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Doom History on ICONs G4TechTV now!


And on at 9AM and 6PM tomorrow.

I haven't seen it yet, but there is supposed to be lots of footage of Doom 3.


Why did they call this the history of Doom when it was obviously an infomercial for Doom III? They talked about Doom I and II for like 3 minutes, zipped through Quake in 2 and then spent the rest on Doom III. It was good to see the making of Doom III, but this should have been a G4 Making of special, not an Icons. At least it's not as bad as the TLOR ep, I'd prefer it if when they do stuff like this they at least pick good games to push.


hobbitx said:
Why did they call this the history of Doom when it was obviously an infomercial for Doom III? They talked about Doom I and II for like 3 minutes, zipped through Quake in 2 and then spent the rest on Doom III. It was good to see the making of Doom III, but this should have been a G4 Making of special, not an Icons. At least it's not as bad as the TLOR ep, I'd prefer it if when they do stuff like this they at least pick good games to push.

Jeez, I'd rather they showed more brand new footage of the GIANT, IMMINENT RELEASE of Doom 3 rather than trawl back through footage of a bunch of old games. I was pretty happy.


Actually I thought it was weird that they didn't even mention the release of Return to Castle Wolfenstein at all. I don't know what this Icons was but I thought it could have either been a lacking Icons on the history of id or a G4 special on the making of Doom 3. It really didn't seem like a good history of Doom though. Wasn't that Romero guy important to the Doom franchise, cause his name didn't even come up once.

Gotta say I'm in camp with the id employees who hated the Quake/Unreal gameplay. Very glad they made the decision they did to make Doom 3 the way it is.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
---- said:
Actually I thought it was weird that they didn't even mention the release of Return to Castle Wolfenstein at all. I don't know what this Icons was but I thought it could have either been a lacking Icons on the history of id or a G4 special on the making of Doom 3. It really didn't seem like a good history of Doom though. Wasn't that Romero guy important to the Doom franchise, cause his name didn't even come up once.

Gotta say I'm in camp with the id employees who hated the Quake/Unreal gameplay. Very glad they made the decision they did to make Doom 3 the way it is.

well it's sort of like mentioning hexen and heretic as well.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Heretic, Heretic 2 (Hexen) and Hexen 2 are all id property but not made by them, just supervised. They are Raven creations much like Quake 4 will be.


Tivo'ed this earlier today, and I gotta say that I'm really impressed. For some reason, I was never all that interested in Doom 3 (or HL2 actually... I'm probably on another "burned out on FPS games" kick or something), and I had never seen any footage of it at all until today. I had no idea that the game looked THAT good in motion.

Does Doom 3 have any gameplay differences compared to any other given FPS, or is it just run and gun with pretty graphics (although those are some DAMN pretty graphics...)?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DopeyFish said:
well it's sort of like mentioning hexen and heretic as well.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Heretic, Heretic 2 (Hexen) and Hexen 2 are all id property but not made by them, just supervised. They are Raven creations much like Quake 4 will be.

Yep, that's exactly right. ID did not actually develop those games themselves and they can not be considered ID games as a result. RtCW is not a Raven creation, though...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
dark10x said:
Yep, that's exactly right. ID did not actually develop those games themselves and they can not be considered ID games as a result. RtCW is not a Raven creation, though...

woops! grey matter or whatever or gearhead or whoever made it


Vibri said:
Jeez, I'd rather they showed more brand new footage of the GIANT, IMMINENT RELEASE of Doom 3 rather than trawl back through footage of a bunch of old games. I was pretty happy.

The whole thing that makes Icons so awesome is learning a series history from the beginning to present, it's not much fun if they zip through the past and right to the present. There wouldn't even be any Doom III if wasn't for those "old games".
Vlad said:
Tivo'ed this earlier today, and I gotta say that I'm really impressed. For some reason, I was never all that interested in Doom 3 (or HL2 actually... I'm probably on another "burned out on FPS games" kick or something), and I had never seen any footage of it at all until today. I had no idea that the game looked THAT good in motion.

Does Doom 3 have any gameplay differences compared to any other given FPS, or is it just run and gun with pretty graphics (although those are some DAMN pretty graphics...)?

It's supposedly scary and tense as hell (which is nice, seeing that much of the game takes place in hell). I don't think it's incredibly innovative (although the soul cube is an interesting idea), but it is, from what i've heard and red, extremely unnerving. I suppose that isn't surprising since the very dark setting reminds me a lot of aliens vs. predator for the computer, which is one of two games that were ever able to legitimately scare me (atleast before the save patch came out....man that bummed me out).

I expect Doom 3 to be the scariest/creepiest game I've ever played.

In addition...having actually *ahem* played peices of the game, the sheer weight of the graphics is far more evident when you're in control than when you're watching it on tv. The game looks so rediculously, eye meltingly, mind numbingly good that it just destroys everything else. Everything else, litterally, looks about a generation behind. Not even far cry comes close to these eyes.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
morbidaza said:
It's supposedly scary and tense as hell (which is nice, seeing that much of the game takes place in hell). I don't think it's incredibly innovative (although the soul cube is an interesting idea), but it is, from what i've heard and red, extremely unnerving. I suppose that isn't surprising since the very dark setting reminds me a lot of aliens vs. predator for the computer, which is one of two games that were ever able to legitimately scare me (atleast before the save patch came out....man that bummed me out).

I expect Doom 3 to be the scariest/creepiest game I've ever played.

In addition...having actually *ahem* played peices of the game, the sheer weight of the graphics is far more evident when you're in control than when you're watching it on tv. The game looks so rediculously, eye meltingly, mind numbingly good that it just destroys everything else. Everything else, litterally, looks about a generation behind. Not even far cry comes close to these eyes.

I played it as well, and the immersion is absolutely top notch, the guys on the lower end of the enemy spectrum (especially the imps) scare the crap out of me. well not really the zombies but damn those imps! You'd be strolling down a hall way and a split second between an imp leaping into the open door (on all 4s) and then lunging at you causing your screen to snap back! After that I was afraid of corners and doors. Now that they made the game darker and gave you a flashlight which you can only use when your gun isn't armed... is sure to scare me even more. *sigh* can't wait for the full game :D

plus at the end of the icons show, you see this one scene where the dude is about to
open a door but then the hue of the screen goes red and there's some chick (spirit) saying something about her baby being taken away
and that... i thought was really creepy.


hm, I was looking forward to Doom 3 before this show, but now I've got that giddy feeling.

You know what I'm talkin about.


I was surprised the way they pronounced Id. I always hi dee like "Do you have your Id?" but I was wondering what they meant by hid until I found out...

Damn french that speaks more english than the english themselves! ;-)


Yeah I used to pronounce it that way too until I took a psych class and made the connection.

id-ego-superego ;)

id is supposed to be the most primal part of yourself.

I wish I hadn't known that before I played Xenogears. It gave away a main-villian's origins :/


Wow! I just downloaded the Icons show online. This game looks amazing!

I'm buying a digital sound setup for my system before I pick up doom 3!


I've been reading through David Kushner's book on Carmack and Romero called Masters of Doom this past weekend. It's a great read and this G4 show really complements what I've read so far.


A major theme through Kushner's book is all the internal conflict that goes on within id following the success of the first Doom. A few of the guys interviewed in this show mention the internal debate about developing Doom 3.

Makes me wonder how must loss of productivity has gone on inside id Software because of all the bickering, fighting, and smashing office equipment.



NotMSRP said:
What breakthrough did Quake provided to the industry?
Full 3D FPS engine with six degrees of freedom. Client / server online play, eventually over the Internet. Single-handedly legitimized the 3D video accelerator market. Introduced mouselook as we know it.


I am getting G4/TechTV in three weeks. Never seen this channel before so I'm looking forward to watching it. It amazes that people bash this station as much as they do. Because the way I see it, a channel about videogames and gadgets is INFINITELY way cooler than the majority of crap channels we get for cable these days. Can you say, MTV? FoxNews? Regular broadcast stations? Home Shopping Network? Need I say more?


man booting up glquake with a monster 3d was like getting a sound card for the first time (kq4!).. spent way too many hours fragging my friends on dm6


isamu said:
I am getting G4/TechTV in three weeks. Never seen this channel before so I'm looking forward to watching it. It amazes that people bash this station as much as they do. Because the way I see it, a channel about videogames and gadgets is INFINITELY way cooler than the majority of crap channels we get for cable these days. Can you say, MTV? FoxNews? Regular broadcast stations? Home Shopping Network? Need I say more?

While that's true in theory, G4's programming tends to be absolute crap. The only show I actually like that they brought to the merger is Icons. The rest of their shows are all pretty bad.

Not only that, but the merger also ended up getting rid of some of the best shows on TechTV.


isamu said:
I am getting G4/TechTV in three weeks. Never seen this channel before so I'm looking forward to watching it. It amazes that people bash this station as much as they do. Because the way I see it, a channel about videogames and gadgets is INFINITELY way cooler than the majority of crap channels we get for cable these days. Can you say, MTV? FoxNews? Regular broadcast stations? Home Shopping Network? Need I say more?

Yeah, Vlad is right for the most part G4 is really bad. All the years I spent wishing for a gaming network and finally getting G4 is like something right out of the Twilight Zone, cruel, bitter, irony. You sort of mentioned G4's main problem that's holding them back, almost all their shows are like MTV with games, instead of hiring more people like Adam, Tommy and Vic, and making more informative shows like Icons, they want to hire cheesy actors who don't know a damn thing about gaming, instead of actually talking about the ups and downs of gaming, they just want to try and make gaming look cool and trendy when it really isn't at all.

When you see some dumbass actor on Players look directly at the screen and ask millions of viewers have they ever heard of GTA3, I think you'll see where we're coming from.


hobbitx said:
Yeah, Vlad is right for the most part G4 is really bad. All the years I spent wishing for a gaming network and finally getting G4 is like something right out of the Twilight Zone, cruel, bitter, irony. You sort of mentioned G4's main problem that's holding them back, almost all their shows are like MTV with games, instead of hiring more people like Adam, Tommy and Vic, and making more informative shows like Icons, they want to hire cheesy actors who don't know a damn thing about gaming, instead of actually talking about the ups and downs of gaming, they just want to try and make gaming look cool and trendy when it really isn't at all.

When you see some dumbass actor on Players look directly at the screen and ask millions of viewers have they ever heard of GTA3, I think you'll see where we're coming from.

Geeez that bad? Yikes that's not encouraging to hear at all! Looks like my main viewing is gonna be on Cartoon Network and NBA TV


isamu said:
Geeez that bad? Yikes that's not encouraging to hear at all! Looks like my main viewing is gonna be on Cartoon Network and NBA TV

Yeah, it's pretty bad. There's still some good leftovers from when the channel was just TechTV. The Screen Savers, Xplay, and Fresh Gear are all pretty good to watch. The unfortunate thing about the current channel is that most of the programming is G4's stuff, which really does lean towards the god-awful. There's Players, which is basically watching celebrities playing games, Arena, which is basically a televised, small-scale clan war spread over multiple console games, G4TV.com, which is just three idiots dividing their time between answering stupid comments from their message boards or just playing games (poorly) against each other, and occasionally one of the hosts gets stuff dumped on them in a sort of lower-budget version of You Can't Do That On Television.

The only good show I've seen from G4's stuff has been Icons, which is just a documentary on different subjects. All the ones I've seen have been pretty well put together and informative.


Vlad said:
Yeah, it's pretty bad. There's still some good leftovers from when the channel was just TechTV. The Screen Savers, Xplay, and Fresh Gear are all pretty good to watch. The unfortunate thing about the current channel is that most of the programming is G4's stuff, which really does lean towards the god-awful. There's Players, which is basically watching celebrities playing games, Arena, which is basically a televised, small-scale clan war spread over multiple console games, G4TV.com, which is just three idiots dividing their time between answering stupid comments from their message boards or just playing games (poorly) against each other, and occasionally one of the hosts gets stuff dumped on them in a sort of lower-budget version of You Can't Do That On Television.

The only good show I've seen from G4's stuff has been Icons, which is just a documentary on different subjects. All the ones I've seen have been pretty well put together and informative.

Is there any idication that they are planning to introduce fresh new shows to the station? Or do you sepculate they will stay in the same rut for a while?


isamu said:
Is there any idication that they are planning to introduce fresh new shows to the station? Or do you sepculate they will stay in the same rut for a while?

Honestly, I don't know for sure one way or the other. Something that I have noticed is that they tend to fill their space with the weakest shows. On the weekends, where there used to be stuff like Call For Help, TSS, and TechLive, there's just hours and hours of Players and Arena.

However, if their ratings do horribly, maybe they'll be more likely to turn things back around. Currently, however, they appear to be more interested in phasing out the good TechTV stuff in favor of their crap.


isamu said:
Is there any idication that they are planning to introduce fresh new shows to the station? Or do you sepculate they will stay in the same rut for a while?

Don't be too turned off Isamu, there's plenty of good shows you're probably going to like besides Icons.

Filter- Cheesy actress host, but they interview real hardcore gamers who have very informative things to say. Out of all the shows on G4, this one without a doubt gives the most nods to vintage games, with all the other shows it's just like whatever.

Judgement Day- I know you've heard alot of bitching from people on this forum about the show. It's interesting because it's basicly two dudes standing around in front of all kinds of US landmarks in different states reviewing games. What I like(that many hate) is the way they review the games, Tommy reviews games from the average joe casual perspective, and Vic reviews them from the hardcore perspective, so when Tommy is bashing a new Street Fighter or SNK release for being an old, outdated rehash, Vic is doing everything in his power to prove him wrong, this constant friendly conflict is what the show so popular.

X-play- What can I say about this that you don't already know? Excellent show imo

Cinematech- This one is really love it or hate it, it's a massive showing of cutscene and sometimes gameplay footage from all kinds of games. Normally it's all random mixes of interesting clips, but every now and then they do special eps devoted to one specific game. The real downer with this show is they hardly ever show older games, and when they do, they dub shitty techno music over the games great original music. I remember they did this with Xenogears, Nisan and techno do not fucking mix!

G4TV.com- This show is decent, Vlad is right though, all three of them(two now, the guy scott is doing a new show) are very casual and suck horribly at games. They seem like the type of people who are just into games for now because it's their job, if they moved on or got fired, I totally can't imagine any of them playing games. Still though, for now gaming is their job and they do it well, they know their stuff for the most part. They answer the fans question pretty well and you do learn about alot of new stuff you didn't know about. The huge problem with this show though is the actual guests they have. Instead of trying to get devs of really interesting games on the show(sometimes they do) it's almost always some high profile license title or some generic action game backed by a huge publisher. It becomes such a bore sometimes, but still, the show is pretty much worth watching week to week.

Finally......Pulse- This is an excellent show, it was always great, but now it's even better because it has a one hour timeslot which is wonderful. They always have interesting news to report, and the special interviews are always great unless their taking a "sneak peek" at some shitty movie or license game. Other than that though, I never miss this show.

The other main downers about G4 that make it pretty bad:

*There's no shows devoted to vintage games, Starcade is gone and even when it was out, that hardly counted.

*There's literally no real comedy shows about gaming on G4, Portal and Unscrewed is as close we get.

*No informative specials, you'd think as huge as gaming is, there would be all kinds of things for G4 to make documentaries about, but no, nothing.

*Worst of all!! Absolutely no real E3 and gaming event coverage, this is why G4 will never make any new shows for a while because all they want to do is smash events and concepts into existing shows. Like instead of airing E3 for real, they just make a ton of 30 minute E3 specials that tell you nothing, and then the next week, they make "E3 Editions" of all their crappy shows. They only do E3 coverage because they know they have to, other events like Quakecon, Tokyo Gameshow, huge gaming tournaments (except Madden cuz Scott loves football) etc. get nothing more than a quick mention in Pulse which is just sad. G4 is tv network and they have a huge edge over all the mags and websites, yet they remain grossly inferior to them.


hobbitx said:
Filter- Cheesy actress host, but they interview real hardcore gamers who have very informative things to say. Out of all the shows on G4, this one without a doubt gives the most nods to vintage games, with all the other shows it's just like whatever.

Gotta agree here. One thing I do have to mention is how absolutely awful the writing is. The show would be great if it weren't for the host. One weird little thing I noticed yesterday is that on their "Worst Games Ever" show, Shenmue was something like #2, yet on their "Best games on the Dreamcast", it was around #4 or something...

Judgement Day- I know you've heard alot of bitching from people on this forum about the show. It's interesting because it's basicly two dudes standing around in front of all kinds of US landmarks in different states reviewing games. What I like(that many hate) is the way they review the games, Tommy reviews games from the average joe casual perspective, and Vic reviews them from the hardcore perspective, so when Tommy is bashing a new Street Fighter or SNK release for being an old, outdated rehash, Vic is doing everything in his power to prove him wrong, this constant friendly conflict is what the show so popular.

Ugh. I can not stand Tommy. Sure, while your interpretation is good in theory, it just ends up irritating in practice. If there's a game that Tommy doesn't like but Vic does, the whole review ends up being Vic trying to do a good review with Tommy interrupting him every five seconds. I prefer Xplay's format by far. It's a lot more watchable, and a whole lot less irritating.

Cinematech- This one is really love it or hate it, it's a massive showing of cutscene and sometimes gameplay footage from all kinds of games. Normally it's all random mixes of interesting clips, but every now and then they do special eps devoted to one specific game. The real downer with this show is they hardly ever show older games, and when they do, they dub shitty techno music over the games great original music. I remember they did this with Xenogears, Nisan and techno do not fucking mix!

Yeah, this one can be ok at times. It's nice to see game trailers on a TV instead of a compressed internet vid.

G4TV.com- This show is decent, Vlad is right though, all three of them(two now, the guy scott is doing a new show) are very casual and suck horribly at games. They seem like the type of people who are just into games for now because it's their job, if they moved on or got fired, I totally can't imagine any of them playing games. Still though, for now gaming is their job and they do it well, they know their stuff for the most part. They answer the fans question pretty well and you do learn about alot of new stuff you didn't know about. The huge problem with this show though is the actual guests they have. Instead of trying to get devs of really interesting games on the show(sometimes they do) it's almost always some high profile license title or some generic action game backed by a huge publisher.

Yeah, you hardly ever see any of the more obscure yet good titles on this or most of the other shows. You know a show is bad when the only prize that you ever see them give away is an N-Gage...

They're pretty lousy at all the games they've played, too. Every time they play, it always boils down to two people saying "where are you?", "Hey, where'd you go?", etc for five minutes until someone loses and gets stuff dumped on them for some reason.

*No informative specials, you'd think as huge as gaming is, there would be all kinds of things for G4 to make documentaries about, but no, nothing.

Well, there's Icons at least...

*Worst of all!! Absolutely no real E3 and gaming event coverage, this is why G4 will never make any new shows for a while because all they want to do is smash events and concepts into existing shows. Like instead of airing E3 for real, they just make a ton of 30 minute E3 specials that tell you nothing, and then the next week, they make "E3 Editions" of all their crappy shows. They only do E3 coverage because they know they have to, other events like Quakecon, Tokyo Gameshow, huge gaming tournaments (except Madden cuz Scott loves football) etc. get nothing more than a quick mention in Pulse which is just sad. G4 is tv network and they have a huge edge over all the mags and websites, yet they remain grossly inferior to them.

Do they show anything live from E3? You'd think that stuff like the press conferences would be a given to showcase on live TV....


Gotta agree here. One thing I do have to mention is how absolutely awful the writing is. The show would be great if it weren't for the host. One weird little thing I noticed yesterday is that on their "Worst Games Ever" show, Shenmue was something like #2, yet on their "Best games on the Dreamcast", it was around #4 or something...

Yeah the deal with that is the voting system is viewer controlled, this is cool in theory, but the majority of people who vote are really young, dumbass little kids who give any game they don't know a 3 or 4. You should just see the Filterater section and see the kinds of ratings so many groundbreaking titles from the past have received.

and yea, Diane sucks, they should replace her with a simple robot voice, maybe VAL from Portal, those segments she does just waste time.

Ugh. I can not stand Tommy. Sure, while your interpretation is good in theory, it just ends up irritating in practice. If there's a game that Tommy doesn't like but Vic does, the whole review ends up being Vic trying to do a good review with Tommy interrupting him every five seconds. I prefer Xplay's format by far. It's a lot more watchable, and a whole lot less irritating.

Yeah, it's an extremely love it or hate it type of show, for some like me and many others this system works perfectly, but it totally disgusts a ton of other people. I can totally get where you're coming from and I don't blame you.

They're pretty lousy at all the games they've played, too. Every time they play, it always boils down to two people saying "where are you?", "Hey, where'd you go?", etc for five minutes until someone loses and gets stuff dumped on them for some reason.

lmao, exactly, seeing them playing PGR2 made me sick to my stomach!

Well, there's Icons at least...

True and I'll always love Icons, but every channel has to have a good selection of docs every now and then, even MTV puts together decent docs from time to time. There is so many things they can discuss with a documentary show. I would love to see a doc on the history of 3d or just directx itself.

Do they show anything live from E3? You'd think that stuff like the press conferences would be a given to showcase on live TV....

Never! It would cost them practically nothing to do some decent live coverage, they do live stuff all the time and with the help of TTV and how experienced they are with live broadcasts, they should have no trouble next year. I tried to campaign on the forums, but no one really gave a damn, I hope things turn out better for next E3.
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