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Duke Forever on Doom III engine according to take 2 CEO


half-wit retard monkey's ass
Yes I know, it's amazaflabberweirdinating....

But, the CEO of Take-Two Interactive (Richard Rodell) just said in the Q4 results presentation that Duke Nukeem Forever is 'The 3DRealms guys continue to work, they are using the Doom 3 technology which is finished."

Don't believe me? Check out the sound clip from the presentation where an investor asks about the game.


I swear George Broussard is having a fit I'm sure if he hears this. :)

I'm guessing on the CEO not actually knowing what he's talking about...I hope they record the fight!


This is extremly fishy! Does George Broussard intend to finish this game during his lifetime or not?

Kobold said:
Yes I know, it's amazaflabberweirdinating....

But, the CEO of Take-Two Interactive (Richard Rodell) just said in the Q4 results presentation that Duke Nuke 'Em Forever is 'The 3DRealms guys continue to work, they are using the Doom 3 technology which is finished."

Don't believe me? Check out the sound clip from the presentation where an investor asks about the game.


I swear George Broussard is having a fit I'm sure if he hears this. :)


Tag of Excellence
It's been on the record that they "don't like each other." Take it with a grain of salt and assume it's more mudslinging.


0G M3mbeR
I like how it turned from "it will be out before Doom 3" into "It now runs on Doom 3's engine" lol


Tag of Excellence
beerbelly said:
Why isn't the whole Duke Nukem Forever crew fired yet?
They are fully funding the project by themselves. Take Two doesn't have to provide any money for the development just the usual distributor role and the cut of profit.

Therefor the only thing Take Two can do is bitch publically but they do not want to lose the possible lisence because Duke Nukem is guaranteed to atleast sell.


Panajev2001a said:
Hey I think there are bigger problems than individual developers.

I want to know who the hell is still tossing money at this game. This is like the worst business move ever. You would have to sell a copy of this game to every gamer in existence to justify the continually rising budget and licensing of technology. I mean are people actually working full time on this project?

Someone should start plotting the great events in history that took place while this game was in development...


half-wit retard monkey's ass
Can someone actually tell the people at


that this is an actual question from the Q/A session with the Take-Two management, from the conference call held not 3 hours ago. You can go to take-two website and listen to the quarter results call yourself! It's at 50 minutes or so that they mention it and i started recording this.

Damn, people are weird...this statement is so incredible there no way someone would fake it ever. Go listen for yourself at take-two website.

(I can't post this at 3Drealms, no account and needs verification which takes forever.)
Phoenix said:
I want to know who the hell is still tossing money at this game. This is like the worst business move ever. You would have to sell a copy of this game to every gamer in existence to justify the continually rising budget and licensing of technology. I mean are people actually working full time on this project?

Someone should start plotting the great events in history that took place while this game was in development...

3DRealms is footing the entire production cost, and is reportedly receiving $12 million from Take Two for the rights to publish the game. Additionally they sold the Max Payne franchise to Take Two for $45 million. They have a freaking war chest built up, and with the very small size of the production team, they're in no rush to push the game out of the door.

I looked for a quote and couldn't find it, but Broussard said they could easily afford to have the game in development for years more and still make a boatload of money off it.


Also here's a link detailing all the engine switching and other various shenanigans http://forums.3drealms.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=639084&Main=639028

** edit again **

George Broussard said in an interview that the DNF team has only 25 people working on the project. Tiny.


Whatcha gonna do when they come?
I gotta redeem!
Whatcha gonna do when they come?
I gotta relieve!
Whatcha gonna do when they come?
I gotta recieve!
You gotta do what?
you gotta do what?
I gotta Believe!


Aahahah!? Ahahahahah! Ahahahahahahaha, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA, AHAHAHAHAHAHAH, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! AHAHAHAH?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahaha!!!


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Alex Anderson said:
3DRealms is footing the entire production cost, and is reportedly receiving $12 million from Take Two for the rights to publish the game. Additionally they sold the Max Payne franchise to Take Two for $45 million. They have a freaking war chest built up, and with the very small size of the production team, they're in no rush to push the game out of the door.

I looked for a quote and couldn't find it, but Broussard said they could easily afford to have the game in development for years more and still make a boatload of money off it.


Also here's a link detailing all the engine switching and other various shenanigans http://forums.3drealms.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=639084&Main=639028

** edit again **

George Broussard said in an interview that the DNF team has only 25 people working on the project. Tiny.

Small teams do seem the way to go with first-person PC titles, as id has proven. Remember Dakitana? Everyone and their mama was on the staff for that game and I don't think we need mention how it turned out...


Alex Anderson said:
3DRealms is footing the entire production cost, and is reportedly receiving $12 million from Take Two for the rights to publish the game. Additionally they sold the Max Payne franchise to Take Two for $45 million. They have a freaking war chest built up, and with the very small size of the production team, they're in no rush to push the game out of the door.http://forums.3drealms.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=639084&Main=639028

While the company may make some money - I'd be curious to see how much they make in profit. The game most assuredly has already cost them more than $12 million to make. The game has been in development for EIGHT years! Broussard can play his 'information minister' role and say that they are making tons of profit off shipping this game, but if they've got anything resembling a normal development team working on the game - they have spent both the $12 mill they received from Take Two and the $45 mill they received for selling Max Payne (basing this off the average cost to develop a AAA game - since I assume that they're going AAA).

They've sampled the Quake2, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, and now the DOOM3 engine? I'm sure these million dollar engines weren't donated either.

I'm starting to believe that the development team simply split the money for DNF amongst themselves and is never going to release a product. 3DRealms is about to be the next Interplay. I mean for goodness sakes at least Interplays teams were releasing product!
They also had cash from Duke 3d.. that got them rich.. Take two is the one who made the big mestake, they went ahead and paid them 12 mil to publish their game whenever and ifever it comes out...

Take two has NO say in anything... they just dont want to loose their 12 mil they spent.. It's not costing the developers that much to make the game... There doing it all thier self's.. and they really dont have a reason to rush it..


Something IS seriously wrong. I can understand taking your time if the resources and space is there, but nearly a decade latter and there's nothing to show for it?

Maybe the problem lies in 3DRealms feeling too comfty about their current position.


Doing it yourself doesn't mean its free - you still have all the same fixed costs as every other shop in the world: salaries, software licenses, machine upgrades, benefits, bandwidth, insurances, taxes, rent, etc. These are all fixed costs specifically for DNF that are not amortized over Max Payne (unless they plan to go to jail for accounting practice violations). I hope them all the success in the world, but lets be real here - this is one of the most expensive development projects EVER. And since we can see that they keep hiring people, we can go beyond the 'low cost' of development piece just based off the average salaries of developers and artists.

But anyways...


go eat paint
Man, this news is fake -- my best bud's dealer's sister told us the other day that Duke Nukem Forever is now being developed on the CPS2 board to take advantage of Advanced Hadoken technology.
Official Statement from 3D Realms on shacknews.com

"I guess I need to clear up some confusion. We are not using the Doom 3 engine for Duke Nukem Forever.

That said, I'd also like to take a moment to point out something about the gaming press. Very few people ever even try to contact you for fact checking, like Gamespot did. When they ran the story about the engine change, they ended it with "Attempts to contact 3D Realms for comment were unsuccessful as of press time." The news story was posted 35 minutes after I received an e-mail from them requesting confirmation.

Gamespot, I apologize. Your e-mail came in at 10:04pm and I was working elsewhere in the building. I will try to be more accessible to you in the future."
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