Chuck Berry
Gold Member
The Moment
The worst: as an Xbox Fan
Also the best: As a Playstation Fan
One E3 I was in a session Nintendo hosted for analysts and business types, Reggie, Miyamoto and Iwata were there. Pretty much as you would expect except one guy tried to ask his question in Japanese and none of the Nintendo crew had a clue what he was saying so he had to ask it in English and have it translated like everyone else. The cringe factor was extremely high. Afterwards I get into the lift outside and Iwata is in there, just hanging out like any normal suit. A few others get in and two of them had come from the same event, both American, they don't see Iwata as the lift is a bit packed and the guy wasn't the tallest. They stand there mouthing off about the session, saying "uhhh what Nintendo really needs to do...." and "I can't believe they said this....didn't say that" the works. As the lift approaches the ground floor, these guys notice the rest of the lift is deathly quiet, we're all grinning at them then at Iwata who is grinning from ear to ear. Finally they turn around and see Iwata, who just nods at them still smiling like crazy. Leaves the lift like the absolute god damn boss legend that great man was, and always will be in my memory.
One video covers both. The Best of the Worst.
It does. I won’t sugarcoat it, E3 was always an absolute blast. I used to LOVE going to the conferences. And some of my favorite memories are from E3, like meeting Miyamoto, and sneaking into closed door meetings/reveals. I even ended up on local LA news a few times, since I’d often weasel my way into the early “news stations only” events on the show floor, where I was typically the only person there who actually played and understood games. Plus, the industry parties in the evenings were some of the best I’ve ever attended.Sucks that I never got to go.
besides the obvious ones people have mentioned,
When Nintendo unveiled the 3DS, they paraded a long line of women with a 3DS strapped to their waists. They specifically hired women with big boobs so that when you try the device, they are part of your peripheral vision, "enhancing" the 3D effect I guess lol.