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Destiny |OTForever29| The Season Finale


Has there been any word on exotic bounties? I just got another one and I'm curious if I wait to cash it in until TTK, can I get the new version? (Bad juju)

I'm wondering about this, too. I got one during IB and I don't want to turn it into Xander yet, just in case.

On a side note, is the Vault space doubling next week, or does that come with TTK? I'm so full... haven't been sharding because of Bungie saying 'don't shard' anything. But I'm so full. Postmaster is stuffed, too.

Deku Tree

I like where bungie is going with "The Taken" because it is one unified enemy force.

That was the good thing about the Covenant from Halo... They were a bunch of different enemy types but they were all working together to try to take you out.

Having four different warring enemy types in Vanilla Destiny was a bit too much, and it meant that we didn't learn enough about any of them.


However long it takes. I'll play as late a possible. (May be quiet on the mic though, as it gets later).

I have a level 34 warlock sun singer btw
When are you planning to run it and do you have a 3rd? I might be able to get on in 2 hours and could bring my Titan if you guys don't have a 3rd noob yet.


I remember that DLC Timeline slide showing the next DLC after TTK is Cabal-themed and then Vex-themed DLC before Destiny 2. Dunno if it's to be believed, but believe.

Edit: Goddamn, top of page...
Because one cannot have too much Jade Rabbit.

Especially the xbox one players amirite?

*SnakeEyes and Todd high five and their laughs are heard off in the distance*


I like where bungie is going with "The Taken" because it is one unified enemy force.

That was the good thing about the Covenant from Halo... They were a bunch of different enemy types but they were all working together to try to take you out.

Having four different warring enemy types in Vanilla Destiny was a bit too much, and it meant that we didn't learn enough about any of them.

On that note, I'm hoping Bungie is able to really mix up the types of Taken we fight against, given they are all unified under Oryx. Cabal Phalanxes with Hive Acolytes in tow, Fallen Captains flanked by Thralls and Psions. That sort of thing.


I'll definitely be raiding right when it launches. No idea who will be available to be on the team. I'm hoping to get folks who have the time to grind up some high Light gear etc in preparation then raid for as long as it takes. I'll be playing a ton that week but I know not everyone has as much availability as me.

I'm going to be off Wed thru Friday, so basically come Tuesday night I'll be playing straight through the weekend, AND I have 3 Titan's still so I'll be taking advantage of gear for all of them before I delete them for other classes. I should be 40 and with good Light gear by the raid.


Especially the xbox one players amirite?

*SnakeEyes and Todd high five and their laughs are heard off in the distance*


My gut feeling is that they don't want a mode that doesn't feature the core design of Destiny become popular.

We'll see I guess.
*core gimmicks

lol seriously tho they should really let us enjoy the basic gunplay elements of destiny a bit more - launch day was far and away the best pvp of destiny's lifetime just because people hadn't unlocked/learned to exploit the abilities yet.

Omg just go play CoD or any other shooter cuz thats basically what you are asking here
CoD =/= Destiny. The closest you can get is trying to play Reach (because it's a Bungie engine) and not only does it have it's own layer of gimmicks, but it also has less population than your average grade four classroom.

Or are you being sarcastic?


Mrs. Harvey
Good runs guys. 99th PR, Fatebringer and AE. And 99999999999999999999999999th Timebreaker.

Went to postmaster and another VOC and VEX was waiting for me.


I really hope the 2.0 meta makes me like it more, because there are aspects of destiny pvp I really enjoy. Of course, custom games and tournament capability would make me like it more. And maybe a hardcore playlist of some sort where you start with specific weapons.
How about a playlist that only lets you in if you have all white gear (or some colour/rarity specific to the playlist) that you pick up from a dedicated vendor? Gear rotates consistently but covers all of the impact/rof archetypes so you can use your favourite type of weapons without having to stress about cheesy rolls?

Wishlist: play as quartermaster-bot character models with generic abilities - melee is just a punch, nade is something simple like a flux grenade, super just refills X% ammo for all weapons, maybe including nearby teammates. Rotate gametypes weekly, and drop white (or playlist specific rarity) perk-less weapons with raid-level attack ratings as rewards.


Zoba, you could have the title Meta Critic on the 8th and then on the 15th:

Destiny the Taken King |OT| Enter the Rings
Destiny the Taken King |OT| Lord of the Rings

Or something with rings cause of Saturn, I don't know.


Any idea/opinions on where the best place is to rack up sniper rifle kills? Sniper rifle kills are one of the last two PvE grimoire cards I don't have maxed. Looking around online I saw some really old posts referencing using the Ice Breaker on we have woken the hive, but I just tried that and it doesn't seem that efficient since you load into the encounter with no ammo? Was thinking maybe instead heading up to the cliff on Mars that overlooks the entrance into the strike ship where people also farm for Colossus kills? I have an Ice Breaker and No Land Beyond.


Saw the sword in action, saw the three wizards fight, saw a glimpse of the dreadnought scale... Oh yeah, oh yeah, OH YEAH! Hypesploddddde


Any idea/opinions on where the best place is to rack up sniper rifle kills? Sniper rifle kills are one of the last two PvE grimoire cards I don't have maxed. Looking around online I saw some really old posts referencing using the Ice Breaker on we have woken the hive, but I just tried that and it doesn't seem that efficient since you load into the encounter with no ammo? Was thinking maybe instead heading up to the cliff on Mars that overlooks the entrance into the strike ship where people also farm for Colossus kills? I have an Ice Breaker and No Land Beyond.

My wife goes to town with her sniper in the Citadel.


Any idea/opinions on where the best place is to rack up sniper rifle kills? Sniper rifle kills are one of the last two PvE grimoire cards I don't have maxed. Looking around online I saw some really old posts referencing using the Ice Breaker on we have woken the hive, but I just tried that and it doesn't seem that efficient since you load into the encounter with no ammo? Was thinking maybe instead heading up to the cliff on Mars that overlooks the entrance into the strike ship where people also farm for Colossus kills? I have an Ice Breaker and No Land Beyond.
I just farmed this the other day and got my sniper kills on Mars patrol in the area where you farm the Hydra.
After discussing the weapon patch in regards to the TLW, it looks like the following is going to happen:

• The Last Word will no longer be a viable mid ranged primary, forcing players to rely on mid-ranged secondaries such as a Sniper or a good Fusion Rifle
• The Last Word's lethality will increase in CQB, with enhanced accuracy and precision aim assist while hipfiring. However, it'll require more control.
• ADS will still be possible, but the kill time will be higher

With these changes, TLW will remain the weapon of choice competitively for aggressive players. Other players who don't necessary fit that playing style will likely switch over to other weapons.


How about a playlist that only lets you in if you have all white gear (or some colour/rarity specific to the playlist) that you pick up from a dedicated vendor? Gear rotates consistently but covers all of the impact/rof archetypes so you can use your favourite type of weapons without having to stress about cheesy rolls?

Wishlist: play as quartermaster-bot character models with generic abilities - melee is just a punch, nade is something simple like a flux grenade, super just refills X% ammo for all weapons, maybe including nearby teammates. Rotate gametypes weekly, and drop white (or playlist specific rarity) perk-less weapons with raid-level attack ratings as rewards.

I think that would be cool, and probably the only way they could do it currently in destiny. I doubt they could easily swap your weapons out for a single match of crucible.

After discussing the weapon patch in regards to the TLW, it looks like the following is going to happen:

• The Last Word will no longer be a viable mid ranged primary, forcing players to rely on mid-ranged secondaries such as a Sniper or a good Fusion Rifle
• The Last Word's lethality will increase in CQB, with enhanced accuracy and precision aim assist while hipfiring. However, it'll require more control.
• ADS will still be possible, but the kill time will be higher

With these changes, TLW will remain the weapon of choice competitively for aggressive players. Other players who don't necessary fit that playing style will likely switch over to other weapons.

Did you get more information about it? Or is this conjecture? Either way, that is pretty much how I use it. I'm more than happy to switch out my secondary for a more mid range weapon like a fusion.
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