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Does Run Ronnie, Run suck ass??

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i was at bob and davids official site, and they say they dont stand behind the movie and its not very good in the cut that made it onto dvd. i was going to order this movie cause im a big mr. show fan, but can any of you comment on it? does it really suck balls that bad?


Unconfirmed Member
I'm a huge Mr. Show fan (I drove 200 miles round trip to pick up the season 3 DVDs 4 days early ;)), and I thought the movie was... okay at best. I almost pissed myself at one point because I was laughing so hard, but the pacing isn't nearly as tight as it is on the TV show, and the movie drags at points. It's definitely worth seeing just for the Golden Rule Song, and a couple other parts, but it's not essential. If you can get it cheap, buy it, otherwise, I'd rent it.
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