Hot Coldman
Eh, the Doctor's death invoking the end of the universe at least makes sense this time. If he's constantly being defeated, of course people are gonna die.
Eh, the Doctor's death invoking the end of the universe at least makes sense this time. If he's constantly being defeated, of course people are gonna die.
Credit where credit is due. This one actually made sense for a change.
If the Tennant failed against davros the reality bomb would wipe out the universe.
I think John Hurt's character is David Tennant's doctor, the one they left in that alternate reality with Rose.
Just a random thought, and I'm probably over-thinking it... but who dug the secret entrance to the TARDIS? Assuming the Doctor is dead, who put together the secret entrance and knew well enough to put River's tombstone over it?
(Just repeat to yourself, it's just a show, I should really just relax.)
Oh, and we never got an answer as to who gave Clara the Doctor's phone number. River seems unlikely at this point, so I'm guessing either Rose, or an earlier version of Clara herself. Or Susan. Susan would be a cool resolution.
If the Tennant failed against davros the reality bomb would wipe out the universe.
Well, that was certainly Moffat's best finale. If only for the final moment. Honestly, that shot of Hurt with his back turned, and the line "What I did... I did without choice. In the name of peace and sanity". It's going to be genuinely thrilling to see him play off against Smith and Tennant.
Oh, and we never got an answer as to who gave Clara the Doctor's phone number. River seems unlikely at this point, so I'm guessing either Rose, or an earlier version of Clara herself. Or Susan. Susan would be a cool resolution.
I'm still partial to Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang and also think Angels In Manhattan was far better as well, but this episode wasn't nearly as bad as the Wedding of River Song. What a clusterfuck that was.
This is probably another dropped plot point that Moffat has forgotten about. Much like the exploding TARDIS, or Trenzalore being a place where 'no living being can speak falsely or fail to answer' (cue the Doctor failing to answer while at Trenzalore).
I'll be surprised if we see River again.
Unless Moffat is leaving the show immediately, I'm sure we will (to my chagrin). He really can't let the character go. Even now, he's found a way to bring back a post-library River for this episode. I'm sure we're going to see him doing stuff with her again.
Unless Moffat is leaving the show immediately, I'm sure we will (to my chagrin). He really can't let the character go. Even now, he's found a way to bring back a post-library River for this episode. I'm sure we're going to see him doing stuff with her again.
I'll be surprised if we see River again.
We were always going to see her again after her wedding (as much as I would have adored to see the Doctor's last encounter with his wife being their wedding). I don't mind that- but then again, I like River.
But you don't write a goodbye scene like the one in NotD without it being a true goodbye.
Yeah, I didn't care much for that bit. The repair shop, that was great, mind.
I don't think so, I think it is as I think some have said and judging by what it is wearing the link between events after the eight and ninth Doctors. Something happened in that time period.
Unless Moffat is leaving the show immediately, I'm sure we will (to my chagrin). He really can't let the character go. Even now, he's found a way to bring back a post-library River for this episode. I'm sure we're going to see him doing stuff with her again.
I hope River is mostly gone, but I wouldn't be against her making a brief cameo for Eleven's regeneration. They could bookend it quite nicely with him first meeting her when she dies, and last meeting her when he kind of dies.
I hope Amy and Rory (maybe as kids) make an appearance then too.
This. We need more scenes of random workers on Gallifrey. Street cleaners, garbage men, etc.
Imagine a Doctor lite episode that revolved around the mundane life of a garbage man on Gallifrey and how he gets tangled up into some wibbly wobbly timey wimey plot involving the Doc. Hrgnh...fanwank
We've already seen the last time he meets her.
"Included with the series six DVD release, the exclusive-to-DVD bonus serial Night and the Doctor (2011) features River in the episodes "First Night" and "Last Night". During the serial, the Doctor attempts to take River on a date shortly after she imprisoned in Stormcage, but their time in the TARDIS is interrupted by two future incarnations of River, and all are in turn suspicious of the signs of "another woman" being aboard the TARDIS. The Doctor is able to be rid of the two future Rivers, but not before learning from his future self that one of them is shortly to die in the Library adventure where he first met her."
He wouldn't be me from Eleventh's point of view.I think John Hurt's character is David Tennant's doctor, the one they left in that alternate reality with Rose.
On this possibility in general: Great way to put the cancellation to good use, as it's not something they could pull off so well if we'd actually seen an uninterrupted line of regenerations.Hex said:I don't think so, I think it is as I think some have said and judging by what it is wearing the link between events after the eight and ninth Doctors. Something happened in that time period.
I sort of wish he mentioned Amy/Rory... or at least talked about them. Feels disingenuous when you've got the daughter of the character on screen. Which is really weird, because I hated when Tennant wouldn't stop banging on about Rose.
My problem with the episode was that the kidnapped friends were "only" Jenny/Strax and Vastra. But speaking to a friend at work we realised there wasn't really anyone else.
He suggested Martha and Mickey which would be -interesting, but-just as bad I think. Without Amy and Rory and Rose and Donna I guess it kinda comes down to whoever the hell's left and that's why we got the above trio. The GI threatening River with death is a non-possibility.
I definitely would've liked some acknowledgement of Amy and Rory, if only to make River and Clara's interactions more natural and less forced I guess.
Yeah I really enjoyed the scene with the garage workers. Because the only experience I have with time lords besides the doctor and the master are the pompous guys in big hats we see in tenants last episodes
What I'm saying, though, is if people here, part of an SUPER DOCTOR WHO NERD ELITE, are confused about the nature of the way the Silence/GI stuff shakes out and the actual motivations of the Silence, the kids probably aren't going to get it. Ultimately it doesn't matter, I suppose - to a lot of those kids the Silence are baddies and that is that. Part of the problem is we're all thinking about it too much, dissecting things like Dorium's words in a manner that children never would. Part of being a boring-ass adult, right? It'd be nice if the storytelling was a little clearer, though. There's a difference between nuance and just being plain out unclear, and I think this is the latter.
The Doctor did say "you should have faded by now", as if the Library was not meant to be a permanent or eternal place for River. I'd be happy enough if her story was done, there were plenty of adventures for the two of them pre-Closing Time and post-AtM that don't really need to be seen on screen. Wouldn't be too upset if she came back, either, just so long as it isn't some massive retcon (which her appearance here was not).
I seriously can not stop watching that ending scene.
Which is kinda fine to me, except as others have pointed out it ruins some of the dynamics and lines in The Doctor's Wife
Maharg, "it's for kids" doesn't really excuse the poor plotline closure. It'd be like if in Harry Potter Voldemort vowed revenge in Chamber of Secrets then never came back again, and he was just never mentioned and it was another random dark wizard.
"It's for kids" does not automatically = "It has to be wishy washy with the basis of a plot structure."
I love how he's able to both look sad and angry, at least in my opinion.
IS that a real poster? it looks like they photoshopped his head onto Cumberbatch's body from Star Trek.
So there are 11 Doctors (so far), but more than 11 regenerations?