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Epic won’t ban NFT games in response to Minecraft stance, Tim Sweeney says


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

On Wednesday, Mojang – the Microsoft-owned studio behind Minecraft – stated that it has no plans to support NFTs in the game, in an article which has been celebrated by players.

Sweeney was asked by a Twitter user if Epic would be taking a similar stance.

“Developers should be free to decide how to build their games,” Sweeney replied. “And you are free to decide whether to play them”.

“I believe stores and operating system makers shouldn’t interfere by forcing their views onto others. We definitely won’t.”

NFTs are unique non-interchangeable units of data stored on a decentralised ledger called a blockchain, which allow users to buy and sell digital assets such as in-game items or artwork.

When asked later in the thread how this standard would be held against a company wishing to publish hateful content on Epic’s platform, Sweeney clarified that the company does hold editorial guidelines, but that NFTs don’t currently fall foul of them.

“A store could choose to make no such judgments and host anything that’s legal, or choose to draw the line at mainstream acceptable norms as we do, or accept only games that conform to the owner’s personal beliefs,” Sweeney said, explaining why the controversial technology won’t be banned outright.



Hate NFT’s. Harmful to people in so many different ways.. but.. I have a hard time arguing with his logic of the freedom. If the developer wants to put them in, they should be allowed to. Gamers have used to their voice many times and have changed developers minds. I don’t think anyone should be forced to not include some thing that they want. I think the market can handle itself and just like he said, we don’t have to buy them, it has worked pretty good so far in gaming. (For NFT’s) But I don’t think forcing people to do anything is a good way.
In my opinion forcing anything just opens the door to more censorship and ground lost is ground lost forever.

Edit: our clarification, it’s not about who said it. That’s specific quote seems important. Regardless of what is being talked about or who said it. Even if HE is saying that to line his own pockets and doesn’t really mean it.
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always chasing the next thrill

your post is now an NFT owned by me IbizaPocholo IbizaPocholo

try to stop me
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Sweeney was asked by a Twitter user if Epic would be taking a similar stance.

“Developers should be free to decide how to build their games,” Sweeney replied. “And you are free to decide whether to play them”.

“I believe stores and operating system makers shouldn’t interfere by forcing their views onto others. We definitely won’t.”
Sorry guys, but I agree with him on this.
They shouldn't interfere on what's sold on the store. You're free to buy or not.

This is a stupid comparison.

Minecraft is a game. Epic Games Store is a games store.

But let's add a small, little, tiny note:

"I believe stores and operating system makers shouldn’t interfere by forcing their views onto others."
This should ALWAY be valid, you stupid cunts.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I wish someone would figure out how to use NFTs in a good way. People who spend hours crafting mods or skins etc for games should be able to profit off their creations if they want.
This is a stupid comparison.

Minecraft is a game. Epic Games Store is a games store.

Even though Minecraft was what created the question, Sweeney responded because he knows their prominent and immensely more successful competitor has taken a position against the tech. :messenger_winking_tongue:


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
LOL @ the typical psuedo-libertarian response and then he goes "well yeah we have editorial guidelines but that's mainstream norms".

Just say you don't have a problem with NFT's you chucklefuck and spare us with your BS "free market" (that doesn't really exist and that you don't really support) dumbfuckery.


I can.

This isn't a moral stand point, NFT based games are breeding ground for scams. Considering their position on the market it could lead many headaches in the future.
I think there's a big differece between being a potential scam and an actual scam. This should be judged in a per game basis rather than just banning everything. A store should be about giving you options and not taking them away.
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I think there's a big differece between being a potential scam and an actual scam. This should be judged in a per game basis rather than just banning the entire thing.
Then argue for something regarding that, not banning them entirely. Those are very different
You mean picking out the scam games from the legit ones? Easier said than done.

A store should be about giving you options and not taking them away.
Then tell to Mr. Sweeney to start allowing porn games on his storefront. After all "operating system makers shouldn’t interfere by forcing their views onto others", and they said they definitely wouldn't right?
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Then tell to Mr. Sweeney to start allowing porn games on his storefront. After all "operating system makers shouldn’t interfere by forcing their views onto others", and they said they definitely wouldn't right?

I'd be all for it as I don't agree with the storefronts that ban or censore adult content. As long as the age rating is clearly shown, they should be fair game.
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Sorry guys, but I agree with him on this.
They shouldn't interfere on what's sold on the store. You're free to buy or not.

What store A and B decide to sell isn't some kind of a right, not for the buyers or for the vendors selling products there. People often misunderstand the "free market" in this context. The market is free in the sense that you or I could open a game store (or any other kind) and choose what products we wanted to support and how we go about marketing them. Same for vendors and their ability to produce whatever products they want. If store A decides to block NFTs all together, that's all well and good. That's going to go in one direction or another for them, either they lose customers (potentially getting replaced by a competitor in the market), or they gain customers because buyers prefer the store not cluttered with such garbage.


Minecraft has a marketplace, where "Creators" can sell things for the game.

Hence why there is at least somewhat of a comparison to be made here, I think there were some mods or something for sale that had NFT aspects and these are now banned.
A game is one main idea, that most would agree the the creator(s)/owner(s) should have full control over what goes into it and is part of that idea. And no one can just make the same game with a feature they do want; it needs to be significantly different.

A shop just sells stuff. Obviously there need to be some restrictions, but just because someone doesn't like something, doesn't mean the shop shouldn't sell it. Anyone can open a shop.

I get why the comparison has been made. It's a stupid comparison though, and therefore anyone who makes it is stupid.
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Did Minecraft threaten to ban mods that used NFT's or something? It seems like they're saying they're simply not supporting them? Or is this thread's title just some sensationalist shit?
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Gold Member
So Sweeney supports scams and gambling covertly hijacking the videogames space. No surprise there then.
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You seemed to have a wildly different opinion regarding Diablo Immortal's MTX not long ago.
This is different though. Ask Epic/MS/Sony if MTX games should be banned from the store. I'm sure you would get the same free market response and the same mtx can go to hell consensus here. Making a store ban/push ideals is something else, not liking that ideal is entirely different.

I'm not particularly fond of religion but if somebody wanted to ban religious buildings or practice that person should rightfully get called out. I can both not like something and defend the freedom to do it.


Timmy boy wants to keep the door open for the "next big thing", hoping he gets to skim some cream off it.
The man unironically talks about the upcoming metaverse, so yeah, it's one of the things he's 'tarded about.


Another reason to miss that shit store.
It's nothing but PR talks in hopes to attract NFT developers and PR to EPIC, hoping to be labeled as "the good guys".
Someone talking about all this freedom and player choice, while paying for exclusives on the epic store which then removes the choice of the player.

Thank god we could potentially earn generic, slightly different looking pictures while gaming. They have already proven to be a success, right?

Wonder if someone will start selling an NFT of a circle at 1 of its infinite angles.... BRB going to get rich.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I get why the comparison has been made. It's a stupid comparison though, and therefore anyone who makes it is stupid.

To compare something isn't to equate them. They both offer marketplaces, previously the Minecraft marketplace had NFT mods, created and sold by users... and now they banned them.

EGS recently (as in like a month ago) put the first NFT / Web3 game up on the storefront.

It's just using one marketplace's (that is quite different) action to then ask Tim Sweeney why he's allowing NFT games now.

Why would anyone ask him?

Well he previously basically said "fuck off" to NFT game pitches on EGS:

There you have Tim Sweeney, fake free market douchebag, clearly enforcing his opinion of something onto his store. Now suddenly he's got this completely different attitude about content on his store, because he LOOOVES to sound like an ethical warrior fighting against all the other unethical/lesser companies running stores.

None of this is equating EGS to Minecraft or even really trying to "compare them" outside of "other people sell stuff on your marketplace."
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