(Memorial site established by Drizz's wife at http://www.allenmackey.com)
This OT is presented due to the invaluable efforts of Lnkn52 and JohnOfMars, who provided graphics, writing, and collected stats from across the web.
My sincerest thanks also to all those throughout DestinyGAF who provided stories, images, and videos.
Special recognition is due to Macello as well, for taking the intiative to set up a fund for our contributions and have the "Guardian Angel" bouquet delieverd.
Finally, a shout-out to DeathJr, Unstable and all others who championed the close runner-up for the title of this thread, a dumb pun that Drizz would've loved: "The Doctor is Out."
This thread is a celebration of Dr. Drizzay's life and the immeasurable impact he had on our community.
My sincerest thanks also to all those throughout DestinyGAF who provided stories, images, and videos.
Special recognition is due to Macello as well, for taking the intiative to set up a fund for our contributions and have the "Guardian Angel" bouquet delieverd.
Finally, a shout-out to DeathJr, Unstable and all others who championed the close runner-up for the title of this thread, a dumb pun that Drizz would've loved: "The Doctor is Out."
This thread is a celebration of Dr. Drizzay's life and the immeasurable impact he had on our community.

No corner of our community was untouched by his legacy.
Here are some collected stories and memories- still a mere fraction of the times we had.
(presented in alphabetical order by username)
Here are some collected stories and memories- still a mere fraction of the times we had.
(presented in alphabetical order by username)
Biggy70686 said:Like many of you on DGAF I'm in awe of Drizzay's contribution to the community, His commitment to help each and every guardian with whatever activity they requested is phenomenal. I'm thankful to be part of this great community and to have met such a great kind soul.
You've inspired me to reach out and help the community.
R.I.P Allen Carr Mackey AKA DrDrizzay101
Chucker said:I was literally talking to my IB Train last night about the last time I ran trials with him. I did poorly, and he gave me constructive criticism.
He made me feel like I had disappointed my dad, and told me how to be better. Nobody else was like him.
I didn't play with him a whole lot, but we certainly talked in Discord.
He was too good, a saint.
RIP Drizz, see you when I see you.
If you still have space, that is.
Dave_6 said:My last interaction with him was a couple months ago about him running my account in Trials. I knew he was a nice guy but to do something like this for me and so many others with no questions asked is out of the ordinary these days. I knew I didn't have to worry about him doing something stupid like deleting one of my characters or stealing any of my account info either. Well an hour later I get this screenshot sent to me from him:
Needless to say I was super excited. I had been chasing a Doctrine for weeks and just didn't have the skills to get it myself. I will never delete the loot I got from this and I will never forget how much Drizzay did for us and the Destiny community in general.
RIP man, you will be sorely missed by so many...
deafmedal1 said:Almost all of my playtimes with Doc were raid related, especially VoG- I'm fairly sure the last time we were partied up we waxed poetic about VoG and how it was a shame it was left behind, forever lost in the dark corners of time.
Anywho, on a fateful night, on the Ides of March in '15 a group popped up here to do a run. Doc, ocean, Xion, Majik, lunlun and I... This was during the great G'horn drought. Always was great playing with someone who didn't have one when they finally got it. Xion was one such person and his reaction was fanfuckingtastic! Dude was crying and sooooo fucking happy, it was awesome to be a part of that. We actually did a "throwback" run, where we all rocked as much VoG gear as we could (I still do this!) and it was just pure fun
Link to page group formed, make sure to check out post 407 on the next page for a not as good written announcement by Xion
Very nostalgic reading those two pages.
Of course, I will always cherish our HM VoG Flawless- everyone told me I was crazy and it would be too hard. Not with the pros in that fire team![]()
Duebrithil said:30th of November 2014, 14:49 in the afternoon. That's the exact unlock date of my "Flawless Rider" trophy.
Those weren't easy days for prospective flawless riders: only Vault of Glass was available and the final boss, Atheon, had a tendency to glitch out and ruin people's runs (the rumor went, as retaliation for certain "disrespectful" behavior towards him). Not all hope was lost though, as The Templar's recently developed phobia of grenades simplified much of the run.
The Templar bug was not going to last long (and indeed was patched next tuesday), so time was of the essence. Furthermore the infamous jumping puzzle could turn a perfect run south real quick.
Trying to help 5 strangers through such a challenge when factors outside player skill could ruin everything would have given pause to most people.
Fortunately Drizzay was not most people, and had already helped others before us. After a first rocky run where lag screwed us over, the real run went without a hitch: confluxes were destroyed, platforms were jumped (without need for skipping the whole thing even!) and we sent Atheon packing out of our timeline.
Here's a clip of the Atheon fight, recorded by Coy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1W0lncCoow
Surely the amount of work, pressure and repetition would tire Drizz? Hah! See what he had to say after the endeavour:
Flawless #5, woohoo!! Great job everybody and big congrats to all the new guardian lords and soon-to-be guardian lords!!Boguester said:Flawless #5, woohoo!! Great job everybody and big congrats to all the new guardian lords and soon-to-be guardian lords!!
Not only was that a glitch-free Atheon fight, but we got three straight left-side portals and burned him down with T's V every time. Holy shit, I'm speechless. Only the second post-hotfix, glitch-free Atheon fight I've ever seen.
Not only was that a glitch-free Atheon fight, but we got three straight left-side portals and burned him down with T's V every time. Holy shit, I'm speechless. Only the second post-hotfix, glitch-free Atheon fight I've ever seen.
And that's how I like to think about Drizzay: Always willing to help a fellow Guardian, and happy when he could push us ever closer towards our goals.
Flawless rider, Crota, Skolas, Oryx... Thank you for everything.
E92 M3 said:Drizz, helped me a lot with my transition to PS4 trials. Starting out, I didn't have much and was underleveled, but he still played with me to get things started. And also, was just a great guy to talk to.
Truly one of a kind.
Frostburn said:One of my most random and fondest memories of Drizzy is him sharing HM Gorgon's checkpoint while on his Vita and me on my fresh level 30 Titan I leveled super fast not being able to jump up to the cave opening correctly. He immediately took to the DGAF thread to make fun of me about it.
And my reply:Boguester said:lol Frostburn, your jumping is an insult to Titans everywhere! Where are the ups??
Edit: I was so upset I tried to aggro the Gorgons onto you...
Just a random moment in time with one of the best of DestinyGAF.This guy just hit 20 then 30 last week. I'm a Titan n00band the glare on my TV from the sun is SOOO bad right now.
GlamFM said:GraveRobber and I used to play regularly for a long time. Every Tuesday morning (Germany time) instead of going to work we did our reset duties together.
One day Grave did not show up and we soon learned that he had had an accident.
Fast forward MONTHS later and he is online all of a sudden! And he´s in a fireteam of five! Of course I jump in!
"Hey Grave! Long time no see! How are you?"
"Hey Glam. It´s me, Drizz. I´m just helping Grave getting his Characters into shape so he can play with us once he´s back"
That´s so Drizz, because not only did he play his characters, carry everybody to the moon and back. No, he also logged into a friends account to help him catch up.
GraveRobberX said:The first day I got back home from a 1 year stay at the hospital, I searched him out through party chat while he was helping someone
Just as I joined, he let out a nice great hello in his distinct voice
I went Drizzay mised you and thank you for my characters and helping leveling them up
He joked now it would be a problem of identity crisis that there's a Real GraveRobberX and Fake GraveRobberX.
The meme joke carried in the inner circles for a few weeks
I just remember talking to him for hours just shooting the shit on my first day back, not even logging into Destiny, just wanted to say Hello to my buddy.
I might have not known him super personal, but I always was there to be by his side if needed, he went out of his way to get me ready once I came back
Gonna miss him so much.
GutZ31 said:When I was first getting involved with Destiny, and the Vault of Glass raid, I would frequently do the raid over and over throughout the week to learn the ins and outs. After a while, I get fairly confident in my ability to not be the weak link in a raid.
Shortly after getting comfortable with the raid, I played with Drizzay, and was in awe at what he knew, and his willingness to impart his knowledge on me, and anyone willing to listen.
Meeting him that one time changed me from wanting to be a raider, to wanting to be part of the community, to teach, and learn from each other.
My first meeting with Drizzay made me want to lead people thru some of the hardest PvE content Destiny has to offer.
I became a better person because of that.
This community is better for having known him.
Hawkian said:I spent a long time trying to come up with the "best" or "most epic" Drizzay story I had, but then decided just to settle on the first one that came to mind, because it was so him.
A newbie who had never done Skolas before posted looking for help with it. Through serendipity both he and I offered to assist; I joked as soon as we we in the fireteam that our new friend was really getting the all-star treatment here. Surefire success was our only outcome, of course.
We tore through the Prison of Elders and left Skolas a smoldering hole in the ground. I'm sure this was Drizz's 85th time killing him or something. This was just after the shotgun nerf, so we were sliding around struggling to get kills on yellow enemies that would've been cake the day before.
But Drizz didn't complain about that in our party chat. No, almost every word I remember about our run both during and after was praise and advice for this newbie we ran with. He couldn't stop talking about how well he did and what a great kill it was for a first-timer. It stuck with me as exactly 100% the way new players deserve to be treated when they come to our community for help, and putting it into my own practice helping others is the way I'll make sure to never forget the lesson.
Hypermusic said:Hi,
Mine isn't some big story or the like, but I remember it fondly.
As usual with IB and GAF we ended up together in a team. One match he ended up finishing below me and as I'm fairly bad at PvP, I said it was an insult to finish below me:
He laughed and said he'd rectify that next time. It was all banter and I said "sure". This was the next time we played:
I was so busy laughing and so was he. It was just an absolute pleasure being in his company, and my only regret is I didn't have the opportunity to play more Destiny with him more.
My best, K.
igordennis said:My story with drizzay is -as you would expect from me- a trials match. We played thousands together but some of them stand out, some were exhilarating, some were incredibly depressing to the point it made me and him not play destiny for a week, some were absolutely hilarious, and some made us feel at the top of the world. But most of all, all of them were fun.
And not even because of the game itself, but because of who i was playing it with. If you ever played trials with him you'll know what i'm talking about. His presence gave an incredible sense of safety and confidence, he made everything seem possible. Yes, even a 0-4 comeback against a team with 3 supers. I have played with a lot of players that had better stats than him but this warm "aura" was unique to him.
And so, one of the highlights of my trials memories with him is a particular match on frontier. If you know me by now, you know how much i hate frontier. But it was only after this weekend that i started disliking the map. But certainly not because of this match that I'm talking about, no.
This match...was a match at the end of friday. Me and him had (as frenden would put it) been poop-socking it that day and were playing trials on that god forsaken map for 8+ hours. We played 60+ matches that day, something like 6 or 7 successful cards, more than half of them being us helping weaker players. And so it was a marathon, we didn't set off the session planning on doing one but it ended up becoming one because of our enjoyment of it. Especially helping weaker players get to the mythical (and ever harder to get) lighthouse. Me and drizz agreed on this fact of Destiny: there is nothing more rewarding that this game offers than helping someone get to mercury. Or as he put it, "deflowering mergins (mercury virgins)".
And so this match was at the end of this marathon, the very last card. It was almost 3 am for me and we were tired but playing as focused as ever. Because this one, like i said, was helping a mercury virgin. And the stakes were higher than ever, this was final boss and we had lost our mercy earlier to a really good team so this was gonna be make or break. And since it was our last match of the last card for the day it would also either make us sleep really bad or make us sleep like a baby. Ending the day on a loss as painful as this one would be really fucks you up, me and Drizz absolutely hated ending the day on that note. It makes you forget all that you accomplished earlier that day (which was a lot) and all that is left ringing in loud tones on your mind as you fall asleep is that sour loss.
Our third was mercury virgin foxehkins, to be honest I'm not even sure if he is a gaffer, i don't think he is. All i know is he came asking for Drizz for help and, of course, Drizz offered a hand. Anyway, this was as sweaty as a final boss could be, really good team, self-rezzing warlocks, bullshit firebolts, extremely slow match, the other team abusing the cheese spots on the awful map that is Frontier, all that mess.
So we lose the first round (don't know how because it didn't record it). We lose the second round because they abuse the cheese spot on the map to get a pick on me and collapse on us. But in turn we win the next round because we punish that guy cheesing that spot by getting a pick. This guy self rezzes and after a lot of scramble and 8 kills for our team and only 3 for the enemy team we manage to close out the round. 1-2
The next round goes all the way to cap zone and when everyone starts moving there i manage to get two down, kill the last guy as he gets a revive and the revived guy dies soon after. 2-2. Next round they start by getting a pick on our carry but me and drizz manage to play off of it and win the round, 3-2.
Next round, things start derailing. We use all of supers, they use two of their smashes and i died to an unfortunate really long range shockwave. 3-3. We lose the next round because i shot a guy's neck instead of his head and get picked off. 3-4. We were kinda hopeless at this point.
On the next round i appropriately shoot their heads and win the sniper battle to get all 3 of them down, but the warlock self-rezzes while i wasn't watching and prolongs the round while getting all 3 of them up and our carry being dead. Me and drizz fall back and make plans for the cap zone. We manage to win that round by me sniping a guy, drizz sniping another one and me trading with a smash. 4-4.
Last round, drizzay gets a pick, and we push, he uses his blade but gets smashed (expected), so i use mine and kill two of them. One guy standing on their side, all 3 on our side. Drizz closes out the match by sniping him. We win. The famous "LETS FUCKING GO" is appropriately yelled some 4 times as loud as drizz could. I celebrate with him and we spend some 5 minutes stretching and making some weird (almost orgasmic) noises of relief as we go to our final destination, Mercury.
The night is closed out on a bright note and me and drizz have a late night talk for like an hour about trials and various stuff. This is one of my best and most cherished memories with him.
I saved the video but it doesn't have voice. But when we won, that was the most hype i ever saw him. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr3txbuEU0c
I will forever miss what he brought to this game, which was something unique and very personal. Rest assured, 20 years from now when I'm logging off for the last time on Destiny 4 or whatever, the person i will be thinking of is going to be none other than DrDrizzay101, or as he signed it to me on a PM:
Jinjo said:I can only hope to leave a fraction of the impact he had on this community. I played with him throughout my entire Destiny adventures from almost the beginning, whenever he was in your group you knew you'd succeed. A great Guardian and an unbelievable kind and fun person. It is no surprise why he was so truly loved by the community. If there ever was a true Iron Lord, it was him. May he look upon us from the Traveler in the sky during the rest our adventures. Rest in peace, Guardian.
Kalamari said:I never got to know Drizzay that well, or play with him that often, but I had a ton of respect for the guy. The few times that I was able to play with him, it felt like I had won the lottery or something, he was always a pleasure to interact with whether it be on the forums, twitch chat, or in Destiny.
The amount of time and effort he devoted to helping others was enormous, in fact people would joke about there being a Drizzay Signal to activate, much like Batman's, if you needed help with something. Subtly implying that he had gained superhero status among those that knew him.
Klyka said:Driz helped me and another DGAFfer to beat Skolas for the Year 1 Triumphs.
Then we sat in a party chat and like, these two kids, couldn't have been older than 13 maybe joined and kept asking Drizz to help them with Skolas.
He had literally just spent 3 hours pulling us two through Skolas where we fucked up SO much and kept apologizing to him and instead of saying "No, sorry, I am tired" he just went "yeah sure, let's go" and went with the two kids and did it.
Honestly, Drizzay deserves a damn statue next to the Iron Lords.
LiK said:My best memory was when we got the Flawless Raider trophy together. This was in early November 2014 during the first year of Destiny. We spent literally 2 weeks in VOG trying to get it through all the glitches and accidental deaths by various Gaffers who grouped with us. It was quite a struggle and when we finally did it, it was an amazing feeling. I still remember how excited he was when we finally got it. He screamed with such relief and we finally got to sleep well. He was such a nice guy and we would have great conversations together. He was one of my bros in Destiny and was always nice to me. And when we got frustrated with the game for whatever reasons, we had some good laughs anyway. I will never forget him. He was a good dude.
RIP, my friend. You were the best in DGAF.
This screenshot was when I finally got the trophy and I'm happy Drizzay is in it:
Lnkn52 said:Drizzay helped me achieve the impossible in Destiny.
But one thing that he and I shared was trying to make the OT nice and spiffy. I will miss the collaboration, I will miss my fan, I will miss my dear friend.
LTWood12 said:There's so many memories, but having him on speed dial for HM Crota was so awesome. And then feeling like I'd 'made it' when he'd call on me to help him out with a group of newbies. Seeing so many people finally clear that hurdle and the screams of joy they got from it is just cemented forever in my memory.. He took so much joy from helping others, and anytime I'm able to do that now, I'm going to think about him.
See you at the lighthouse Doc,
Macello said:Anyone who knew him felt like they were his most important friends, that he would always show up to help if you put up the signal, because that's the kind of guy he was. His incredible gaming skills were insignificant compared to his quality as a person.
Mass Appeal said:When I first started posting on DGAf around the time Crotas End raid came out, my real life friends had already quit Destiny because of numerous reasons but I still loved the game and wanted to continue playing. I was hesitant at first because I didn't feel like I could be welcomed. It was tough but I remember making my first post there about wanting to join a raid and Drizzy welcomed me with open arms to join one ot their raids.
I was immediately accepted by him as a member of the community and him explaining the mechanics of the raid floored me because of how genuine and kind he was even though I was a newer player. He never got frustrated by the numerous times we had to wipe because of me. Finishing that raid and hearing my excitement got him excited and that's something I will never forget.
The last afew years I have had some of the most memorable gaming experiences in my life. He and Wicked carrying me to the lighthouse in year one is probably one of the most amazing experiences in gaming for me. Drizzy pretty much saved Destiny for me when all my friends had quit.
Namikaze1 said:I remember my raid group got stuck at Oryx for a long while and weekly reset was coming. We wanted to get our first Oryx kill before the raid reset for its very first time (this was during KF's first weekend) and some of us couldn't make it. I ended up joining a few others who got stuck at Oryx as well Saturday morning. Drizzay offered to help us out since he already cleared it. It took us 90 minutes on the Oryx encounter alone but we managed to bring down the king. I stuck around with Drizz that day for a second run. He ended up helping a couple more groups beat Oryx that weekend. Dude was always helping out others. Rest in peace, good doctor.