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EAT CROW THREAD! Admit views you were wrong about!


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
I am an older gamer so my list goes back a ways. I am not afraid that I have been wrong and in some cases really wrong! Just some of my idiotic opinions and feel free to share your own!

I have an Atari, I don't want a Nintendo:. I remember being a little kid thinking this, I also remember asking for a Nintendo a year or two later.

Genesis don't stand a change against NIntendo: For a long while, Sega was holding it's own against the Snes. The Sega/Nintendo battles were so much fun! If Sega didn't go crazy with the 32x, sega cd, jumping ship early on the saturn, etc. Sega would still be a player today.

Sony don't know games, I am sticking with my N64: At times I loved my N64. Most of the times I was mad because Nintendo had massive droughts with no quality games with few 3rd party support. PSX won square over and quickly third parties flocked to SOny due to the cheaper and more flexible (memory wise) CD format. Nintendo were also Notorious to not be third party friendly in those times. Looking back, I wish I got the psx.

Dreamcast is the console of the future!: I bought a dreamcast at launch and it really was a huge evolution form the N64 and Playstation. The Dreamcast started strong while having A strong library to back it up. The Seganet online play combined with the web browser was innovative at the time Too little too late. Sega Burned consumers trust with abandoning the 32x, Sega CD, then the Saturn. EA also failed to support the dreamcast while the Massive Playstation 2, Xbox and Gamecube launched soon after. After a few years the Dreamcast was all but dead. Dreamcast was a very fun ride but too short!

Xbox Sucks, I'm sticking with the Gamecube! Kind of a similiar story to the N64. The Gamecube has some great Gems but Nintendo still suffered from massive droughts. The first few years of launch I was a primary Gamecube owner and watched most of the third party games go to the playstation 2/Xbox. Nintendo was seen as a toy by mass consumers while they went with a smaller mini disk that held less data than the standard DVD the other 2 had.

I don't want widescreen or HD: I remember hating that widescreen seemed to cut off the top of the picture. Living with Analog TV's your whole life then switching to a different shaped TV was a bit of a mind fuck. Finally getting an HD monitor then trying to go back is painful.

Xbox 360 was the Ultimate Console: With Xbox live in mind, I may have had more fun on my old 360 than any other console. With that said, the design of it was a pile of shit. Over the course of 7 years of having a 360 as my main console, I went through 5 consoles. I had a program at best buy where any time my 360 broke, I can bring it to them and exchange it(plus a $50 fee each time) for a new one. I had several variations of the 360 and suffered 3 RROD's, 1 E74 error, 1 drive problem. Finall scored a slim and that worked until I sold it. Great library, great online capability, shitty design.

SWITCH will fail : Like most of you I scoffed when Nintendo launched an under powered console. I thought no way am I buying that junk. I was sure it was dead in the water. Got a switch light over a year ago and love it

PS5/XSX: The graphics on these machines are going to be mind boggling! To be honest, I have been a bit underwhelmed with the graphics seen on my PS5. Ratchet and Clank being the exception but nothing looks like a big leap at all from the ps4/x1 era. Most games you are forced with a choice at either: 4k 30fps or 1080p60 while often time making the games look like a last gen title. The Matrix Demo is Impressive but doubt we will see anything on that level as a full game. It's a long generation so maybe after the ps4/x1 support stops and developers start making Native PS5/XSX games we will see a big leap.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
That my butt did not look fat in these jeans.
imagination GIF


Gold Member
Xbox Sucks, I'm sticking with the Gamecube! Kind of a similiar story to the N64. The Gamecube has some great Gems but Nintendo still suffered from massive droughts. The first few years of launch I was a primary Gamecube owner and watched most of the third party games go to the playstation 2/Xbox. Nintendo was seen as a toy by mass consumers while they went with a smaller mini disk that held less data than the standard DVD the other 2 had.
Oof this was me. Bought Smash Bros. Melee, Luigi's Mansion and Rogue Squadron 2 around launch. Couldn't imagine anything better. Then I discovered a little game called Halo at a nerd den. Bought an Xbox within a few months of that. GameCube was fucking amazing though.

My own crow to eat is probably the Switch. I was fairly sure it would bomb like the Wii U.

Luckily I never put this theory in writing in that thread that keeps being dug up around here so I have plausible deniability!

I also thought that Super Mario Sunshine was the pinnacle of Mario games at the time. I'll still argue this point to the death but deep down I know I'm wrong.

Ev1L AuRoN

  • I thought the 64 would murder the PS1... PS1 end up being the best console I've ever own IHMO.
  • After the Wii, I thought I was done with Nintendo... Traded my PS4 for a Switch and freaking love it.
  • I was sure Kung Fu Panda was a bad movie, Jack Black as a panda? Come on... Absolutely love the franchise.
  • When consoles became HD, I thought I was done with PC gaming... Now PC and Switch rules!
  • I thought having a BD collection would be interesting... Most of my movies rot and are in the trash, the survivors collect dust somewhere in my house (Literally don't know where they are...)


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Card games suck and are for dorks: Ended up trying Hearthstone with a friend when it was new, got hooked for months. I still revisit it once in a while years later

60+ FPS isn't a big deal for gaming: I observed others on the internet arguing about framerates for many years, never giving enough of a shit myself to chip in to the discussions or even explore other options. I can't even tell you what my old-old PC monitor's refresh rate was, and I was perfectly happy with the 30-45 FPS games the PS4 typically delivered. I finally bought a 75Hz monitor and built a system capable of running everything at that stable framerate, and now it takes me a lot to be able to go back to a 30 FPS game. And with my latest monitor I feel myself now growing more accustomed to even greater framerates (though honestly the difference between 120 and 75 feels much more minor than 60 does to 30)

Cloud gaming is still years away from being feasible: I ended up getting a gigabit internet connection with no datacap, and playing games on PS Now streaming is practically the same as playing it locally. It's versatile and convenient. It provides hints at a future where gaming could end up being nearly completely hardware agnostic


I thought Stadia was good enough under optimal settings that it would carve out a niche market, enough to remain financially viable for Google to continue supporting it for at least 5 years.

I was impressed by it when I tried it, but alas, I was alone.
GoW 2018 was great. I talked so much shit bc there was pretty much only one weapon. I decided to make it more fun by playing on Hard mode, which I normally didn't do.

That was one of the best decisions ever bc I fell in love with the difficulty, and it actually led me to play the Dark Souls games and put in effort. And DS games are now my favorite of all time. GoW 2018 is also in the top 10 gaming experiences I've had.
120 fps is a waste : After becoming a motion snob I realize 120fps is the only way to fully fix oled/lcd motion so no it’s not a waste. 😅

Nintendo switch : would have more games from Nintendo because the 3ds and wii u studios will both be on it and make as many games as both had combined.

…Boy was I wrong there :(
I thought I would never need a gaming PC... I just ordered one. As soon as I completed the purchase my E-Penis grew at least a whole 4 extra inches (it's now a full 4.5 inches :messenger_sunglasses:). I can see now why some of you PC guys are confident, arrogant dickheads...

:messenger_tears_of_joy: jk... but I really did get me a PC, just waiting to receive it. I have joined the MASTER RACE!


I thought the PS5 would take big negative hit in sales because of its appearance. I literally burst out in laughter when I seen it and thought it was a joke at first. I was wrong, still selling as fast as possible.


120 fps is a waste : After becoming a motion snob I realize 120fps is the only way to fully fix oled/lcd motion so no it’s not a waste. 😅

Nintendo switch : would have more games from Nintendo because the 3ds and wii u studios will both be on it and make as many games as both had combined.

…Boy was I wrong there :(
Wait you're not saying you were wrong to say horizon forbidden West doesn't have vibrant colours? Think you've missed the point of this thread :p


I was wrong to think emulation is great value, i had a XSS for emulation and, after getting all the old games i wanted to work on it, i realised i didn't want to play them anymore and sold it. I'll be very careful in future when investing in emulation devices.
I thought squirrel nuts were a joke on a restaurant menu when I ordered them.

After tasting them. I was wrong.

Serious answer : I had official Xbox magazine back in the early 2000s. They hyped the hell out of Perfect Dark Zero. After reading I was convinced that this was going to be one of the best fps shooters ever. My friend told me that it would be shit and I wouldn't believe him. So I paid $60 for it on launch day. Only to realize that my friend was right and it was shit. I was a bitter 15 year old after that.
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I expected Sony to genuinely cut the ps4 and look only forward with their studios onto PS5.

But.....instead they made me into a monkey's uncle
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I have an Atari, I don't want a Nintendo:. I remember being a little kid thinking this, I also remember asking for a Nintendo a year or two later.
I guess if we're going back THAT far, my first system was an Atari 5200 and FUCK every other system nowwheresmycrowpie?


When I got a new sound card I thought 96khz was clearly superior in practice. Dead wrong.
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My opinions evolve, so i regret some of my more forceful threads.. breath of the wild isn't my favourite zelda but it's got some magic in it; uncharted games are Hella fun, because the characters are more important than the gameplay.
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I thought that this ~20% difference between PS5 and XSX will show in every game but it only shows in some and sometimes it's even in reverse...

It's good to have both consoles, for the first I can actually always pick superior version thanks to VGT/DF/NXG.


Gold Member
I honestly think PlayStation won’t survive this. It is what it is. They might scale down and become some kind of boutique publisher for their games on PC. We won’t see another PlayStation console after the PS5.
I admit that on the day Microsoft bought Activision I thought PlayStation was done and buried. A few weeks later the brand seems stronger than ever and it was just a knee-jerk reaction.


I thought the PSP was going to be massively successful, and then doubled down on the same mistake with the Vita - although I still think both of them are good machines.
I thought the Wii would probably sell a bit better than the GameCube, but would be in 3rd place.
I thought the Switch would be moderately successful.

So it seems I consistently overestimate the likely popularity of Sony handhelds and consistently underestimate the Nintendo stuff.
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