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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


Corporate Apologist
There is not a single quantifiable "dota" skill, there is several dozen small skills, of which people are better or worse. Some players are very well rounded, while other can be very good in a few skills and utterly fall flat at a wide range of skills. MMR is a reflection of this average.

Pay attention of what your team mates seem to be good and bad at. Normally, its actually really easy to pick up on defincenses, and from this you can actually guess at what they are good at and try to play into that.


There is not a single quantifiable "dota" skill, there is several dozen small skills, of which people are better or worse. Some players are very well rounded, while other can be very good in a few skills and utterly fall flat at a wide range of skills. MMR is a reflection of this average.

Pay attention of what your team mates seem to be good and bad at. Normally, its actually really easy to pick up on defincenses, and from this you can actually guess at what they are good at and try to play into that.

What about when they're good at nothing? This WK wasn't good at farming and not dying, or skilling properly, things he actually needed to be at least decent at to win the game. While Brewmaster was awful at choosing items and somehow WORSE than last hitting with a goddamn Quelling Blade. Then he just claps at things for no reason sometimes and wastes his mana.

Edit: I didn't even mention that Brew's first item was A FUCKING VANGUARD. What dumbass buys that on him?!


The aura is very good early on, but Frostbite is really her best skill hands down. I can justify something like FB->Aura->FB->Aura->FB but never Nova over FB.

I'd have to disagree. I max Nova over Bite though I take Bite at level 1 for FB and jungling purposes. Nova has a lot more utility than Bite in early game. You can AOE slow and damage heroes in team fights and you can defend and farm waves with it.


Razzer, are there any teams left to do writeups for? Wouldn't mind doing one for the TI4 thread if there's room.

Welcome back!


Dibs where taken, but still haven't received
NewBee - artanisix
Navi US - neurosisxeno
EG - taken by mastershake
MVP - taken by Steve
Navi EU - taken by Heavy's Sandvich
IG - taken by Sanjay
Alliance - taken by Demoli - pretty sure I saw this one somewhere

Dibs were taken, have received
Titan - taken by close to the edge
C9 Team Empire Fnatic Vici - Razzer
DK - taken by chiym1992
Mouz - taken by ksan

Liquid, CIS, VP - not unless someone really wants to do them.


relies on auto-aim
What about when they're good at nothing? This WK wasn't good at farming and not dying, or skilling properly, things he actually needed to be at least decent at to win the game. While Brewmaster was awful at choosing items and somehow WORSE than last hitting with a goddamn Quelling Blade. Then he just claps at things for no reason sometimes and wastes his mana.

Edit: I didn't even mention that Brew's first item was A FUCKING VANGUARD. What dumbass buys that on him?!
But they are at your MMR with only 400 games instead of 4,000 what does that say?


While I've never tried it myself, the tales of the crushed spirits of the brave supports who attempt solo ranked keeps me far away from it. I enjoy Dota exponentially more the more friends I have in my party.

On another Hylian note, I played in a particularly nasty push lineup as Tinker before and I can certainly see the appeal and feel the maniacal joy as the enemy struggles to deal with the constant rotations and ever-battering waves of creeps. Also, Dagon gaming. A great way to break a painful series of lategame throws earlier today.
While I've never tried it myself, the tales of the crushed spirits of the brave supports who attempt solo ranked keeps me far away from it. I enjoy Dota exponentially more the more friends I have in my party.

I play most of my games in solo ranked. Honestly, having someone who actually knows how to play on a support makes a world of difference. If people would just get over this "MUST BE RAMBO HOLLA HOLLA GET DOLLA" attitude they would realize you experience more kills as a support, and actually set the entire pace of the game. Yea, if you're doing something like 4p1 it can be boring as crap but if you pick some heroes that are decent at pushing and have some solid kill potential it's pretty rewarding. Not to mention, if you are a good support you can make up for mediocre players around you.


But they are at your MMR with only 400 games instead of 4,000 what does that say?




Have lost like 9 out of my last 10 games. Pretty sure my friend is dragging me down into the depths of low ranked hell. Forever the only support.


I play most of my games in solo ranked. Honestly, having someone who actually knows how to play on a support makes a world of difference. If people would just get over this "MUST BE RAMBO HOLLA HOLLA GET DOLLA" attitude they would realize you experience more kills as a support, and actually set the entire pace of the game. Yea, if you're doing something like 4p1 it can be boring as crap but if you pick some heroes that are decent at pushing and have some solid kill potential it's pretty rewarding. Not to mention, if you are a good support you can make up for mediocre players around you.

Pretty much what SirActionSlacks said.
Watching replays of your own games is quite an enlightening experience. I'll have games where I did really well and think I'm hot shit and then watch the replay, from a detached POV, and see all the mistakes I made and how I can improve. It's quite a humbling exercise.


Welcome back!


Dibs where taken, but still haven't received
Navi US - neurosisxeno
EG - taken by mastershake
MVP - taken by Steve
Navi EU - taken by Heavy's Sandvich
DK - taken by chiym1992
IG - taken by Sanjay
Alliance - taken by Demoli - pretty sure I saw this one somewhere

Dibs were taken, have received
Titan - taken by close to the edge
C9 Team Empire Fnatic Vici - Razzer
Mouz - taken by ksan

Liquid, CIS, VP - not unless someone really wants to do them.

Hi shira

I can do Newbee's writeup. When do you need it by?
I hope we see some venomancer so I can learn how to make smart use of veno wards. I feel like I would enjoy venomancer if I got decent with him, but currently he feels like an inferior jakiro.


Max Q first, then poison sting, wards for scouting only, ez gg

See, I feel if you're going this route, Jakiro is simply better. Jakiro has:

-A great stun
-Very solid health
-Not nearly as much mana issues
-Strong attack speed slows
-Similar harass, push and counterpush qualities

The only real distinguishing advantage Venomancer has is the fantastic versatility of his wards. That's why I start out going 2-1-0-0 for general harass and ganks, and then go all in on wards (2-1-4-1). Still, I need to learn the best way to utilize them, for pushing, farming, scouting, etc.


I could write a post about retarded teammates that would break the character limit with only 715 games played on my main.
Welcome back!


Dibs where taken, but still haven't received
NewBee - artanisix
Navi US - neurosisxeno
EG - taken by mastershake
MVP - taken by Steve
Navi EU - taken by Heavy's Sandvich
DK - taken by chiym1992
IG - taken by Sanjay
Alliance - taken by Demoli - pretty sure I saw this one somewhere

Dibs were taken, have received
Titan - taken by close to the edge
C9 Team Empire Fnatic Vici - Razzer
Mouz - taken by ksan

Liquid, CIS, VP - not unless someone really wants to do them.

My DK write up was posted here:


Someone mentioned that the pictures will probably have to go.

Chris R

I could write a post about retarded teammates that would break the character limit with only 715 games played on my main.

You could probably do it in 10-20 games. Hell I could probably do it for the games I played this three day weekend. No I won't keep the game paused for 15 mins so your queue buddy can run to pick up pizza.

edit: And for TI4 attendees, how the hell we gonna communicate? Is there some kind of site/program/app we could use to keep everyone updated with ease that doesn't involve a ton of posting here or PMs?


Maybe MMR isn't actually accurate of skill at all.

Of couse, MMR is not accurate! One could just boost his MMR by playing the same hero over and over. Let us say Slark or Tinker. Then it can happen that someone on one's team insta-picks his favorite hero, and the guy is lost, he chooses WK and plays like crap.
Playing omni is a pretty interesting experience, all your skills are meant to be used on your teammates instead of the other team. Just pretty much ignoring the enemy and doing nothing but healing and buffing is strange and also pretty effective, even if you end up with the worst KDA in the game.

I can't imagine doing that for many games in a row, though. I want to hit stuff eventually.
Playing omni is a pretty interesting experience, all your skills are meant to be used on your teammates instead of the other team. Just pretty much ignoring the enemy and doing nothing but healing and buffing is strange and also pretty effective, even if you end up with the worst KDA in the game.

I can't imagine doing that for many games in a row, though. I want to hit stuff eventually.

You can indirectly aim your Heal to damage enemies. You can also repel enemies for very situational occasions.
There's also the absolutely disgusting damage he puts out.

Jakiro does significantly higher damage over time (246 vs 153 magical damage per second at lvl 11, 286 vs 191 at lvl 16), it just doesn't last nearly as long especially if enemies get to leave macropyre. Still, I'd argue a lot of teamfights are decided before Venomancer's damage catches up to Jakiro's.


Jakiro does significantly higher damage over time (246 vs 153 magical damage per second at lvl 11, 286 vs 191 at lvl 16), it just doesn't last nearly as long especially if enemies get to leave macropyre. Still, I'd argue a lot of teamfights are decided before Venomancer's damage catches up to Jakiro's.

Sure, Jakiro's DPS is higher, but the total damage that Venomancer ends up doing is absolutely bonkers. Venomous Gale is doing Laguna Blade like damage at level seven, with a slow and the potential to hit additional targets. As you touched upon, Poison Nova is also quite a bit more reliable to hit with than Macropyre.

I really don't have the experience to discuss the merits of Venomancer vs. Jakiro in-depth, I just don't think you can ignore the damage potential of Venomancer as a benefit of the hero.

Can I get a replay analysis on this? I really don't understand how we lost this, and obviously I didn't watch every move of the other lanes.

Basically the whole game was lost in 10 minutes. We had literally no vision on the map, wards were consatantly out of stock. We got dewarded so we never had vision. Every other lane lost and then they ganked me too and I couldn't do a damn thing about it as nowhere was safe. Even base wasn't safe because NP TP'd in to snipe me when I got out with no health.

Bloodseeker goes Midas against a Faceless Void. He got it in 6 minutes, that's great, except we needed to midgame these guys and we lost any chance of that early.

Will do, but will take time because upload speed yadda yadda.


Really looking forward to tomorrow's games.

It'll be a respite from every other post being a depressing postmortem/vent on a loss.

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
anyone can give me some tips on Bane please? i did ok for the most part but seems to keep messing up the priority of who to sleep, who to grip and who to enfeeble. and if i enfeeble 1 Meepo, does the other Meepos also got enfeeble or just that one? anyway, any tips and suggestions would help. skill wise i went W>Q/E>W>Q/E>W>Q>R for the most part.
anyone can give me some tips on Bane please? i did ok for the most part but seems to keep messing up the priority of who to sleep, who to grip and who to enfeeble. and if i enfeeble 1 Meepo, does the other Meepos also got enfeeble or just that one? anyway, any tips and suggestions would help. skill wise i went W>Q/E>W>Q/E>W>Q>R for the most part.

A lot of it is match up dependent but I generally try and avoid putting points into enfeeble early game if I can get away with it, since all of Bane's abilities are mana intensive. Although if you're running solo mid against someone like Sniper then enfeeble early is pretty amazing.

Bane's the set up master with sleep so try and get lanes with hero's who have an ability that is easier to hit with set up, i.e. Mirana arrow, Lina stun etc.


Playing omni is a pretty interesting experience, all your skills are meant to be used on your teammates instead of the other team. Just pretty much ignoring the enemy and doing nothing but healing and buffing is strange and also pretty effective, even if you end up with the worst KDA in the game.

I can't imagine doing that for many games in a row, though. I want to hit stuff eventually.

I used to only run around the enemy and slowed them down with my degen aura, to annoy them during laning and to catch up to them when we wanted a kill. Such a strong passive ability.

Omni man mode is fun too. Run up to a dude and start hitting him, and give him the feel that he has you low enough and then PURIFICATION motherfucker.
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