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DLing Installs of All Critical Win Updates?

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I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I already downloaded the network installation file of WinXP SP1 a while ago, as I was still planning to install a new HDD in my PC. Are there similar downloads of installs for all critical updates to date, so that I can install them all offline, rather than be sitting vulnerable for however many hours it would take to download and install them online? I'm doubting anyone would bother to mess with my PC during that time, but better safe than sorry at least. One great big file would be wonderful, but I'm guessing that at best, I'd have to download each install individually if they exist.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Thanks for the site; it looks promising. I guess MS doesn't offer any such downloads officially? I want to avoid what happened to a friend whom I helped to purchase a new PC. Within hours of his setting it up and turning it on, he was crippled by a virus or some other exploit, and kept getting hit as he tried to fix it.


a lot of windows patches, particularly the SP can be slipstreamed into your windows install.

Basically you can merge in the patch with a windows xp image then burn that as a bootable cd so when you install windows it'll automatically be up to date.

just do a google search for 'slipstream' and 'windows install' theres faqs everywhere.
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