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Disgaea, Phantom Brave, or La Pucelle Tactics?


Gold Member
Ok, I want to play ONE strategy-RPG after I finish SMT3 so which of the three recent PS2 ones should I pick up (the local Fry's has all three). I am personally leaning towards Disgaea...

Also, I never got around to playing through Xenosaga. Should I open that up and play that, or try Star Ocean 3?


well not really...yet
ManaByte said:
Ok, I want to play ONE strategy-RPG after I finish SMT3 so which of the three recent PS2 ones should I pick up (the local Fry's has all three). I am personally leaning towards Disgaea...

Also, I never got around to playing through Xenosaga. Should I open that up and play that, or try Star Ocean 3?
between XS and SO3.... SO3 by 10000 miles

Tough choice between Disgea and Phantom Brave....I think Id go with Phantom Brave but theyre both must plays.

La Pucelle is forgettable at best


If you think you have any desire to play all of the N1 SRPGs, which I do recommend, play them in order - La Pucelle, Disgaea, Phantom Brave.


Argh, I had a reply carefully typed up, but it succumbed to some stupid bug that hung the browser window. I'll go from what I remember.

I pushed too many hours into Disgaea before playing La Pucelle, and as a result I was unable to finish La Pucelle. As Soul4ger said, if you have the time, play them in order.

Between Phantom Brave and Disgaea, it really depends on what you're looking for in an SRPG. Phantom Brave has many more gameplay elements than Disgaea, and the AI has improved a bit so that I feel a bit pressured. I'm also less likely to have uber characters in PB because of the limited time that a unit can stay on the battle map, so I have to train a backup set of units as well as employ extensive use of my supply lines (read: healers). As a result, my units are more balanced than in Disgaea, where I have one unit at level 2500 (transmigrated ten times) and the next best unit at 400 (three transmigrations). The Tactics Ogre style turn system in Phantom Brave forces me to actually play with some sort of strategy (although in the later levels it's a case of how fast I can kill enemies), while Disgaea's strategy is to maximize the amount of damage dealt per turn (to be fair, it's because the combat system is easily abused, not because its turn system has the same style as Fire Emblem/Advance Wars).

On the other side, Disgaea has a more charming story, and its battles don't leave me with the feeling that combat is detached from the narrative. In Phantom Brave, I get this strange feeling whenever I get transferred between combat and cinematics -- it's as if I'm play separate games that share the same universe. This is also amplified by the fact that the units I create in Phantom Brave not only are too generic (they rely too much on the weapon they wield rather than their base abilities), but also don't participate in the story at all. At least with Disgaea, I feel that my units actually play a part in the story.

Personally, I enjoyed Disgaea more than Phantom Brave. The level of micromanagement is greater in my opinion, and I *like* creating a small group of powerful characters. Being an Elitist Linguistic Prick, I also preferred the mix of Japanese and English voices in battle rather than Phantom Brave's purely English battle cast. (I think I would have gone insane if they replaced the archer's and ronin's voice with potentially inferior battle cries. It's bad enough that I have to deal with Jennifer's pronounciation of "coup de grace" [the "p" is supposed to be silent]) Mind you, I wonder why neither of them offered the pure Japanese voices in battle like La Pucelle.

Anyway, that's the end of my rant.

Edit: Oh yeah, you really don't need to power level to beat either game. You should do it if you ever plan to get the best items/secret characters in either game or get all of the endings in Disgaea.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Screw it, just read the awesome post by Tenkei!


I think Xenosaga has an awesome character stat system and a fun battle system too. But most RPG players would go through their other games before touching Xenosaga

Jim Bowie

It is my opinion that Disgaea is the best strategy/rpg of all time. I shit you not. It's better than everything else. It's hillarious, and there's so many little innovative features!

The Dark Council - Lobby to pass laws that will help your quest/characers, and if they get vetoed, beat up the congressmen until it passes!

The Item World - Go inside any of your items and kill the inhabitants to make your stuff more powerful/effective!

Weapon Shop/Item Shop - Frequent buyer perks! If you buy/sell enough stuff, your "customer level" goes up, more quality items are available, and for cheaper!

Hospital - Get prizes for getting the shit kicked out of you!

Also, the battle system is so amazing! The combo system, the bonus system, and the color panel systems blow me away everytime I play. The special attacks are great, even if the graphics aren't mindblowing.

The story of the game is hillarious. If you're into anime, and like humor, it's perfect.
Your father, King Krichevskoy, died after choking to death on a pretzel. After you awake from a two year nap, you decide to take back over the Netherworld.

The voice acting, whether it is in Japanese or English, is absolutely phenomenal. And I usually don't say that about about video game voice acting. It's truly the best video game voice acting I've ever heard.

There's no flaw in the game. Even the subpar graphics work well with the game's style (chibi-ish sprites to match the anime feel.)

I'm such a Disgaea fanboy!


ManaByte said:
Also, I never got around to playing through Xenosaga. Should I open that up and play that, or try Star Ocean 3?
nobody's really addressed this one in depth, and i don't know if i even want to, but i'm going to vote XS over SO3.

they have some similarities. in-depth spacefaring far-future narratives, with lots of cutscenes. xenosaga's cutscenes are better, it has more/better characters, and a more interesting overarching narrative.

the games also have long dungeons. the xenosaga dungeons are more interesting, i think, because they stick to the space feel (i'm sure you've already read that SO3 goes medieval for a long period of time) and because the game is tougher, leading to more tense moments.

but of course, the battle systems.. now, if you LOVE the idea of playing an action battle and think "turn based must suck" then of course SO3 is going to win for you. but SO3's battles are just not fun. the hit detection is annoying, the AI is shit, the ... yeah. on the other hand, XS actually requires some strategy to complete its turn based battles (of course, aiming for stuff like extra gold / extra damage using the slot isn't 100% mandatory, but it makes the game entertaining to do.) they're not perfect, but i definitely enjoyed the tense feeling of going from battle to battle in XS, whereas i got bored out of my mind, eventually, in SO3.

besides, XS is $20 and SO3 is $50. =P SO3 is a good game for $20, but for $50, it's a mistake. IMO.


I found XS to be insanely slow and boring. I did enjoy the cutscenes and characters, though... it had a very Star Wars feel to it. Like when Ziggy and Momo meet up with the rest of the team. I really enjoyed that. The actual dungeons and battles though, they started putting me to sleep pretty hard.

Disgaea was fun, but a little unwieldly, and I can see how not everyone will dig the lighthearted and insanely japanese premise.

Phantom Brave looks VERY interesting, but my copy is sitting here, unopened, so I can't really comment much on it.

If you want a great strategy RPG, just play through FFT again =(
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