You've never heard of John Hurt???
If anybody needs me, I'll be sobbing quietly in the corner.
You've never heard of John Hurt???
Read my edit. I get his significance in the matt smith story up to today, but The pre airing spoilers had fans loving john hurt. What is his significance that john hurt is now in this? Is he from something pre- reboot? Or is he some famous actor ive never heard of?
E: eleventh just made me think
AV Club trashed this episode. C+.
For perspective, they gave Cold War an A.
They also gave The Wedding of River Song an A.
That was the point I stopped reading them.
Lol never thought I'd see the day when #johnhurt as the top thing trending on twitter.
Even if it's mostly 14 year olds asking who he is and why "they picked an old guy as the next doctor" (lol??), still gives me happiness to see him get more recognition.
Here is my question to those who have similar thoughts to yours, and no hate at all I promise because everyone has different views...
How long have you been watching Doctor Who?
I have come to find that those who started with the renewed Doctor Who either at the start with Eccelston or along the way after have much different ...I do not know if expectations is the word that I am looking for but they do view Doctor Who through different glasses (and again not wrong in anyway, just different glasses) than many of us who have been watching Doctor Who from the old days.
Children these days, no appreciation for John Hurt.
What happened to the storyline of everyone forgetting who The Doctor is?
Moff and his terrible job at writing Who, lol
So the Valeyard somehow after he was created went back to a pre-time lock Gallifrey... somehow?
didn't they mention it like last week?
I really wish they hadn't dropped that name. :/ So confusing how they could possibly make it work.
John Hurt's doctor will use a wand instead of a sonic screwdriver, lol
Since Nine. I've gone back and watched classic stuff, and don't get ME wrong, but I definitely consider this episode miles ahead of almost any classic Who episode, but comparing it to what we've had in the past since Nine, it's kinda not really a standout episode in any way.
What I believe should have been done, was a two parter, wherein one half was devoted to Clara going back and saving the Doctor with new footage of 8/9/10, or hell even just 8/9, with the episode ending with the reveal of John Hurt, and then the second episode being told in reverse order with the plot being more or less what we got in this episode with some longer scenes (and this episode felt edited to bits anyway, so I'm sure lots was left on the cutting room floor.)
Someone on the doctor who reddit posited the theory that maybe John Hurt's Doctor is actually Mcgann's doctor, but aged heavily (apparently his costume looks similar to the 8th's?). I would be okay with that.
But if that were the case, why wouldn't they just pick Mcgann to star in the role. Eh.
I really wish they hadn't dropped that name. :/ So confusing how they could possibly make it work.
I really wish they hadn't dropped that name. :/ So confusing how they could possibly make it work.
Matt sticks around after regenerating and is a dark villainous version of himself for a couple episodes?
Matt sticks around after regenerating and is a dark villainous version of himself for a couple episodes?
I do agree that it would have been better as a two-parter and then leading into the 50th, my only gripe is that it felt a wee bit rushed.
But that being said I always want more.
I just looked through John Hurt's filmography, and Spaceballs and the Harry Potters and the only ones I've seen.
It felt VERY rushed. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who noticed one second the Doc and Clara were running up stairs, and the next jump cut there were just standing in front of the door with Vastra and co. We clearly lost a big chunk there due to cuts, and that's just one example of many where the episode seemed incredibly rushed.
no but moffat is bad lol
Someone on the doctor who reddit posited the theory that maybe John Hurt's Doctor is actually Mcgann's doctor, but aged heavily (apparently his costume looks similar to the 8th's?). I would be okay with that.
But if that were the case, why wouldn't they just pick Mcgann to star in the role. Eh.
no, certain posters are just bad at remembering
last episode the cyber planner in the Doctor's head asked him why there wasn't any record of him in the Cyberiad or whatever, and then said "oh you've been erasing yourself from history. You know you could be reconstructed by the hole you've left." Then the Doctor said "Good point. Have to do something about that."
I can't wait to see the finale of the Anniversary special when 10 and 11 defeat the Hurt Doctor by pointing both their Sonic Screwdrivers at him.
I feel like to make it work there must be more to the 8.5th Doctor than just "he timelocked the Time War." After all, the Doctor has never failed to accept responsibility for it. He's never once said "nope, wasn't me. Wasn't the Doctor."
Seems more likely that after doing so, the Doctor may have gone a bit mental and done some bad shit to compensate. Like Ten towards the end but without stopping himself.
I feel like to make it work there must be more to the 8.5th Doctor than just "he timelocked the Time War." After all, the Doctor has never failed to accept responsibility for it. He's never once said "nope, wasn't me. Wasn't the Doctor."
Seems more likely that after doing so, the Doctor may have gone a bit mental and done some bad shit to compensate. Like Ten towards the end but without stopping himself.
Which makes an evil "Alien" jump out of his stomach.I can't wait to see the finale of the Anniversary special when 10 and 11 defeat the Hurt Doctor by pointing both their Sonic Screwdrivers at him.
Oh come on the Tenth's Sonic Screwdriver wasn't that powerful.I can't wait to see the finale of the Anniversary special when 10 and 11 defeat the Hurt Doctor by pointing both their Sonic Screwdrivers at him.
AV Club trashed this episode. C+.
For perspective, they gave Cold War an A.
If you felt this was rushed I'd hate to know what your take on the Gaiman episode was. That episode jumped around so much I still don't have a solid grasp on the story.
Oh come on the Tenth's Sonic Screwdriver wasn't that powerful.
Oh come on the Tenth's Sonic Screwdriver wasn't that powerful.
The thing that confuses me is what was the battle like at the place he was buried? It seems implied from the GI that it was the valyard version of the doctor at the battle. Will they resolve it at christmas or will it be brought up when Smith leaves the show? Is it his future or from the 8.5 doctor when he went mad?
It felt VERY rushed. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who noticed one second the Doc and Clara were running up stairs, and the next jump cut they were just standing in front of the door with Vastra and co. We clearly lost a big chunk there due to cuts, and that's just one example of many where the episode seemed incredibly rushed.
What happened to the storyline of everyone forgetting who The Doctor is?
I was taking the piss out of certain posters jumping straight to saying "Moffat sucks!" without bothering to actually think about things. I remember the Cyber-Planner's callback.
What happened to the storyline of everyone forgetting who The Doctor is?
Moff and his terrible job at writing Who, lol
At least he used it for opening doors.
I can't remember the last time Smith did.
So why are some people saying he a hidden regen of the doctor? We know every regen 1-11. Do some people think this is Doc8 aged. I could believe that.
What I was more getting at by my comment was that we still don't know if/who does/doesn't remember the doc. I'm assuming the Dalek's and Cybermen don't?
What I was more getting at by my comment was that we still don't know if/who does/doesn't remember the doc. I'm assuming the Dalek's and Cybermen don't?