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Drum Corps...Anybody familiar with them?

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I marched for the Florida Wave way back in 86 and 87 and man was it fun! Traveling around for two months on a bus while still a teenager was quite the experience. For those unfamiliar with Drum Corps, it is essentially a professional competition-driven organization of Drum Corps (all brass and drum instruments only...none of those wussy flutes) that competes throughout the summer around the US and Canada. The finals which are held in August are downright impressive and (for music fans) an amazing experience.

Its hard to convey just how technically and artisitically different they are to ordinary marching bands. First of all they work and train like you would expect a military...up at the crack of dawn followed by rehearsals until well pst dusk when it comes time to hit the sack before you do it all over again the next day.

Anyways, I'd be curious to know if there are any other DCI allumni here. For those interested you should check out http://www.dci.org


I was going to make Glassmen snare line in '96 (senior year in HS) but I decided I couldn't afford to not have a job and I really hated their music for that season (and I absolutely could not STAND George Sheppard). In '98 the guys from my college line were going to do Bluecoats since an old section leader was going to be snare tech, but he left due to some disagreements so we didn't do it.

In retrospect, I should have just ponied up the money since I could have marched for four seasons, and those were the years that Glassmen kicked much ass (after '96 of course).

My favorites are probably Cavvies, Cadets, Velvet Knights (RIP), Bridgemen (RIP again), and probably Crossmen. I used to be a big Madison fan, but they've gotten REALLY sloppy over the past 6 or 7 years.

I think more people would be into it if they could afford to buy the DVDs, at something like $100 a pop it puts it out of the reach of lots of folks. I don't see why DCI couldn't get a distribution deal with a company to get them in stores like BB and Media Play for under $40. I think it would do a lot for the activity.


I always wanted to do it, but I played trombone and would have had to learn baritone or something to do it since it's all valve instruments. My HS marching band basically were clones of Crossmen my freshman and sophmore year, where we took music from, I believe, their '92 and '93 shows that had an environmental "save the earth" theme. The music was awesome and we rocked every competition we were in. I believe both of Crossmen's original shows that ours were based on are available on Crossmen recordings.


teiresias said:
I believe, their '92 and '93 shows that had an environmental "save the earth" theme.

They did. Those were good years. I still think my favorite shows ever are (in no order):

'95 Cavvies
'95 Glassmen
'93-94 Madison (hooray for Strawberry Soup and Malaga!)
'95 Cadets
'82-83 Bridgemen - SHAFT~! and Black Market Juggler
'80 Bridgemen - Pursuit of the Lady in the Feathered Hat (NUTS)


shoplifter said:
They did. Those were good years. I still think my favorite shows ever are (in no order):

'95 Cavvies
'95 Glassmen
'93-94 Madison (hooray for Strawberry Soup and Malaga!)
'95 Cadets
'82-83 Bridgemen - SHAFT~! and Black Market Juggler
'80 Bridgemen - Pursuit of the Lady in the Feathered Hat (NUTS)

LOL Way back in 87 my HS marching coach was a Madison alumni and he would constantly play Malaga and Strawberry Soup on his old tapes. Wish I could remember who played it but I could've sworn that it too was Madison but from 84. (or was it Crossman?)

My two favorite performances ever have to be The Cadets of Bergen County 87 playing "On the Waterfront." That corps had NO color gaurd and replaced their numbers with MORE brass...My God they were loud! That same year Santa Clara Vangaurd were playing "Phantom of the Opera"...or was that from another year? I also remember them playing an awesome version of "Les Miserables"...Just amazing.

BTW, I've heard a lot of those early Bridgeman tapes and actually met one of their lead drummers who was touring with the senior corps back in 87. He was giving us war stories on how all of them would get completely stoned before some major competitions. Regardless, they're is no denying that that was one great drumline. My favorite Corps was always Blue Devils...Hey I played Soprano and they always had the best arrangements that favored that instrument.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
My ex was in the color guard for a few years and she always mentioned the drum and bugle corps.. made me drive her to Ohio to go to a tryout for division I colorguard... Not my thing...
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