Well...um...here is a similar (and true) story.
You see a few months ago there was two people, one was a deviously cunning and clever individual who was a member of several video rental distribution chains and would often hire some DVD movies, copy them for private use, put them in blank DVD cases with printed covers downloaded from the Internet and obviously return the rentals to the store unscathed. This underhanded scheme worked well, until one sorrowful day the other individual, a dark and pale creature from the land of total 'effin stupidity and utter cluelessness was given a special task to perform. Now for the sake of anonymity, let's call the clever person Bill, and the nitwit Anne.
Prior to this evil day, Bill had done what he had done many times previously, copied the rented DVD and printed out a cover, and then placed disc and cover print out in a blank DVD case. It was by no means a perfect copy of an original DVD movie case (in many respects a rather poor one), but it made Bill happy and along with the rest of his collection it looked rather respectable. Bill had placed the copied DVD cases on top of a storage cabinet in his room and the rented DVD's remained in a another room in their video store cases with the name of the rental chain plastered all over them. Before going to work the next day Bill requested of Anne a special task, Bill said "Anne, please return the rented movies to the video store" to which Anne obliged. The day, like all others was long and monotonous for Bill, his repetitive and ultimately meaningless job boring him throughout the day, and like all other days, Bill eagerly anticipated his arrival home.
When Bill did arrive home he went to Anne and asked about the movies, "We're they taken back to the video store" he said to which Anne said that they were. Bill was happy with this answer and went away to concern himself with other matters. After a while Bill entered the room where he had left the rented movies, and he saw a curious thing, DVD movies in DVD movies cases that had the rental distribution chain plastered all over them. Bill went back to Anne, "I thought you took the movies back to the video store" he said, to which Anne responded "I did", "But no you didn't, the rented movies are still here" said Bill to which Anne responded once more, "I took them back today". Confused, Bill went into his room, looked upon the cabinet which he left the copied movies and in the very place that they once were, they had now seemingly vanished. Now rather concerned, Bill asked Anne where the copied movies had gone from upon the cabinet, and Anne responded 'Those were the ones I took back the video store'.
After very nearly fainting and regaining his balance from total shock at the idiocy of it all; that the copied movies, all in their crappy $2 bargain shop DVD case glory, their shitty paper print out covers and the blank DVD-R disc with the name of the movie hastily written on it would be returned to the video store in lieu of the rented movies with the video store logo prostituted all over them; Bill let loose more explicatives in the space of a few minutes than the combined profanity of every single drunken Irish to ever enter a pub. Upon regathering his composure Bill decided not to say anything to the video store about the mysterious copied movies they would receive, to simply remain oblivious to the whole incident and the copies that would no doubt be tied to his account. Bill's reasoning was that regardless of the no doubt highly suspicious circumstances, there is was still nothing that could actually prove that Bill was the one who copied these movies, i.e. anyone could have copied those movies and gave them back to the video store. Within a few days Bill would return the rented movies to the video store and within a few months would be once again hiring movies from the same store and expanding his collection.
Moral is be like Bill, return the rented movie, say nothing of the incident and steer clear of the video store for a while.