked up grind(swords) or time gate it. People being able to get all of the exotics for vanilla wasnt the problem. It shouldnt be a problem. Instead their solution is to artifically longeviate the process of getting an exotic while letting everyone the fair chance of earning it? On the one hand sure thats nice, everyone gets the same exotic. On the other hand, fuck this arbitrary gating and bring back the rng, when someone got a Gjallahorn it was a moment of victory. Now its just a job of waiting week by week for something everyone will have.

Fuck. That. Noise.

Again, your feelings are valid. I'm not saying they're not.

But "Who cares if everyone gets all the exotics at once?" I'd guess Bungie does. Stuff like that causes multiple issues. It can make the content steamrollable (Gjall), it can lead to players running through the content immediately and stopping because "there's nothing to do," and the last and least important is that it causes the items to not feel unique or special which is a goal that Bungie has always been clear about achieving with Exotics.

I just don't see it as something to be all that upset about personally.


Rewatched that video of the sleeper and it looks neat, but I wouldn't choose it over the malice in the raid, nor would I choose it over truth during heavy round in trials, so I'm not seeing a reason to panic and ditch real life tonight to get on Destiny.

I'm falling behind, in that I don't have an exotic sword or the chaperone or rank 5 gunsmith or this, but I've got my touch of malice and spindle for the raid and my trials set-up is feeling pretty solid so what's the rush?

We've got months to collect these things


You just need to do First Firewall today in order to get the Curious Transceiver.

After you get the receiver, the rest of the steps can be done any time afterwards.

Oh that's much better. I can handle that.

Destiny is one of the few games where I see and hear so many people with jobs and kids. I am honestly impressed with you guys who can sink so much time into this game and balance real life.

It's like any other hobby, but society still puts a stigma on videogames. I catch shit and my wife does too from friends for me spending time at night playing Destiny. Meanwhile other dads/husbands will leave their family all goddamn weekend to shoot ducks and drink. But that's more acceptable.
Yeah, I'm really enjoying the machine gun and pulse rifle. The others are meh. Maybe the scout with full auto would be okay.
I like the scout with full auto.

The other day I was using the scout + shotgun for strikes and basically never had to reload. Just switch to the other once the clip is empty. Was kinda cool.


And you can't fault a game for the fact that you have a life.

I think I can.

If they want to piece meal content to stretch it out as far as they can to keep people coming back, that's one thing.

But to piece meal it out and then put a limited time frame to complete a requirement is another.

Having Black Spindle be available any time you want to take the challenge (which at one point was very difficult) should be enough to earn you your exotic.

You shouldn't have to worry about a random day you're not able to play to even try the challenge.
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