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Elderly UK woman is arrested for asking Police why muslims were allowed to break the Law. Christopher Hitchens predicted this nearly a decade ago.

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Boss Mog

So recently an elderly woman asked Police officers in Hyde Park in London why they were allowing muslims to pray there when the Law clearly states that Royal Parks cannot be used for any religious activity. The Police officer stated the he was told to allow it by his bosses and that all laws are discretionary, meaning that basically the Police can pick and choose which laws they want to enforce and those they don't. When she suggested that they allowed the muslims to pray there because trying to prevent them would probably start a riot he begrudgingly admitted that it was indeed the case. The next day Police came to the woman's house and knocked on the door, when she opened they violently arrested her for "perverting the course of justice".

Christopher Hitchens spoke nearly a decade ago when the term "islamophobia" was first introduced, saying that islam would use that word to shield itself from any criticism by equating such speech with "racism" and that the eventual next step would be that people would no longer be allowed to complain about or question anything related to islam and it has apparently happened in the UK.

EDIT: Apparently the woman's arrest was unrelated to her questioning of police and the two videos were stitched together. I should've done more research before posting I apologize. That being said there are plenty of other legitimate evidence that the UK is turning into a police state that's why I had no problem taking the video as face value, it was shocking yet believable.
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UK a shit

and it's only going to get worse till it turns into UK a fuck
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Thank god this criminal is off the streets.

edit- It's all bullshit. Everyone have a gay day
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The world has gone mad.
Are there no freedom of speech laws in the UK?
It’s just crazy to think two police officers were sent for this horrible crime.
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The UK is worse than a nazi state right now.... banning right wing views, banning entry to people with controversial opinions, shutting down free speech, bringing people to court over videos of dogs doing funny things, arresting people who brought grooming gangs to the limelight, prosecuting soldiers for doing their jobs and now this.....

It’s sick.


What the fuck...this makes no sense.
Didn't you see the video where the girl was reporting death threats she received because she has a blog criticizing Islam. The police basically victim blamed her, saying it could have been avoided if she didn't criticize Islam. They then go on to tell her they could arrest her for inciting racial hatred.
The UK is a total dystopian shithole straight out of 1984.

It's a shame, I've always had an interest in British culture and have always wanted to visit London, but I'll stay far away if this is what the country is like now.

Damn, it feels good to live in the USA, for all our faults things would never be allowed to reach this point.


That vid was genuinely scary to the point where i hope you've got your information wrong OP. I actually hope she has done something seriously wrong and it's not whats being shown.
It's like the fucking inquisition.


This is why the freedom of speech even speech you find deplorable, gross, and evil must be defended, and with blood if need be.

Be wary of hate speech legislation as it's pure horsecrap.


The UK is worse than a nazi state right now....
The UK is a total dystopian shithole straight out of 1984.
Shit man, it is? I better move to another country then. I had no idea until you guys mentioned it!

Being serious though, I wonder if there's more to this incident than meets the eye. We can't even be sure that the arrest was even related to what happened in the first part of the video. I don't think it's good to take these things on face value.


I wonder if there's more to this incident than meets the eye. We can't even be sure that the arrest was even related to what happened in the first part of the video. I don't think it's good to take these things on face value.

I hope so as that was fucking horrifying. Probably more shocking as it's some old woman and she seems scared and confused.
I want to look more into this.


This seems insane, you can't lock up anyone if they haven't committed a crime. Do you have any sources about this story? I tried to google it and came up with nothing....


I hope so as that was fucking horrifying. Probably more shocking as it's some old woman and she seems scared and confused.
I want to look more into this.

I found a video that tells the truth in the woman's own words: -

She got into an argument with a guy in a car park. During the argument she said "have a gay day" to him and pushed him. They went their separate ways, but he went and reported her for a homophobic hate crime and assault. That's basically the gist of it.

It has nothing to do with Muslims. Someone stitched two videos together to try and mislead people. Who would have thought that anyone would do that!!??? :p

EDIT - You beat me to it.
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I found a video that tells the truth in the woman's own words: -

She got into an argument with a guy in a car park. During the argument she said "have a gay day" to him and pushed him. They went their separate ways, but he went and reported her for a homophobic hate crime and assault. That's basically the gist of it.

It has nothing to do with Muslims. Someone stitched two videos together to try and mislead people. Who would have thought that anyone would do that!!??? :p

heh I wonder if we went on the exact same hunt through the same roots.
I absolutely do not understand the marriage between the left and islam. I just don't.
I get it. "The right" has an uncanny ability to paint brown people with a broad brush when a subset of that community acts out. Note that when the white muslims in Chechnya were chucking gays off of roofs "the right" didn't have much to say.


The UK is worse than a nazi state right now.... banning right wing views, banning entry to people with controversial opinions, shutting down free speech, bringing people to court over videos of dogs doing funny things, arresting people who brought grooming gangs to the limelight, prosecuting soldiers for doing their jobs and now this.....

It’s sick.

Is it worse than a Nazi state? Are Jews, homosexuals, the disabled and political dissidents being rounded up and sent to gas chambers and concentration camps? Banning right wing views? Eh no. The right wing is alive and well in the UK. We actually have a right wing Government which I'm surprised you didn't mention seeing as your clearly an expert. People with far right extremist views have been banned and rightly so. No civil society should tolerate the hatred and idiocy of the far right. Shutting down free speech? No. People can say whatever they like. Of course, if they spread messages which may offend or cause harm to others then they'll face legal action., which is usually a small fine. The Nazis didn't fine people. Arresting people who brought grooming gangs to the limelight? Who are these people that were arrested for bringing this to the public's attention?


So recently an elderly woman asked Police officers in Hyde Park in London why they were allowing muslims to pray there when the Law clearly states that Royal Parks cannot be used for any religious activity. The Police officer stated the he was told to allow it by his bosses and that all laws are discretionary, meaning that basically the Police can pick and choose which laws they want to enforce and those they don't. When she suggested that they allowed the muslims to pray there because trying to prevent them would probably start a riot he begrudgingly admitted that it was indeed the case. The next day Police came to the woman's house and knocked on the door, when she opened they violently arrested her for "perverting the course of justice".

Christopher Hitchens spoke nearly a decade ago when the term "islamophobia" was first introduced, saying that islam would use that word to shield itself from any criticism by equating such speech with "racism" and that the eventual next step would be that people would no longer be allowed to complain about or question anything related to islam and it has apparently happened in the UK.

So another fake story to bash muslims then? You guys on the right will believe anything as long as it conforms to your prejudices! I thought something was off when not even the dailymail had this story....
I get it. "The right" has an uncanny ability to paint brown people with a broad brush when a subset of that community acts out. Note that when the white muslims in Chechnya were chucking gays off of roofs "the right" didn't have much to say.

What the fuck are you talking about? You are the only one in here playing the race card.


You're missing the point, OP was trying to bash muslims with a story that had nothing to do with muslims.

TBF, OP might not have known. When I first searched, I came across various outlets saying the same thing.
The vid that explains what happened has fewer views.


TBF, OP might not have known. When I first searched, I came across various outlets saying the same thing.
The vid that explains what happened has fewer views.
If you have a look at some of OP previous post, it wouldn't be far fetched to think that this was deliberate ....


Hipster Princess
Did you miss my last sentence? Use your brain. One scenario is obviously worse than the other.

Being arrested and charged for EITHER of those supposed transgressions is as bad as the other.

You're missing the point, OP was trying to bash muslims with a story that had nothing to do with muslims.

Did we watch the same video? Questioning why the government is giving special rights to minority groups is some how bashing said minority group? On what planet?!

Seriously, answer this question. Why is questioning the fact that muslims are allowed to pray in a royal park that expressly forbids religious activities in any way bashing muslims?
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Nsh it was OP who tried to mislead and start a muslim bashing thread with a fake story.
TBF, OP might not have known. When I first searched, I came across various outlets saying the same thing.
The vid that explains what happened has fewer views.

Let's not start throwing rocks at one another over miss information.


Is it worse than a Nazi state? Are Jews, homosexuals, the disabled and political dissidents being rounded up and sent to gas chambers and concentration camps? Banning right wing views? Eh no. The right wing is alive and well in the UK. We actually have a right wing Government which I'm surprised you didn't mention seeing as your clearly an expert. People with far right extremist views have been banned and rightly so. No civil society should tolerate the hatred and idiocy of the far right. Shutting down free speech? No. People can say whatever they like. Of course, if they spread messages which may offend or cause harm to others then they'll face legal action., which is usually a small fine. The Nazis didn't fine people. Arresting people who brought grooming gangs to the limelight? Who are these people that were arrested for bringing this to the public's attention?

You know well that Tommy Robinson had his house raided in the middle of the night, he was then arrested for mortgage fraud because they couldn’t get him on anything else.

He was then again arrested for reporting on the grooming gangs from well outside the court.

Lauren Southern, a Commonwealth citizen... banned from entering the UK for writing ‘Allah is gay’ on a piece of cardboard.

Dankula brought to court and fined for making a joke about having a nazi dog.....

Many cases of internet comments and views leading to visits from the police and arrests.

This is not freedom and it’s only getting worse


Being arrested and charged for EITHER of those supposed transgressions is as bad as the other.

Did we watch the same video? Questioning why the government is giving special rights to minority groups is some how bashing said minority group? On what planet?!

Seriously, answer this question. Why is questioning the fact that muslims are allowed to pray in a royal park that expressly forbids religious activities in any way bashing muslims?

Because he said this woman was arrested for questioning muslims? Implying later that questioning muslims now gets you sent to prison. None of that is true.


Hipster Princess
Because he said this woman was arrested for questioning muslims? Implying later that questioning muslims now gets you sent to prison. None of that is true.

Yea, no, that's not the question I asked.

Try again.

Why is questioning the fact that muslims are allowed to pray in a royal park that expressly forbids religious activities in any way bashing muslims?

Boss Mog

You're missing the point, OP was trying to bash muslims with a story that had nothing to do with muslims.

Drawing attention to what I thought was a serious perversion of justice and abuse of authority is not "bashing muslims". I admit that I should have done more research, I was just so shocked after seeing the video that I didn't do my due diligence and for that I apologize for apparently misleading people.

That being said, there are plenty of other examples of how the UK is turning into a Police state where muslims are above the law and islam is not to be questioned. I know a strong proponent of social justice such as yourself has nothing but respect for the religion of peace and would never dare question it. I unfortunately have "controversial" views and think crazy things like gays shouldn't be thrown off roofs, husbands shouldn't beat their wives, women should be free to dress and do what they want, honor killings are bad, female genital mutilation is bad, white and sikh girls shouldn't be gang raped, ISIS is bad and people that left to fight for them shouldn't get to come back to Western countries as if nothing happened. All these things are actually just a small sample of questions I have about islam. I know that you fully support all these things that's why you always jump to the defense of islam but what can I say I'm just not as "progressive" as you.
Being arrested and charged for EITHER of those supposed transgressions is as bad as the other.

Did we watch the same video? Questioning why the government is giving special rights to minority groups is some how bashing said minority group? On what planet?!

Seriously, answer this question. Why is questioning the fact that muslims are allowed to pray in a royal park that expressly forbids religious activities in any way bashing muslims?

What the fuck. No it is not. Arresting someone for asking valid questions is obviously worse than them acting on a report of a hate crime. We have laws against hate crimes but no laws about asking police questions. And again, I'm not saying the report was valid just that theres an obvious difference.


Drawing attention to what I thought was a serious perversion of justice and abuse of authority is not "bashing muslims". I admit that I should have done more research, I was just so shocked after seeing the video that I didn't do my due diligence and for that I apologize for apparently misleading people.

That being said, there are plenty of other examples of how the UK is turning into a Police state where muslims are above the law and islam is not to be questioned. I know a strong proponent of social justice such as yourself has nothing but respect for the religion of peace and would never dare question it. I unfortunately have "controversial" views and think crazy things like gays shouldn't be thrown off roofs, husbands shouldn't beat their wives, women should be free to dress and do what they want, honor killings are bad, female genital mutilation is bad, white and sikh girls shouldn't be gang raped, ISIS is bad and people that left to fight for them shouldn't get to come back to Western countries as if nothing happened. All these things are actually just a small sample of questions I have about islam. I know that you fully support all these things that's why you always jump to the defense of islam but what can I say I'm just not as "progressive" as you.

Can you give me some sources of muslims being above the law in the UK? And you're little tirade just proved my point by the way, this was just an excuse for muslim bashing thread. If you had known the full story, then you wouldn't have even made the thread, but please, justify your bigotry....


Yes, used in that context it is impossible to come to the conclusion that the word "gay" was used as a homophobic slur.
this is some disingenuous bullshit, cowardly even

You know well that Tommy Robinson had his house raided in the middle of the night, he was then arrested for mortgage fraud because they couldn’t get him on anything else.

He was then again arrested for reporting on the grooming gangs from well outside the court.
Tommy Robinson was arrested, (and plead guilty to) endangering a trial. He already had a suspended sentence for a similar offence. The kindest thing you can say about him is that he's an idiot, and that really is being kind


Yea, no, that's not the question I asked.

Try again.

Why is questioning the fact that muslims are allowed to pray in a royal park that expressly forbids religious activities in any way bashing muslims?

Where did I say that questioning muslims praying in a royal park is bashing muslims?


OK, I see the edit. Why did she ACTUALLY get arrested.

EDiT: Oh. Still an absurd arrest.
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