I think you massively underestimate the cleverness of children.
Indeed. I taught Doctor Who for 2 weeks to my 6 and 7 year olds and they absolutely get it. They are obsessed and know far more than I have taught them.
I think you massively underestimate the cleverness of children.
I think you massively underestimate the cleverness of children.
What I'm saying, though, is if people here, part of an SUPER DOCTOR WHO NERD ELITE, are confused about the nature of the way the Silence/GI stuff shakes out and the actual motivations of the Silence, the kids probably aren't going to get it.
Until you finish the episode.
Then return.
oh it's that guy, heh that's funny why'd they put his name there like tha.. wait what
It is because people are overthinking it. Why didn't they explain exactly what happened to the exploding TARDIS? Because, that's why. On to the next thing.
That's just an excuse for terrible storytelling then.
You're not entirely wrong. I also think there's been some mismanagement of fan expectations.
I also think there's been some mismanagement of fan expectations.
The strange thing about the tomb is that it seems to be based around the 11th. It's the current console room. That might have to do with budget more than anything but it did suggest that the 11th is the one who dies - permanently - at some point.
The Doctors name is obviously Sweetie.
Oh, that's good.
...I don't see how. I mean, its not bad, its clearly a budget thing, but 11 definitely isn't the one to permanently die.
I think the Tomb was all... 11thy... because that was as far as the timestream had progressed so far. His timestream is a wound in the fabric of reality, and it's only going to get bigger- that timestream was simply his own personal history up to that point, the wound as it stands. Similarly, I believe if this story was, say, a Fifth Doctor serial, whoever ended up throwing themselves into the timestream would only bump into Doctors 1-5, and the tomb would resemble the Fifth Doctor's TARDIS control room.
The timestream has a beginning- the catalyst of his conception, his "leaf" if you will- and an end. The end must exist, the end is a fixed point if you will, the Doctor will be buried on Trenzalore. But the rest is still being filled in. If his timestream is already set in stone, how can he possibly change history? His ability to have an impact on history is reliant on his timestream not being a given. Sure, sometimes his future has enough of an impact that his past self gets wind of it (his "death" at Silencio, prophecies like the Four Knocks), but like he tells Professor Palmer, the paradoxes of time travel work themselves out in the end. For the most part, the Doctor's fate is absolutely wide open, and the wound he leaves on time and space is ever the worse for it.
...Anyway, that's just how I reckon that came to be. The actual answer is, of course, the ease of dressing up the existing TARDIS set as opposed to designing a whole new room for the Tomb, but in-universe, I believe there's a way to rationalise why the Tomb of the Doctor looks like 11's TARDIS.
He might. Knowing Moffat, though, there'll just be a big-ass reset button at the end of the 50th to sort it all out. Remember, he's 'died' before!
I think it's got to do with the fact that the TARDIS exists simultaneously everywhere within time and space but relatively speaking from the TARDIS's point of view the current incarnation is the latest one to 'exist' since it's still progressing linearly through time.
Am I getting this right though. At the beginning of the episode some Gallifreyan repairmen or whatever heard the TARDIS being stolen and said something along the lines of it being a broken TARDIS. So later in the episode Clara tells the First to not take that one and instead take another. Then again, if the TARDIS is in the repair shop, and that's where he's stealing it from, why steal it from a repair shop, and why is there a working one next to it? Weird. Maybe I'm overthinking it. I guess you could have repaired ones next to unrepaired ones. But without signs to signify which ones were broken, how was he to know in the first place and how did she know which one was working?
Yes, that's a much shorter way of saying what I was getting at, haha. A reflection of the current point in the TARDISs/Doctor's timestream.
I'm pretty sure he stole it from a museum, not a repair shop. It was an obsolete "Model 40" TARDIS that had been retired.
My feeling is he was about to steal a better-functioning TARDIS before "Clara" told him he was making a mistake, because we all know his adventures depend on a TARDIS that rarely works exactly the way he wants it to. It takes him "where he needs to go, not where he wants to go."
Also, she knew which one was working because she was "born" into each timeline, and gained the knowledge required.
I'm pretty sure he stole it from a museum, not a repair shop. It was an obsolete "Model 40" TARDIS that had been retired.
My feeling is he was about to steal a better-functioning TARDIS before "Clara" told him he was making a mistake, because we all know his adventures depend on a TARDIS that rarely works exactly the way he wants it to. It takes him "where he needs to go, not where he wants to go."
Also, she knew which one was working because she was "born" into each timeline, and gained the knowledge required.
Which is kinda fine to me, except as others have pointed out it ruins some of the dynamics and lines in The Doctor's Wife
It's kinda crazy to think that Clara's actions effectively started Doctor Who.
But surely if the über-TARDIS was the future Doctor's one, wouldn't it be his and not the current one? Either that, or the TARDIS just doesn't get another redesign.
Which is very true and sad, but it could be that the Clara only knew which one was "the" TARDIS because the TARDIS itself unlocked or told her or something
Only 1, 6, 5, 9 and 4 ran past I think.
10 runs past you can see the brown coat
It's kinda crazy to think that Clara's actions effectively started Doctor Who.
I agree with your second paragraph I've quoted here, the first not so much. This season had a fair few episodes where the Doctor was an unknown stranger wandering into a situation and that the writers went to the lengths of having him erase himself from records shows that they thought it needed to be done to somewhat release this pressure. But really, this fetishisation, as you call it, has been there since the reboot. Making the Doctor the last Time Lord and the destroyer of all sides in the war kind of ensures that he can't just be a rogue time traveller going on adventures, and every season finale of the reboot has had similar grandiose threats to existence.
Without any other Time Lords around, the Doctor's grave would be the most dangerous place in the universe and his name being the most powerful secret was justified when it being spoken allowed the GI to erase large swathes of the universe.
On characterisation, half a season just wasn't enough and it didn't help that for much of it Clara was almost so underdeveloped as to make it creepy. I think the finale might have been better served as a two parter. Season 5 still has the best structure of the reboot imo: a strong introduction for Amy and Rory, early establishment of both the main threat and hooks for the companions' development and good interweaving of the two into standalone stories as the series progressed and a finale that had plenty of room to breathe.
When you only have 42 minutes, something has to stay on the cutting room floor. Just ask Gaiman.
Yeah, that bothers me. I don't mind her interacting with 1, and it was well done on a technical level, but Clara is nowhere near good enough a character for me to feel comfortable with them shoehorning that in
Re-watching the episode. Just picked up on the soufflé reference from Asylum of the Daleks. Brilliant.
Also, how come none of the Clara's recognised The Doctor? In the pre-title sequence, it's suggested she knows them all.
The most uncomfortable part of Clara meeting the first Doctor is the idea that he would listen to a word she says. Like, really? He seems like far too much of a hardass to listen to someone like that.
Yeah, I didn't care much for that bit. The repair shop, that was great, mind.
Do we know yet what John Hurt is looking out to? There's some distinctive architecture in the shot but I can't quite make it out...
I seriously can not stop watching that ending scene.
Do we know yet what John Hurt is looking out to? There's some distinctive architecture in the shot but I can't quite make it out...
Looks like a bunch of fancy gravestones to me.
So... Trenzalore?
I hope the next series' plot does not use either the importance of the Doctor or the death of the universe as a major element. It would be cool to explore a more focused challenge in a season-wide depth. But, like all popular adventure media today, Who suffers from an escalation problem (see Marvel movies, Call of Duty).