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do you own OutRun 2 yet? I do. (with picture)


just picked mine up today, the official release day. I know alot of you got it early, at TRU or elsewhere, last week, and the UK got it last freaking month, and some people got the illegal leak even before that.... so as you can probably imagine I *feel* like I'm getting mine very late even though it just came out today in the USA....

my OutRun 2 along with my Japanese Saturn OutRun.

thank you Sega, AM2, Sumo Digital and yes, even Microsoft.

bonus tracks here I come :D

p.s. I hope OutRun 2 sells at least reasonably well. would love to have the SP tracks as a downloadable next year. or at least a budget seperate release which I'd gladly pay for.
xexex said:
I know alot of you got it early, at TRU or elsewhere, last week, and the UK got it last freaking month, and some people got the illegal leak even before that....

And some had legit review code it even before that ;-)

xexex said:
I *feel* like I'm getting mine very late even though it just came out today [here]....

Welcome to Europe.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Got it. Love it.

Not a big deal, but I do with the menu system was a bit more polished (ala RRV, which is the other best arcade racer this gen). The game itself is golden, though.
This thread reminds that I need to get back to Outrun2, and Burnout3, and Viewtiful Joe, and Disgaea, and Tales of Symphonia, and Pikmin2, and Fable, and Donkey Konga, and........damn I wonder if I can freeze time for about a month before I get GTASA.

And I put in VF4Evo the other day which is not a good sign. It's my never actually ends game so getting caught up in that brings progress in other games to a screeching halt.


cool guys.

Ive been playing the Daytona 2 track most of the night. offline and online.

the main game is beautiful also. I love Cloudy Highland and Cape Way the most. dear lord what a masterpiece.

Musashi Wins!

I can't believe I read the thread comparing this to Ridge Racer. This completely pwns that piece. This game rules Burnout 3, IMO. Man, am I shocked at how good this is.


KyotoMecca said:
And some had legit review code it even before that ;-)
And some had legit preview code even before that!

But the missions and AI were totally busted so the joke is on me. :(


I've been playing nothing but OR2 over the last week. I'm addicted to unlocking items in Outrun Challenge. Favorite track right now is the Industrial Section. I can nail it nearly every time. Also like the night one in the city, forgot the name of it. Coniferous Forest is a different story though... I get horrible times on it.I'll agree with Dark, the menu system is a piece of shit... other than that, I don't have any complaints.

Played a little bit on XBL and it was as smooth as a baby's ass. No lag at all.

As far as sales go, I expect this to be Sega's #1 game on Xbox as time goes by. However, that doesn't mean a lot considering their top Xbox game has less than 300K in sales.

Musashi Wins!

I don't think it's selling that well yet...but hopefully word of mouth will help. The LIVE implementation is great.

Drifting in this game is the most addictive thing in the world.

Hope to see you on there Jedi.

Musashi Wins!

rod furlong said:
you mean the part where you press a button and then the car automatically drifts?

no. I mean maintaining a drift perfectly for miles and miles, in-between traffic, through curves. it's a magic that obviously eludes your approval. that's fine.


rod furlong said:
you mean the part where you press a button and then the car automatically drifts?

I appreciate your attempt to anger the GAF community and start a heated argument (hell, that's all I do 90% of the time) about drifting in racing games... but this is an arcade game and there is nothing realistic about the game at all. The point is that drifting in OR2 is F-U-N

480p compatible?

Yes... I'm also pretty sure the game is 16:9, although I watch so much material stretched that I can't hardly tell the difference anymore.

Hope to see you on there Jedi.

Definitely! I hope you have that Enzo unlocked.


okay what is the definitive word on 480p? my Xbox is currently in my computer room which lacks a progressive scan television. I'll try it out on my Sony WEGA later.

btw, the menu system doesnt really bother me. It's actually less of a pain than Ridge Racer V's menu.

the LIVE implimentation is pretty good, although there's way to much frame droppage with more than 3-4 players.

I have no real complaints.

I'm having a blast trying to beat the posted times for various tracks,


Patiently waiting for my Blockbuster to get a copy in FOR SALE (they have to rent, but no sell copies.)

Trading in my DVDs and stacking up $300 in Blockbuster cash is starting to look like a bad idea to me. No Outrun 2, they sold my pre purchased copy of GTA:SA..... they do have 9 copies of SpongeBob Squarepants though... :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
btw, the menu system doesnt really bother me. It's actually less of a pain than Ridge Racer V's menu.

No, it doesn't bother me per se...but I prefer the stylish feel of RRV's menu system. It wouldn't be a problem here really if there wasn't so much loading. However, there seems to be so much loading between many sections in Outrun 2. Once again, not a big deal, but it just isn't as solid feeling from a front end perspective.


jedimike said:
As far as sales go, I expect this to be Sega's #1 game on Xbox as time goes by. However, that doesn't mean a lot considering their top Xbox game has less than 300K in sales.
Impossible, Sega is not publishing it.
Picked up this game on Saturday and am absolutely loving it. My big gripe was the lack of no split screen, but my girlfriend and I have been having a blast taking turns in the various modes. Hopefully people go out and pick this one up.


Great game - love the Heart Attack mode.

The unlockables "cards" are pretty lame though - besides being useless to the game, they have next to no information on them.... Tiny picture of the Ferrari Laptop...who gives a crap. It would have been cool if they would have had models of the items you could zoom up on and examine, like SSBM.

But that's a minor complaint compared to the rest of the game. The Heart Attack Mode and the 101 trials are really fun IMO, the graphics are Sega-tastic and the music is so bad it's good.

Noticed some frame drop when things get crowded - and did anyone notice the bad hiccups when you complete a stage in the trials mode (the one with the 4 screens playing at once)?

gunstarhero said:
Noticed some frame drop when things get crowded - and did anyone notice the bad hiccups when you complete a stage in the trials mode (the one with the 4 screens playing at once)?

I noticed that too, I was afraid it was my Xbox's drive.

I really like the math and heart collector levels.

Dave Long

I played the demo at the kiosk at TRU. The game is awesome as far as I could tell. I will definitely be getting this eventually. They didn't have it at all when I was there for the deal last week though. :(

I figure the way Sega games go on Xbox, it'll be $20 or less by Dec. 26th. -_-


I thought my least favorite mode was the fruit memory one.. but man, the latter lazer challenges tick me off.

And I had the hardest time with a stage 11 (IIRC) max speed challenge. I thought the key was to use one of the higher accelerating cars to make sure I can get up to the requisite speeds as quickly as possible if I slipped up any where.. not in this challenge you can't do that.. you needed the fastest car and you simply needed to keep off the railings.. just doing that (and keeping my pedal to the metal) easily earned me a double A. But it took me about 30 tries before getting anything above a B.

Man, I love SEGA racers.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The track layout is just like the origina Outrun. You start at a starting point and you take left or right exits at the end of each road. You can finish at 5 different ending spots at the end with various routes leading to the finishing line. For single player, the meat of the game is doing Outrun challenges, which is kinda similiar to Crazy Taxi's box missions or whatever. There's about 100 missions in all and they are pretty varied. Lots of stuff to unlock too so the game will last longer than your typical arcade game
Ouch. OutRun 2 kills my right index finger because of the way I work the trigger. I took it back to Blockbuster (Game Pass) so I don't destroy my precious metacarpal. After a combined 10 hours of play the past few days, I've completed Stages 0-10. Damn, I didn't know the game was going to be this fun. Since I'm a cheap ass I'll wait until it's $20 or less to actually buy it.


Iceman said:
I thought my least favorite mode was the fruit memory one.. but man, the latter lazer challenges tick me off.

And I had the hardest time with a stage 11 (IIRC) max speed challenge. I thought the key was to use one of the higher accelerating cars to make sure I can get up to the requisite speeds as quickly as possible if I slipped up any where.. not in this challenge you can't do that.. you needed the fastest car and you simply needed to keep off the railings.. just doing that (and keeping my pedal to the metal) easily earned me a double A. But it took me about 30 tries before getting anything above a B.

Man, I love SEGA racers.

Heh, you think that one's tough? I don't want to scare you, but wait until you try Max Speed mission on Stage 15. That one is a bitch and then some. The way you drift have to be absolutely perfect in both parts in order to keep up the requisite speed.

Oh, and I hate those Memory Test missions. Those can rot in hell for all I care. I'm glad I'm finally through with them.



Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Just got the game today.

It's wonderful!

F-Zero GX and now this...

Arcade games are why I fell in love w/ Sega to begin with.
I got the game and I'm enjoying it a lot.

The only problem is I suck hard core at it. I haven't been able to win a single race :p

How do you go about unlocking tracks bw?


To unlock everything (stages, cars, more music tracks) in OutRun 2 you have to uncover the reward cards inside the gallery within Mission mode. The reward cards are the ones shown on the right column.

Are the races supposed to be this hard btw?

I mean, I seem to be able to powerslide OK, but I only have the basic selection of cars and I just can't keep up with the pack.


Although you may know how to powerslide, you may not not be doing it at a fast enough speed. Some cars in the game can't get too sideways without losing a lot of speed. Only the Professional cars can really get sideways and still go fast without sacrificing speed. You have to drive the Novice cars and Intermediate cars more smoothly, without doing much drifting.

And yeah, this game will not be easy to beat. It's going to take some practice and patience to get through a lot of these missions. It's no walk in the park.



Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Is Magical Sound Shower unlockable?

Also, what's the best technique for pulling out of a power slide? I find that my back wheels tend to hit the grass/dirt most of the time, decreasing the speed of the slide.

This game really needs a wheel. I have a Dreamcast one and a Logitech. I doubt either will work.


Yeah, there are a couple Magical Sound Shower tracks that can be unlocked. There's the original 1986 version plus the Euro Mix version.

If you're going off the road past the outside edge on the tail end of your powerslides, you could try to momentarily let off the gas a bit while straightening up the car through the exit of the turn, then mash on the gas when the road is straight. If you do it right, the rear wheels will "bite" the road and keep your car from going off the road. Give this a shot and let me know what happens.


Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Got it and really think it overall is an awesome package. The Outrun Challenges are much better and integrated into the core gameplay more than Crazy Box stuff. Heart Attack mode is a brilliant twist on Outrun. It manages to be super addictive ("Must... race... one more... heat...") while preserving the simplicity of the original game. I actually really love the music. And visually it's amazing - it's not just the technical quality. Technically, while it has awesome draw distance, it's not the pinnacle of modern racing games and even suffers some frame drop when things get hot. Design-wise though, holy mother of god. It really is like a grand tour of the world's most beautiful highways. I'd go so far as to nail Outrun 2 as the Ico of arcade racing games when it comes to art, design, and atmosphere.

Most of all, for all the troubles they're having, this shows when the balls are to the wall, Sega has still got the shit.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
If you're going off the road past the outside edge on the tail end of your powerslides, you could try to momentarily let off the gas a bit while straightening up the car through the exit of the turn, then mash on the gas when the road is straight. If you do it right, the rear wheels will "bite" the road and keep your car from going off the road. Give this a shot and let me know what happens.

Wow. Worked wonders! Thanks.

I love how with every race, I get better and better. This is way more fun than BO3 IMO. I thought Criterion nailed it with their color palette usage and convincing sunlight techniques, but OR2 edges it out on all levels. And that draw distance. Wow.

oh yea - and that girl with the short hair who tells you your rating... is one ugly mutha...

Huh? She looks better than Halle Berry.
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