#3 looks like a boss.
I really need to watch Old Who.
On my journey through classic Who, Pertwee was the last Doctor that I watched, and I ended up kicking myself for resisting him. He's so good.
#3 looks like a boss.
I really need to watch Old Who.
The Last Day was cool. It's retarded that UK has to pay, I'm 90% sure it's a mistake. I like the sort of found footage thing they did with it. The Sets were awesome.
io9 has a ranking of every story ever : loses.
Why would they release it exclusively on iTunes if it was meant to be free? Something doesn't ring true there.
io9 has a ranking of every story ever : loses.
io9 has a ranking of every story ever : loses.
Agree with most of the 'Classics' but The Eleventh Hour is way too low. below School Reunion, The Silurians?
#31 for Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords? lol
Evil of the Daleks is too low also.
Bottom end of list is pretty accurate. Space Pirates isn't that bad. The Enemy of the World and Faceless Ones are decent I think, but I'm biased towards the Troughton era.
Error apparently -
Not sure how much it was an error at start.
YOU.Gridlocked is right up there for the way it gives dat Fifth Element vibe. So goood.
io9 has a ranking of every story ever : loses.
io9 has a ranking of every story ever : loses.
Also above it is Rose which, according to the list, is the GREATEST first story for a Doctor OF ALL TIME.
Obvious this guy is a big fan given some of the comments (he is knowledgable about all the dvd enhancements for one thing), but he seems to have placed episodes higher for how important they were compared to how good they were, and it also seems nuwho eps are way overinflated - mediocre nuwho eps are way higher in the rankings then mediocre classic who fare.
"I need an answer to dick all over the Moffat episodes, and pretend the classic series isn't full of inherent flaws, whilst making some sort of arbitrary listing to appease our idiot readers. Oh, I know..."
I'm not sure how he's dicking over the Moffat episodes when there's one of his and three from his era in the top ten?! Also, it's not like it puts old Who on a pedestal - the entire 'Disappointment' section is old Who except Fear Her.
Welp, looks like we've got three days to settle the list war to end all list wars.
Come on, she ranked Rose above The Eleventh Hour. I don't think I need to say more.
TheFishDr ‏@dayoftheFishDr 3h
3 days...
Just heard a radio advert for The Day of The Doctor here. Weird, but cool.
He's the most badass of teh bunch imo.#3 looks like a boss.
I really need to watch Old Who.
On my journey through classic Who, Pertwee was the last Doctor that I watched, and I ended up kicking myself for resisting him. He's so good.
FDR stands for "The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot" and Behind The Lens will also be on red button.
Moffat talking a good fucking game on the One Show. Big "fuck you"s to the "IT'S TOO SCARY" crowd.
wait, he said that? Like, as in obviously fucking around but someone's bound to take it seriously?
wait, he said that? Like, as in obviously fucking around but someone's bound to take it seriously?