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Edmonton, AB yesterday. (w/ pics)

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I could see the cloud over you from Calgary, it was amazing. It was like a huge cube with no other clouds in the sky, the whole thing would light up every couple seconds.


You're gonna be rich, cause you're the only person in the world who knows where you can find white mud.


lol, I stayed inside the whole day once the hail started :-\

My mom said the cats were inside, though one was outside at our porch under a bush.



Don't mind my fellow Calgarian's remarks about Edmonton. They are just jealous that Edmonton has the cooler hockey club. :)

WEM got hit hard too...up here in NW Cowtown we had tons of lightning, but oddly no rain whatsoever!


Fight for Freeform said:
Don't mind my fellow Calgarian's remarks about Edmonton. They are just jealous that Edmonton has the cooler hockey club. :)
You're right. Screw success! Being "cool" is far more desirable!



"Sure, the puck technically went into the net, but just look at how awesome I look in our swank third jersey's as I glance over my shoulder while I strike this moody pose! I call it, 'Le Tigre'."


Yeah west edmonton mall's roof collapsed yesterday, and alot of the stores were apparently a tiny bit flooded. Sherwood park only saw a marginal amount of rain and hail and lightning though.

Damnit... I need to move to the midwestern US, I need to see atleast 1 full blown tornado in my lifetime.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
looks like antarctica overflowed into your town


I went to WEM with my bros just before the Stanley Cup finals. We went into Champions to see what kind of gear they had, my bro was thinking of getting a Vinnie Lac jersey.

Some fLamer decked out in Flames gear came in and asked if they had any Flames Flags for the car. I was gonna tell him I saw 3-friken-hundred at Northland Mall, but the chick at the counter replied, "No because..." and points to my youngest brother's "FLAMES SUCK" shirt. He couldn't say anything after that. I told him the facts...that the Flames barely made the playoffs, and if it weren't for LA and Edmonton doing horribly the Predators and Flames would have been golfing. He says that the Flames beat Vancouver, Detroit and San Jose and they were the division title holders and blah blah blah and I told him that the Flames were lucky to play a Vancouver and Detroit team that were in the temporary state they were.

Anyways in the end the clerk yelled at him as he backed out, "We have 5 Cups, and after this Final, you'll still only have one!".

I remember thinking after Game 5...she's gonna be eating her words. Thank God she turned out to be right! Don't Flames fans, you'll make the finals in another 15 years. Hopefully you can make the playoffs sooner than the next 8 years :)

I'm one to talk...as a Detroit fan :p I'm seriously not so pissed about Detroit losing to the Flames though, I thought it would wake up the organization and make them get rid of Lewis, because to lose against the lowly Flames, you'd have to be a pretty bad team! :) Heheh, if you disagree, you have every right to, I'm just talking trash.

Seriously though, the Flames are a boring-ass team. If there ever is such thing is a "boring-ass" team. Well, there is now. That's what I mean by cool. I'm glad the run and gun style of TBay won it all in the end. Boo trap, yay hockey.


asking dangerous questions
Edmonton fucking rocks! (so does Calgary...but the Oilers are still better).

That sucks about the weather. I've lived in edmonton for over 20 years and the second I leave, things go Bonkers! I wish I could've been there...me and my friends could've skiied down the whitemud, taken showers as West Ed, or had a snow ball fight in the middle of July. FUCK.


asking dangerous questions
I'm in Toronto doing a 16-month internship (May04 - Sept05).
I really miss Edmonton.

Toronto (and other big cities) are nice because there's always something to do and you can find pretty much anything you like, but "deadmonton" definitely has its charm ;)


Coolies. My gf kept telling me about this bubble tea place called E-Zone, it looked really cool in the pics, definitely check it out! :)

Haha I wish I could go to Toronto. I'll be stuck here all my life :( What internship exactly?


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Hey Pochacco, what internship are you doing ? Which university/college you go to ?


asking dangerous questions
I'm in Computing Science at the University of Alberta and am interning for IBM at the Toronto Lab.
I'm not the only one. There's another GAFer that I met at IBM too :)


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Whoa, Pochacco, I am just thinking about doing an internship at IBM's Toronto sector at the end of next next year. How did you get the internship ? What specific skills/marks do you poccess that made them hire you ?


asking dangerous questions
NetMapel said:
Whoa, Pochacco, I am just thinking about doing an internship at IBM's Toronto sector at the end of next next year. How did you get the internship ? What specific skills/marks do you poccess that made them hire you ?
Well, for Computing Science, there's an IIP (Industrial Internship Program) option.
You basically sign up for it but it's your responsibility to land a job. Companies go through the department and jobs are posted - whichever jobs you're interested in, you apply for and hope to get an interview (you can also find a job on your own and get the department to approve).

This year was one of the worse years - very few students actually got a job, but IBM is pretty consistent and hired hundreds of students across Canada each year (they hired around 5 or 6 students from the UofA at the same time as me). Specifically, the process for IBM works like this: IBM will go through the IIP office and post positions, you apply for any positions that you're interested in (i.e. submit resume, cover letter), you hope to get an interview...if you get an interview, you do an online IQ test, and then get interviews (probably a phone interview if you're in Alberta). If the manager likes what they see on your resume and your interview goes well, you get the job =)

I'm not really sure exactly what they look for.
From what I see around here, they hire on two objectives: outright technical smarts or great personal/teamworking skills. So if you're not an A+ student, you can still get in if you impress them with good people skills. Conversely, you're not guranteed a job if you're an A+ student - you need to be able to work well with others, to be creative, and possess whatever other skills they're looking for. This works the other way around too...you could be the smoothest talker in school, but if you have a crappy GPA, then they probably toss you out in the first round. I think they use marks to narrow down the field, then use the interview to pick out a single intern.

Anyway, if you ever have any other questions (are you in CompSci?), feel free to ask - though I'm far from ANY kind of expert on the subject. Although I must've done something right to be here (not sure what though....) ;P


I used to live right off the whitemud. Wish I hadn't missed this, or the flooding at WEM.

We were about to go shopping when the storm started. Fortunately, though, the hail started just as we were about to buy bus tickets and cut our trip short heh. We were going to edmonton center and not WEM though.


My friend (fellow U of Cer) to IBM for Internship. He wasn't a big fan of it, and I don't know if you should tell anyone there that :) 16 months is a long time bro, hope it works out for you. Not many people get a chance to work for them, so it's a great thing already, I just hope you enjoy it there.
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