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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana

I just had the best and worst of dota in one game.

The teammates were flaming, racist assholes (only Health the enigma was cool).

The match was very close and ended with a super intense baserace where our ancient survived at 124/4250 hp.

Regardless of evenness, our team still decided to close out with 'gg noobs'. Enjoy low priority jerks
you get placed on low priority by leaving games, not by flaming. flamers get muted at worst, and since they reduced the number of reports cause of people reporting others for picking certain heroes, it's really hard to get muted these days. you have to basically flame your team and the enemy for like 20 games in a row
you get placed on low priority by leaving games, not by flaming. flamers get muted at worst, and since they reduced the number of reports cause of people reporting others for picking certain heroes, it's really hard to get muted these days. you have to basically flame your team and the enemy for like 20 games in a row

Well they seemed like they were habitual.


This just in: techies testing reveals you can use suicide while under shallow grave and not die. I'm sure people knew this already but jic I think this could be p good/dont let dazzle and techies on the same team

talking about techies, I've tried them a bit and whats your opinion of them? So far they feel like a pudge tier hero (will lose lane against pretty much any hero), I think eul's is probably the best first item on them (mana regen +ms +setup for a mine+mine ult combo). They feel really strong defensively and against rat dota but I dunno where they would play.

I also like that you can potentially setup a 12 seconds stun with your 2nd ability. First blood with quad stacked mines around sideshop/rune spots also seem pretty good early game and stun mine seems great to prevent tower dives.



talking about techies, I've tried them a bit and whats your opinion of them? So far they feel like a pudge tier hero (will lose lane against pretty much any hero), I think eul's is probably the best first item on them (mana regen +ms +setup for a mine+mine ult combo). They feel really strong defensively and against rat dota but I dunno where they would play.

I also like that you can potentially setup a 12 seconds stun with your 2nd ability. First blood with quad stacked mines around sideshop/rune spots also seem pretty good early game and stun mine seems great to prevent tower dives.


Yeah I'm not sure where to lane him either -- but he does have one advantage in that unlike pudge he doesn't rely on levels too much. Bascially you can roam level one as long as someone has a stun to set up a mine placement. Problem is, he's super slow, so starting boots might not be a bad idea, but it'll gimp your sustain.

The other thing is that every overexcited idiot is going to see the dmg on suicide and think it's a free first blood when it's not, since it's composite dmg it's reduced by armor and magic resistance(?). Not saying it isn't an easy kill, but it requires set up, but most people are just going to run at the first person they see and waste it.

I took what kirby said and tried him jungle, and it's the lane I think he might be most effective in -- like an enchantress who jungles but is checking the lane constantly looking for kills. Jungling with him relies heavily on staking the small camp though (at least in my testing), so you're kind of gimping the other support in lane some. It's doable though. Starting build would be sage's/tangos and wards/tps/clarities depending on what other people buy. You want small camps all the time and you want to stack them to make the most of mines early on. If you choose tp you can run to rune before the game starts, plant a mine, tp back, and be in the camps with full mana before jungle creeps spawn.

I think he's super fun overall but you're right in that he's kind of a -1 in lane unless your team shows some coordination early on. But he's super great in fights in that he can singlehandedly stop pushing just with the threat of mines, and if you're careful enough it'll be hard for the enemy team to ever get a kill on you with suicide. If you can anticipate a melee mid though, he can have great rune control and be relatively safe there. Maybe elitegaf will tell me I'm dumb or whatever but that's just how I feel.

And yes, Eul's is my item of choice but everyone's gonna build blink on him because they're going to think suicide is free killz ez.

Edit: he might not be a bad offlane either. Which would make him like Earth Spirit, which might be why I like them?


talking about techies, I've tried them a bit and whats your opinion of them? So far they feel like a pudge tier hero (will lose lane against pretty much any hero), I think eul's is probably the best first item on them (mana regen +ms +setup for a mine+mine ult combo). They feel really strong defensively and against rat dota but I dunno where they would play.

I also like that you can potentially setup a 12 seconds stun with your 2nd ability. First blood with quad stacked mines around sideshop/rune spots also seem pretty good early game and stun mine seems great to prevent tower dives.


Mid seems like the natural lane with him because the river ramps create a lot of natural bottlenecks that can be used to get those mines unloaded plus you have good ambush opportunities when they go for runes. Also, mids don't tend to buy wards so you have to worry less about mines getting revealed. Not sure how good of a ganker (should be decent with suicide bombing) he is but it seems like the natural lane for him or support on the safe lane since it'll be easier to set up traps when he's going out of sight a lot to pull and stuff.


Suicide kills Techies through grave in Dota 1. That interaction likely won't remain if that's how it's working now.


Yeah I'm not sure where to lane him either -- but he does have one advantage in that unlike pudge he doesn't rely on levels too much. Bascially you can roam level one as long as someone has a stun to set up a mine placement. Problem is, he's super slow, so starting boots might not be a bad idea, but it'll gimp your sustain.

The other thing is that every overexcited idiot is going to see the dmg on suicide and think it's a free first blood when it's not, since it's composite dmg it's reduced by armor and magic resistance(?). Not saying it isn't an easy kill, but it requires set up, but most people are just going to run at the first person they see and waste it.

I took what kirby said and tried him jungle, and it's the lane I think he might be most effective in -- like an enchantress who jungles but is checking the lane constantly looking for kills. Jungling with him relies heavily on staking the small camp though (at least in my testing), so you're kind of gimping the other support in lane some. It's doable though. Starting build would be sage's/tangos and wards/tps/clarities depending on what other people buy. You want small camps all the time and you want to stack them to make the most of mines early on. If you choose tp you can run to rune before the game starts, plant a mine, tp back, and be in the camps with full mana before jungle creeps spawn.

Jungling's an idea, had played around with it but usually after the laning phase. Although I disagree with only putting one mine on the rune spot. At spawn you grab a tp, tango and 3 clarities (you'll have 200-ish gold left). TP to mid tower, go to a rune spot, pop a mine (first mine should be around 1 min before start of game), pop first clarity when cd is around 18s and you should be able to plant 4 mines (=900 dmg factoring in mr, 675 with only 3 mines) before the 30s mark and you can use the other clarities to jungle. You have a guaranteed first blood or rune denial for most of the early game.

I think he's super fun overall but you're right in that he's kind of a -1 in lane unless your team shows some coordination early on. But he's super great in fights in that he can singlehandedly stop pushing just with the threat of mines, and if you're careful enough it'll be hard for the enemy team to ever get a kill on you with suicide. If you can anticipate a melee mid though, he can have great rune control and be relatively safe there. Maybe elitegaf will tell me I'm dumb or whatever but that's just how I feel.

And yes, Eul's is my item of choice but everyone's gonna build blink on him because they're going to think suicide is free killz ez.

Edit: he might not be a bad offlane either. Which would make him like Earth Spirit, which might be why I like them?

Pretty much agree on everything else, although normally ms is extremely important for the offlane (since you want to run away) and he has the lowest base ms in the game, the stun trap might help his offlaning.

Mid seems like the natural lane with him because the river ramps create a lot of natural bottlenecks that can be used to get those mines unloaded plus you have good ambush opportunities when they go for runes. Also, mids don't tend to buy wards so you have to worry less about mines getting revealed. Not sure how good of a ganker (should be decent with suicide bombing) he is but it seems like the natural lane for him or support on the safe lane since it'll be easier to set up traps when he's going out of sight a lot to pull and stuff.

Yeah, perfect spot for traps, but if you're the mid player it kind of gives it away when you spend time away from lane and you lose the passive xp from the lane.


Jungling's an idea, had played around with it but usually after the laning phase. Although I disagree with only putting one mine on the rune spot. At spawn you grab a tp, tango and 3 clarities (you'll have 200-ish gold left). TP to mid tower, go to a rune spot, pop a mine (first mine should be around 1 min before start of game), pop first clarity when cd is around 18s and you should be able to plant 4 mines (=900 dmg factoring in mr, 675 with only 3 mines) before the 30s mark and you can use the other clarities to jungle. You have a guaranteed first blood or rune denial for most of the early game.

I'll try this! Bad part is that bots know where your shit is so it's hard to test how effective that is, and it could hamper his early jungle potential.
Is there any delay on suicide squad attack? It seems it would be way too easy to deny yourself with it, but the wiki mentions no delay and techies have an instant cast time.


I'll try this! Bad part is that bots know where your shit is so it's hard to test how effective that is, and it could hamper his early jungle potential.

Oh i've tried it, as long as there's a rune on that spot, the bot will walk on the mines. I dunno about hampering his early jungle, you still have 2 clarities and 200 gold left if you wanted more and you'll be spending the first moments stacking instead of putting mines, so you'll have times to regen imo.


Is there any delay on suicide squad attack? It seems it would be way too easy to deny yourself with it, but the wiki mentions no delay and techies have an instant cast time.

no, no real delay, If you're gonna die just e on where you're standing and gg.

And I guess with pulls one should be able to jungle. I'm aiming for a 7min arcanes.

Fire pit and hot tub confirmed boysssss

for some reason I read that as " fire pit and hot_bid confirmed boysssss" and thought it was a far more insidious post


Met Bounch. Super cool dude irl. He invited me to the workshop guys meet up in the bar close to the arena. You guys going there tomorrow?

Stood in SS line for 5 hours today, and in the end couldn't get two of the t shirts I wanted coz they ran out. Too pooped to join you guys today. Plus I have to check in at this hotel that's at the other side of the city.
Anyone know if most of the shirts are really out? That's what I kept hearing from people but I really wanted to get some... I also don't want to line up for 3 hours and find out it's out...


Anyone know if most of the shirts are really out? That's what I kept hearing from people but I really wanted to get some... I also don't want to line up for 3 hours and find out it's out...
Depends on sizes.
Don't worry I carry is out ib all sizes
Invocation invoker tee is available in xl and above.

Most were available at 1 pm

EDIT: its 8:44 pm and its still not dark. Seattle is cool
Hyped again for tomorrow, and looking to finally hit up the shop. Guy in our room had Golden Slark and Tiny so hope some of his luck rubs off on me.


So I'm looking for someone at TI that can pick up the following Economy Cards for me:

503 Bestowements of the Divine Anchor - $8
505 Dragon's Acension - $4
506 Dragonfire - $4
507 Ensemble of the Crystalline Comet - $4
513 Mystic Instruments of Tang-Ki - $4
516 Scorching Talon - $4
517 Shadow Flame - $4
523 War-Vestments of the Magnoceri - $4

Total: $36

I can transfer money over PayPal, you get to keep any extra bonuses you get for buying stuff, and I'll pay a small tip for your troubles.



So I'm looking for someone at TI that can pick up the following Economy Cards for me:

503 Bestowements of the Divine Anchor - $8
505 Dragon's Acension - $4
506 Dragonfire - $4
507 Ensemble of the Crystalline Comet - $4
513 Mystic Instruments of Tang-Ki - $4
516 Scorching Talon - $4
517 Shadow Flame - $4
523 War-Vestments of the Magnoceri - $4

Total: $36

I can transfer money over PayPal, you get to keep any extra bonuses you get for buying stuff, and I'll pay a small tip for your troubles.

I have all of those but shadowflame on me right now. I can pm you the codes if you would like. Im prolly hitting the shop again tomm


Psa don't drink from the water fountains/your Dota bottle without cleaning it very well for those at TI. I did and threw up from 12 pm to like 7 pm when I got back to the hotel.

It sucked monkey butts.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
DOTA2 fans are disgusting unhygenic people, who would've guessed?

Stay clean, folks.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If I was running EUHub, I would have very strict hygienic rules.


Was awesome meeting some of you guys today. If you see me again don't be afraid to say hi, I'm hoping to get some cards to give out.

If anyone else wants to say hi I'm going to try to set up another showcase tomorrow between 4 and 6. Tomorrow night is also the meetup at Bandits at 8.

Sunday at 5 I'll be doing a demo as well on creating an item.

Uhh can't think of anything else right now. Hope to see some games tomorrow. :D
I had a stack of player cards to give out to GAFers but I lost it today.

I offer free hugs instead to make up for it. Shout at me if you see me at the event.


I have all of those but shadowflame on me right now. I can pm you the codes if you would like. Im prolly hitting the shop again tomm

Got any more Bestowments?

Actually my list if you wouldn't mind is:

503 Bestowements of the Divine Anchor - $8

512 Mortar Forge - $4

520 Timberthaw - $8


Corporate Apologist
I had a stack of player cards to give out to GAFers but I lost it today.

I offer free hugs instead to make up for it. Shout at me if you see me at the event.
Just where are you? I actually heard a pair of girls near the work shop station mention they were upset they hadn't seen you at all.
These people buying 10k worth of workshop cards are going to be pretty surprised when they add them to the store as normal items like Valve announced they would and the items are worth pennies...
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