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Dota 2 |OT11| $400 of Support and Passion


sputum-flecked apoplexy
You wouldn't. Nage infinitely more useful.

the way that if they do what they're supposed to do against you (find you farming and gank you) as naga you get one of the best escape abilities in the game to deal with it in song

delete it fat.
reSpectHer doesn't take forever to come online; you can start killing as soon as your ult is up (you should at least have phase/treads + something else by then)

her power is that she can kill and go right back to farming; the recent buff makes it easier than ever if you have quick fingers

her winrate is not a lie

pugna ward should minibash




So i played as spectre today. And then i analyzed her abilities. They are all garbage except for maybe the first skill.

To even be even remotely a threat you have to outfarm the other team for like 40mins.

Never touching this hero again.


Hold me plz


So i played as spectre today. And then i analyzed her abilities. They are all garbage except for maybe the first skill.

To even be even remotely a threat you have to outfarm the other team for like 40mins.

Never touching this hero again.

haha, man this made me laugh...her first ability her best? not even close. that passive is incredible. also, going radiance first to me was always the dumbest thing ever. spectre is my best carry, i go aquila, phase, diffusal, manta, radiance and finally refresher.

its all bout being there early and mid game, farming all game for a radiance is just dumb. you have a global ult, why would you not be part of early and mid game? i lvoe spectre, one of my fav heroes by far.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Naga takes work.

Spectre is just farm farm farm, R, KS, back to farming.



Hold me plz

I mean, the game put a huge fuckign number in front of you telling you exactly where you are, and still you have the gall to talk in absolutes as if you'd solved this game.

Please explain this train of thought i can't
I mean, the game put a huge fuckign number in front of you telling you exactly where you are, and still you have the gall to talk in absolutes as if you'd solved this game.

Please explain this train of thought i can't

You need only look back upon pompidu's posts. All will be explained.


There are so many interesting games coming out this fall, and so many of the regular time sinks upping their game that IceFrog is going to have to add like two more techies to the game just to keep me interested.
Drow is gonna need another two years of Juggernaut and LINA style buff creeps before she is a hero again.

When I started playing she was considered broken as hell, but I can't remember if that was true or if I was just garbage.


drow is the reason I started my decent into what twobear calls "cancer heroes". Literally the genesis of me playing them was to get better at killing drow. I still get ptsd of drow when I started to play.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
she's good at like 1.5k mmr when nobody knows how to close the distance with her

above that she's just a ranged creep


Buff juggernaut pls, I have my best win rate with him but he's not getting much use in competitive play so that must mean that he needs one.
Uhh Drow still gets picked at a high level and wins games, sure she sucks at close distances but that's what her gust is for and you can get mobility items to help yourself. Definitely not weak.

Her problem is that she becomes weak in the late game as her ulti starts mattering less.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Uhh Drow still gets picked at a high level and wins games, sure she sucks at close distances but that's what her gust is for and you can get mobility items to help yourself. Definitely not weak.

Her problem is that she becomes weak in the late game as her ulti starts mattering less.

>50 wr in 6.84 pro games


Vg drafted her and won.

Just watch slahsers way on her and copy that.

Can you post the game where you had such a bad time so we can get some better perspective.

To be more fair to the hero, our team played like shit and that caused me more aggravation then normally. 15 mins in, the whole team pretty much said fuck it and everyone just did whatever.

If people like her and know how to play her than cool. Don't dig this hero at all.


So i played as spectre today. And then i analyzed her abilities. They are all garbage except for maybe the first skill.

To even be even remotely a threat you have to outfarm the other team for like 40mins.

Never touching this hero again.

Ladies and gentlemen of the thread, here we have someone that does not respect the Spec.

reSpectHer doesn't take forever to come online; you can start killing as soon as your ult is up (you should at least have phase/treads + something else by then)

her power is that she can kill and go right back to farming; the recent buff makes it easier than ever if you have quick fingers

her winrate is not a lie



Spectre is a strange kind of carry. Like Moblin said, she farms and can join fights by pressing R when needed. This is a huge deal as you never have to take time out of your farm to put yourself in position for a potential team fight. Your team wants to smoke? Tell them to go without you, you get to keep farming while your team looks for the other team. You will be there when they need you.

Let's talk briefly about her skills. They are kind of weird and could use some further explaining.

Dagger - The most straightforward of all her skills. It's qualities are escaping, chasing, and just keeping track of a hero. You can cast it on the ground or directly on a unit. If you put it directly on a unit, it will ALWAYS hit them. If they blink or something before it hits them, it will still go it's normal range, and then kind of skip and hit them, giving you vision. Great against invis heroes that already started running before the detection could get near them, as it tells you where you should Dust. Don't be fooled by this still, the damage is there but it isn't the point. It's not very good damage and the mana cost goes up with levels.

Desolate - My favorite skill of hers, but also pretty weird. The idea is if the evemy you are attacking has no allied units within 300 units of them, then you get the Desolate proc. Also catapults don't count as units. Yeah, don't ask me way. Because Volvo. Anyway, the pure damage you get is no joke here, and you get it as a separate instance of damage before your attack damage. As long as your attack animation goes through and the other conditions are met, you get the damage. Evasion does not matter, they still take the Desolate damage, even if you miss. This skill is your early game bread and butter. Max it first so you can potentially go for early kills your teammates set up. They also make your Haunts early on very effective, since your illusions have this too.

Dispersion - Probably the weirdest skill of her's. Basically, you take damage, but a percentage of it is blocked and reflected on everything around you. The closer the enemies are to you, the more damage they take. You want to max this second, but you should get a value point in it at level 4, since blocking some damage > blocking no damage, even if it is so little. There are a few things to keep in mind about Dispersion though.

1. Your illusions don't have it.
2. It does not cancel blinks, refraction charges, etc.
3. You need a good amount of HP to really see good mileage out of it. This is why HP items on her are so common, in addition to illusions of course.
4. It's pure damage.

Haunt - Like I mentioned earlier, farm farm farm, and press R if your team gives the Bat signal. People will say you will mostly kill steal with early Haunts, but that is really underselling their usefulness. Tons of times, for whatever reason, someone will escape with low health and nobody else can get to them. That is your job. Enjoy the free money. You should also always carry a TP once you hit 6 just in case you have to Reality to someone for a kill, Dagger into the trees and TP out. Radiance is an absolute game changer with this, especially with the miss chance. Sometimes you might find it useful when you get really late game to get a "7th slot" item as a Refresher. You Haunt once, grab your Refresher from stash and use it, put it back for your real item and Haunt again.
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