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Doom Collector's Pack: Entire Trilogy for $9.84!!

I know someone mentioned this here before, but with Doom 3 releasing now i figured I'd remind everyone..

You can get the entire original Doom trilogy (well, the first two dooms and their side story) for $9.84 at Walmart, plus a bonus doom 3 preview disc.

It features:

Ultimate Doom
Doom 2
Final Doom

I just picked it up today, and have been playing some of the games.. I had Doom 1 and Doom 2, but never got Ultimate doom or Final doom...

cant wait to play some deathmatch with some buddies I used to play doom 2 over 9600Kbps modems with...

also, never played final doom, so that will be a fun romp to go through...

everyone owes it to themselves to pick this disc up!
yah i'd have ot agree, with my initial playthru of just the first couple levels of each, doom 2 seems the best initially..

of course, each game is like 20+ levels, so thats not enough to say with some conviction, but doom 2 is classic shiyat..


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I know they aren't FPS games, but if you like different genres as well you're better off dropping another $10 and getting one of these instead, they are all fantastic deals.

Command & Conquer Collection
Baldur's Gate II Collection
Great Empires Collection II

So much fun for so little money it's insane.
yah i need to get that command and conquer collection....

i have seen some amazing pc gaming deals at walmart/best buy..

i dont like FPS on my computer outside of the classics... i'd prefer to play the new ones on my xbox..

but RTS, definately PC....
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