explodet said:Watching it now.
The guy who played General Martok, and the Big Show?
Tenguman said:I like the beginning so far. Very little mention of last season's events. It's like the last 3 years never happened.
ShadowRed said:God damn son of a bitch this show is actually getting good. I can't believe it I must be lossing my mind. I'm actually enjoying Enterprise. This show could quiet possibly come alive in the way that The Next generation got good the 3rd year.
ManaByte said:Did the episode have a new opening credits sequence?
ManaByte said:Did the episode have a new opening credits sequence?
More like how DS9 came alive in the 4th year. This is the 4th year of Enterprise
ManaByte said:This is a start of a three-part story arc focusing on Dr. Arik Soong (Data's great grandfather) who becomes involved with the genetically engineered soldiers from the Eugenics Wars (Khan's people). It also brings back the ORION SLAVE GIRLS!!!
Phoenix said:The show is finally becoming what it always should have been
Saturnman said:You're jumping to conclusions. Trek tradition suggests even if you have a good first episode, you are more than likely to mess it up by the next one.
Like Voyager, Enterprise has had its fair share of ups and downs. It really has to do more than just deliver an episode that delivers a lot of fan service.
Saturnman said:You're jumping to conclusions. Trek tradition suggests even if you have a good first episode, you are more than likely to mess it up by the next one.
Like Voyager, Enterprise has had its fair share of ups and downs. It really has to do more than just deliver an episode that delivers a lot of fan service.
BigJonsson said:Once they get shields they will truly be badass
maharg said:They'll get shields.
Everyone else will suddenly have shields.
So nothing will change.
(not to mention, shields never stopped any of the other Trek ships from getting pounded all to hell in 5 minutes by vastly underpowered enemies. Need I mention Voyager, supposedly a warship, being virtually obliterated routinely by aliens who were amazed by replicators and transporters?)
COCKLES said:Enjoyable episode. As with Spiner's turns as Lore in TNG, he makes a far,far better villian then a good guy. The Eugenics were pretty badarse, taking out the Klingon crew. And Big Show was fucking hilarious.
maharg said:They'll get shields.
Everyone else will suddenly have shields.
So nothing will change.
(not to mention, shields never stopped any of the other Trek ships from getting pounded all to hell in 5 minutes by vastly underpowered enemies. Need I mention Voyager, supposedly a warship, being virtually obliterated routinely by aliens who were amazed by replicators and transporters?)
BigJonsson said:But when they get shields that should protect the crew from getting beamed out all the time
EakeLarth said:I don't think Voyager was a warship. I thought it was a small ship designed for short missions that required manuverability. Maybe I'm forgetting the first episode though. I'm sure it wasn't a warship, cause I remember in the beginning of the show they mentioned they only had like 40 torpedoes.
EakeLarth said:I don't think Voyager was a warship. I thought it was a small ship designed for short missions that required manuverability. Maybe I'm forgetting the first episode though. I'm sure it wasn't a warship, cause I remember in the beginning of the show they mentioned they only had like 40 torpedoes.
MoxManiac said:The fuck? Why hasn't this been cancelled yet?
Production facilities:
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars
Earth Station McKinley, Earth
Type: Explorer
Height: 55.4 m
Length: 344.5 m
Beam: 144.8 m
Decks: 15
Displacement: 700,000 metric tons
Accommodation: 141-150 standard; 3,000 limit
One Class-9 matter/antimatter intermix chamber reactor powering two nineteen-coil variable-geometry warp engines
Two impulse engines
Performance: Warp 9 cruise; warp 9.975 for twelve hours
13 type-eight phaser arrays
4 photon torpedo launchers
Defenses: Deflector shields
Auxiliary vessels:
Various shuttlecraft and/or other vessels in two shuttlebays in the engineering hull; they include two Type 8 and two Type 9 personnel shuttlecraft as well as two Type 15 shuttlepods
1 Aeroshuttle, embedded in the ventral saucer
Mengy said:I also liked the casting for the leader of the enhanced humans, that was Drogan the Battlebrand from Angel.
bahndotcom said:Wow -- watched it on the 29 and caught the repeat ep today as well. Overall, it was a good episode; can't wait for the next part! I was happy to see Brent Spiner back in the Trek scene again. This is the first time in a long time that I've actually enjoyed watching Enterprise. In fact, this could be the start of a new direction that will motivate fans to keep tuning in. If we're lucky, maybe they'll pick up some of the Babylon 5 and ST: TNG writers. This show needs new blood!!!
BigJonsson said:The Defiant, now that was a bad-ass ship
DarienA said:I really like the future Enterprise from All Good Things...
BigJonsson said:The Defiant, now that was a bad-ass ship
Production facility: Antares Fleet Yards, Antares IV
Type: Escort
Height: 30.10 m (four decks)
Length: 170.68 m
Beam: 134.11 m
Displacement: 355,000 metric tons
Accommodation: 40 standard; 150 limit
One matter/antimatter reactor powering two four-coil warp engines
Two nuclear fusion impulse engines
Performance: Warp 9.5 cruise; warp 9.982 for twelve hours
Four pulse phaser cannon (PPCs)
Three torpedo launchers (capable of both quantum and photon torpedo fire)
Three type-ten phaser emitters
One detachable hull section containing an M/A explosive
Deflector shields
Ablative armor
Auxiliary vessels:
One type-ten shuttlecraft
Zero to four shuttlepods
26 six-person lifeboats