Prince of Space

Well this was certainly an unexpected surprise. I rented this film last night, and must say I really enjoyed it. For those who've not heard of it, the film stars Nicole Kidman as Grace, a stranger on the run who wanders into the Depression-era town of Dogville, and seeks refuge there. The townspeople agree, as long as she puts in work with each of them. As the film progresses and it becomes more of a danger to hide Grace, the townspeople grow more and more cruel in their demands, turning Grace into their slave.
Probably the most interesting aspect of the film is that it's shot entirely in sound stages with NO sets and only the bare minium of props. Houses, bushes, fences, even the town dog are penciled in. It's very reminiscent of the play Our Town, relying solely on the story and performances to engage the audience.
Although the film is 3 hours long (and could've done with a good 30 minute trim), I still recommend it to anyone looking for a good rental. Interesting concept, great cast (even if some are a little underutilized), and a very interesting story make it more than worth a look.
Not to mention it has one of the most satisfying endings I've ever seen
Anyone who's seen it -- agree/disagree?