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Erdogan says Turkey may hold referendum on EU accession bid

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resident Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that Turkey may hold a second referendum on whether to continue with European Union accession talks following a planned vote on April 16 that could give him sweeping new powers.

"Right now we are holding a referendum on April 16 and after that we could choose to do a second one on the (EU) accession talks and we would abide by whatever our people would say there," Erdogan told a forum in the southern city of Antalya.

Turkey began EU accession talks in 2005 but they have moved very slowly due to disagreements over Cyprus, human rights and other issues. Relations between Ankara and Brussels have become particularly strained in recent months.


The crazy despot of the Bosporus felt as if Trump is taking too much attention, so he wants to be on the news again. Obviously, Turkey would have much more to lose than the EU, where pretty much everyone would be happy if the (right now more or less stalled) talks ended anyway.


The EU wouldn't touch them with a 10 meter barge poll. The only major country that supported them was the UK and now we are leaving there's bugger all chance of anyone else supporting them.


listen to the mad man
Turkey began EU accession talks in 2005 but they have moved very slowly due to disagreements over Cyprus, human rights and other issues.

Note that this is journalistic cowardice -- it is not a "disagreement" over human rights, it is Turkey's failure to ensure and protect the human rights of its citizens. Human rights are natural rights.
Pushing Erdogan aside and all the current hoop-la

the EU wasn't going to accept Turkey anyway... let's not kid ourselves

they gave them a never ending list of stuff to do and made them do multiple deals only for them to abandon Turkey afterwards

even if Turkey had some bright spot leader that pushed for every human right, etc... the only way I would see them joining the EU is if they literally crushed every single type of presence they ever had

a bunch of people wouldn't want a Muslim country with a large military and population being part of their EU


the EU would be smart to just tell them the ship has sailed before it comes to a referendum. Don't give Erdogan the chance to make it looks like they don't want to come into the EU anyway



He's just so embarrassing.

Well, the point is that he's persuaded his supporters to no longer support joining the EU, so if they hold the referendum the result will be against joining and Erdogan will be like "See, my wise people have spoken, FUCK YOU!"


As someone who used to be in favor of Turkey eventually joining the EU...

Good fucking riddance. Try again when a madman ain't running the show, Turkey.


Well, the point is that he's persuaded his supporters to no longer support joining the EU, so if they hold the referendum the result will be against joining and Erdogan will be like "See, my wise people have spoken, FUCK YOU!"

At which point he will realize how much money the EU pays Turkey as part of their accession bid.
the EU would be smart to just tell them the ship has sailed before it comes to a referendum. Don't give Erdogan the chance to make it looks like they don't want to come into the EU anyway
Why would it be smart for the EU to do so?

In my opinion, it'd be the best if Erdogan would shout out that Turkey doesn't want to join.
That would mean less "They're nazis and don't want us" and more "They are nazis and we don't need them (but needing them anyways and this way keeping more refugees from coming)


Pushing Erdogan aside and all the current hoop-la

the EU wasn't going to accept Turkey anyway... let's not kid ourselves

they gave them a never ending list of stuff to do and made them do multiple deals only for them to abandon Turkey afterwards

even if Turkey had some bright spot leader that pushed for every human right, etc... the only way I would see them joining the EU is if they literally crushed every single type of presence they ever had

a bunch of people wouldn't want a Muslim country with a large military and population being part of their EU
If by "never ending list of stuff to do" you mean respecting the same criteria as everyone else, sure lol.
And "abandon them" ? From 2007 to 2020 we'll have given them 10 billion euros to supposedly work on these criterias, I don't know how they've been used but judging from the country's regression for the past decade or so, I wish we'd have abandoned them sooner.
And 10-15 years ago, plenty of people I knew would have been favorable to Tukey joining the EU, despite us hating muslims and all.
It's a shame Turkey came to this state... It's an amazing country full of amazing people. Hopefully the country's strong secular background will stop this madness.


Why would it be smart for the EU to do so?

In my opinion, it'd be the best if Erdogan would shout out that Turkey doesn't want to join.
That would mean less "They're nazis and don't want us" and more "They are nazis and we don't need them (but needing them anyways and this way keeping more refugees from coming)

you're right on that part.

I thought more along the line of that failed attempt to join EU would be seen as a failure of his administration by the Turkish population, instead of allowing him to look like this "democratic" strong man that allowed his country to tell the EU to fuck off. Which many Erdogan supporters would point to if it happened.

But then again they'd probably just rationalize it with what you said.


It's a shame Turkey came to this state... It's an amazing country full of amazing people. Hopefully the country's strong secular background will stop this madness.

April 16th decides the future of the country. If the referendum passes 100 years of democracy in Turkey was all for naught.


If by "never ending list of stuff to do" you mean respecting the same criteria as everyone else, sure lol.
And "abandon them" ? From 2007 to 2020 we'll have given them 10 billion euros to supposedly work on these criterias, I don't know how they've been used but judging from the country's regression for the past decade or so, I wish we'd have abandoned them sooner.
And 10-15 years ago, plenty of people I knew would have been favorable to Tukey joining the EU, despite us hating muslims and all.

Not only that, but they are able also to take part in several EU programmes, for example the previous framework programmes (in FP VII they got 200 million €) and the current H2020. I'm sure that Erdogan burning bridges with the EU is going to work wonders. It must be so frustrating being a turkish citizen now, seeing how this guy is taking the country back several decades.

The crazy despot of the Bosporus felt as if Trump is taking too much attention, so he wants to be on the news again. Obviously, Turkey would have much more to lose than the EU, where pretty much everyone would be happy if the (right now more or less stalled) talks ended anyway.

I think the man is anything but crazy at this point he has very successfully navigated a number of crises to come out on top from his split with Gulen and his neutering of the army and more recently the coup.

I recently read an old (2011) FT article where he was the subject and the writer has drawing attention to Erdogans attempts to cull the power of the military. How he was systematically placing the generals under investigation or getting them fired / jailed. The sort of report I would usually regard as reaching too far past journalism and into speculation. But reading that again and assuming it was true, given the recent events in Turkey I would say this man is anything BUT crazy if he has managed to navigate such treacherous waters.

The BBC framed his recent statements about the Dutch being Nazi's etc etc to him simply whipping up nationalist sentiment so that his referendum passes.
April 16th decides the future of the country. If the referendum passes 100 years of democracy in Turkey was all for naught.

Is there really any doubt that it will pass?
He hopes to just win it legit, but if not then the count will be manipulated. Everyone was already replaced with yes-men, so who would or even could stop it?
As expected of a nation which has an Olympic Stadium before even getting the Olympic Games.

Luckily, Tokio also got the 2020 games, just imagine another big sports event clusterfuck with Instanbul.


Is there really any doubt that it will pass?
He hopes to just win it legit, but if not then the count will be manipulated. Everyone was already replaced with yes-men, so who would or even could stop it?
Let's not go off the rails, I don't think there has been any cheating the elections like that yet under Erdogan. He might have other tricks up his sleeve like calling new elections just as last time.


It's like you are banned on neogaf and hold a poll on whether should post in gaf or not, whats the point since you cannot post and you are banned? What is the point of his referendum since no european country wants Turkey in anymore?


Pushing Erdogan aside and all the current hoop-la

the EU wasn't going to accept Turkey anyway... let's not kid ourselves

they gave them a never ending list of stuff to do and made them do multiple deals only for them to abandon Turkey afterwards

even if Turkey had some bright spot leader that pushed for every human right, etc... the only way I would see them joining the EU is if they literally crushed every single type of presence they ever had

a bunch of people wouldn't want a Muslim country with a large military and population being part of their EU

What a nice bullshit narrative you got going there.

"Never ending list of stuff to do"

Oh yeah, that never ending list of stuff like "human rights" and other basic shit that is expected of every other country in EU. Not only that, EU have been providing them with billions of euros over the years for them to improve and meet EUs criterias.


Neo Member
EU accepting Turkey would absolutely terrible and not only would act against the interest of the European people, but it'd act against their own interest by blurring the lines between the values its founded on and just and add more fuel to the fire of eurosceptic sentiment.

Lol at Turkey pretending as if they had a shot to begin with.


I feel bad for Turkey that they have that idiot quasi-dictator in power. He really hurts their chances of making huge strides in their country and even being accepted into the EU.
I feel bad for Turkey that they have that idiot quasi-dictator in power. He really hurts their chances of making huge strides in their country and even being accepted into the EU.
But the average voter chose to follow Erdogan down that path.

The average Turk is complicit by voting for this.

I don't feel bad for them. I have written them off as hopeless. 100 years of progress flushed down the toilet for nostalgic emperial Nationalism


I feel bad for Turkey that they have that idiot quasi-dictator in power. He really hurts their chances of making huge strides in their country and even being accepted into the EU.
Even without Erdogan it's questionable if they ever would have a chance to get into the EU.


In other news, a local high school dropout decided to submit an application to CERN today after his mates unanimously agreed that he should become a physicist.


That ship as sailed. Might as well make it official.

Making it official could mean the end of Turkey. Kurds would secede the second they feel there is no use staying together. Only two things keeping them unified are EU candidacy and NATO membership. When both are gone, Kurds are gone too.

Would they secede peacefully? Depends on Turkish Army's attitude. They would have a divided Turkey rather then a Turkey succumbed to sharia anytime.


The day Turkey is let into the EU is the day I'll let myself out of it.

Care to explain why?

This thread is full of toxic people hating on Turks for no reason at all. Fine if you dont like shit head on ruling it but what the fuck with hating people?
didnt expect this low from some GAF posters.

Patrick S.

Care to explain why?

This thread is full of toxic people hating on Turks for no reason at all. Fine if you dont like shit head on ruling it but what the fuck with hating people?
didnt expect this low from some GAF posters.

I didn't say a word about people. I'm talking about Turkey as a state, an entity. You know, the entity who's leader threatens Europeans and calls Merkel a Nazi? And gets cheered for it? They can go and get effed. The day Turkey kicks out its leadership and apologizes for its bullshit, you'll hear a different tune from me.
Care to explain why?

This thread is full of toxic people hating on Turks for no reason at all. Fine if you dont like shit head on ruling it but what the fuck with hating people?
didnt expect this low from some GAF posters.

You serious? We're not hating on Turks, we're stating the undeniable truth of the situation of the Turkish state.
Turkey is not only not meeting many basic requirements to join the EU, it's also moving further away from meeting them anytime soon. Locking up journalists under the guise of calling them terrorists and discussing the reintroduction of capital punishment isn't really what I understand under an updstanding democracy.


After calling the Germans and the Dutch Nazis, they've made their intentions clear.

Although what Turkey has, economically, if its too dangerous for tourism and not integrated with the EU, is beyond me.


I'd appreciate such a referendum. Just to see how interested the Turkish public really is in the EU. Every time the subject comes some people here say nobody cares about the EU in Turkey. I want to see if that's the truth or not.
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