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Did you guys get a lot of trick or treaters?


Hey all,
Kind of weird. Normally we get at least 100 kids. We live in a housing development and the kids used to come in packs with parents driving groups over. We would go through 5 to 6 bags of candy. Today I had less than 25. Usually they start at 6 and go to around 9. Today they started around 7 and were done before 8...

Did you guys notice a huge difference? Our temps are seasonal (usual cold night) and it isn't even raining.


Gold Member
It’s freezing outside. Kids must be getting smarter. Every Halloween has been colder and colder. This year I had two coats on. I saw fewer kids out trick or treating tonight. There’s a couple houses that have big Halloween decorations and they won’t stop. Last year I saw groups of kids all over the place. There were even more the year before that.


No, it was great, I just started season 2 of Yellowstone last night, don't need no cow pokes knocking for no god damn sugar..


Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable

Perfect. I don't really get the appeal of people knocking at the door, tbh.
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None sadly. Currently living in a golfing subdivision, at 47 I'm the youngest person here by about 2 decades. There's nary a kid in sight unless somebody's got grandkids visiting.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
About 50 or so. We set up a table at the bottom of our driveway with chairs, a portable propane heater, a Bluetooth speaker and a couple of beers.
Does anyone know why Apple considers Sweet Dreams as a Halloween song?
About 50 or so. We set up a table at the bottom of our driveway with chairs, a portable propane heater, a Bluetooth speaker and a couple of beers.
Does anyone know why Apple considers Sweet Dreams as a Halloween song?

Is it the Manson version? That was playing on our Halloween mix at work, alongside his version of "This is Halloween" from The Nightmare Before Christmas.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Is it the Manson version? That was playing on our Halloween mix at work, alongside his version of "This is Halloween" from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
I skipped it but pretty sure it was the original. I'm guessing a movie soundtrack, but it doesn't ring a bell and I watch a ton of horror movies.


None, I got none this year. I left a big bowl of candy out. Last year I got a group or two since I saw the kids dropped their candy on my lawn when they left. This year nada.


I got more than I expected in a new sub division and with snow storm. It isn’t like when I was a kid though, all those kids who loved doing it now are a bunch of Scroogey fucks who hate kids.
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We had around 100, which was quite a bit less than last year. But it was pretty cold out last night around here. (Even had a few snow flurries)

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
The appeal is the candy. It's Halloween that's what kids do on Halloween. Do you need further explanation?
What a rudely phrased reply.

However, embarrassingly, it would appear that it is you that needs further explanation. Since I was replying to a thread full of lament at the lack of people receiving trick or treaters and then said I was quite pleased that my evening was evening wasn't interrupted, the appeal that I was talking about was of receiving the trick or treaters.

The question I was asking (long form) was:

"Huh, what is it that you enjoy about giving confectionary out to strangers children on your doorstep? I don't really see the appeal"

Someone might have then replied,

"Well, I actually know all the kids and their families, they aren't strangers and it's nice to do a community thing"

I might have replied, "Ah that's nice, I don't live in the US where hallowe'en is still quite different culturally, but it is definitely becoming more of a thing"

Instead, and if I may distill your reply further, you offered up:


So, another beautiful moment on Neogaf.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Since I have been in my current house I have an 800 foot driveway and no kids walk down it.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
What a rudely phrased reply.

However, embarrassingly, it would appear that it is you that needs further explanation. Since I was replying to a thread full of lament at the lack of people receiving trick or treaters and then said I was quite pleased that my evening was evening wasn't interrupted, the appeal that I was talking about was of receiving the trick or treaters.

The question I was asking (long form) was:

"Huh, what is it that you enjoy about giving confectionary out to strangers children on your doorstep? I don't really see the appeal"

Someone might have then replied,

"Well, I actually know all the kids and their families, they aren't strangers and it's nice to do a community thing"

I might have replied, "Ah that's nice, I don't live in the US where hallowe'en is still quite different culturally, but it is definitely becoming more of a thing"

Instead, and if I may distill your reply further, you offered up:


So, another beautiful moment on Neogaf.
"I don't get the appeal of knocking on someone's door" vs. "I don't get the appeal of having to answer the door when someone knocks (on Halloween)" you didn't ask the latter you asked the former.
So once again the appeal is "Candy! Candy! DUMBASS"
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
"I don't get the appeal of knocking on someone's door" vs. "I don't get the appeal of having to answer the door when someone knocks (on Halloween)" you didn't ask the latter you asked the former.
So once again the appeal is "Candy! Candy! DUMBASS"

I'm so sorry to reduce myself to your level, but can you read? Do you know what I meant what I said "Receiving trick or treaters"? That means people coming to your door.

Are you robbing the people knocking at your door?
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I'm so sorry to reduce myself to your level, but can you read? Do you know what I meant what I said "Receiving trick or treaters?" That means people coming to your door.

Are you robbing the people knocking at your door?
You're initial question was "I don't get the appeal of knocking on someone's door" not your word salad follow up trying to claim you asked the appeal of receiving trick or treaters
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0. There were mobs of kids everywhere too, but I think they were more interested in throwing eggs and shaving cream than trick or treating.

I overdid it on buying candy too, going to have to be real careful about pacing myself when I inevitably scarf all this down.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
You're initial question was "I don't get the appeal of knocking on someone's door" not your word salad follow up trying to claim you asked the appeal of receiving trick or treaters

Nope, take a look at your post where you quoted me.

"I don't really get the appeal of people knocking at the door, tbh."

That means people knocking on my door. "The Door" is the door into my house.
People arguing...in a trick or treat thread.

We weren't handing out, we took my 6 year old out (dressed as Samara from The Ring, non stealth stealth brag)

There were a decent amount of kids out even though the wind chill was like 28f.


Our neighborhood usually gets a ridiculous number of trick or treaters, the streets look like what you see in movies. I would normally get 250+, but this year it was 30F and a lot of wind so we only ended up with ~120. I bought 172 full size candy bars, a box of 42 small bags of zombie Takis, Hostess Halloween cupcakes and twinkies, and ~20lbs of fun size. I have two boxes of full size unopened, 64 twinkies and cupcakes, and all the fun size left. We also normally do our trick or treating the saturday before Halloween, but a bunch of Karens bitched because of how busy our neighborhood was getting that they did it on Halloween again this year.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
So, I want people knocking on my door because they're going to give me candy when I open the door? Is that how it works? If so then I have fundamentally misunderstood the transaction.
I've been replying to your initial question. Not you moving the goalpost and asking a different question in your follow up word salad reply

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I've been replying to your initial question. Not you moving the goalpost and asking a different question in your follow up word salad reply
I've asked the same question. What is the appeal in spending an evening welcoming people to your home in order to give them sweets that you bought for the occasion.

I have never, ever changed the question.
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Had no trick-or-treaters for the third year in a row. Interest in Halloween seems at an all-time low where I live in the U.K.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I only had one pair of "trick or treaters". I thought it was two high school kids both in minimum-effort Harry Potter costumes.

Turns out, they were just Mormons and wanted to talk to me about Jesus and the gold tablets.


Suffers with mild autism
We live way out of the in country on some acreage so there aren't any neighbors or neighborhood in that sense.

But I miss those days, growing up in more traditional neighborhoods. It used to be a genuine community event in the 80s/90s, with almost zero kids bussed in from outside, and every familiar face from the neighborhood out together at once, every porch light on.


We live way out of the in country on some acreage so there aren't any neighbors or neighborhood in that sense.

But I miss those days, growing up in more traditional neighborhoods. It used to be a genuine community event in the 80s/90s, with almost zero kids bussed in from outside, and every familiar face from the neighborhood out together at once, every porch light on.

That's pretty much what our neighborhood is. I love seeing all the young families and talking to the neighbors, a lot of them really get into it like we do. Some are handing out hot chocolate, cider, pizza, and hot dogs. It's like the whole neighborhood is having a party. There are quite a few older people as the neighborhood is ~25 years old and their kids are all grown, they're usually the ones that don't participate and complain to the village.
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