I have a presentation due tomorrow and I get to memorize this ugly wall of text. However before I sit down with I this I have to make sure the following makes sense.
Mainly I'm trying to make sure all of the verbs are properly conjugated and the presentation is in order. I tried to get the professor's help but she's the difficult type and wouldn't check my work. She did mention she expects to see both imperfect and preiterit verbs in use so I'm trying to make sure everything is accounted for.
That is the original english version of what I'm trying to translate right now. I'm currently updating this mess so if anyone is willing to hop in and give a hand I'd greatly appreciate it.
To be honest I have quite awhile because I don't plan on sleeping tonight(class is 7:30 am ugh)
Auto-Translator ftl said:Dos años de la pareja Yo hace visite la ciudad colombiana de Cartagena. Yo no tengo un trabajo muy bueno tan cuando oí que usted podría visitar Cartagena para menos de diez dólares un día que tuve que ir. Después de llegar yo obtuve un cuarto en uno de los apartamentos. Aunque no sea mucho en mirarlo es limpio y muy cómodo. Tuve la abundancia de dinero dejó para el alimento y bebidas. Anduve alrededor de la ciudad para bastante un rato. La ciudad es hermosa y el tiempo era realmente agradable. Era 80 grados y parcialmente nublado tan era apenas perfecto.
Yo visité muchos señales inclusive el Santo Philip de Fortalezas de Barajas, del puerto de Santo Fernando, y de la iglesia de Santa Domingo. Yo no tuve mucho dinero para tan acabo de mirar todo el paisaje asombroso. El almuerzo es muy económico en Cartagena. Para unos pocos dólares yo comí pez frito, arroz de coco, los plátanos, y una ensalada. Aún con el poco dinero que tuve podría yo comí bien y me divertí.
Aunque en cosas de noche esté aburriendo muy. Yo pasé mis noches en Cartagena que bebe una sola cerveza por horas en la barra local. Antes dejé tuve que yo comprar un obsequio para mi espalda de la familia en casa. Yo fui a Las Bóvedas. Este lugar utilizó para ser calabozos para propósitos militares pero ahora es un ramo de tiendas de regalos. Era feliz las vacaciones enteras
Todo en todo yo lo pasé muy bien pero me tuve que salir. A causa de mi trabajo yo no tengo mucho tiempo para vacaciones tan yo tuve que apurar en casa y preparar para otro día largo en el trabajo.
Mainly I'm trying to make sure all of the verbs are properly conjugated and the presentation is in order. I tried to get the professor's help but she's the difficult type and wouldn't check my work. She did mention she expects to see both imperfect and preiterit verbs in use so I'm trying to make sure everything is accounted for.
A vacation I made up ftl said:Two years ago I visited the Colombian city of Cartagena. I do not have a very good job so when I heard you could visit Cartagena for less than ten dollars a day I had to go. After arriving I got a room in one of the apartments. Although it is not much to look at it is clean and very comfortable. I had plenty of money left for food and drinks. I walked around the city for quite awhile. The city is beautiful and weather was really nice. It was 80degrees and partially cloudy so it was just perfect.
I visited many landmarks including the Saint Philip of Barajas Fortresses, the Saint Ferdinand port, and the Santa Domingo church. I did not have a lot of money for so I just looked at all of the amazing scenery. Lunch is very affordable in Cartagena. For a few dollars I ate fried fish, coconut rice, plantains, and a salad. Even with the little money I had I ate well and had fun.
Although at night things would be very boring. I spent my nights in Cartagena drinking a single beer for hours at the local bar. Before I left I had to buy a gift for my family back home. I went to Las Bóvedas. This place used to be dungeons for military purposes but now it is a bunch of gift shops. I was happy the entire vacation
All in all I had a very good time but I had to leave. Because of my job I dont have a lot of time for vacations so I had to hurry home and prepare for another long day at work.
That is the original english version of what I'm trying to translate right now. I'm currently updating this mess so if anyone is willing to hop in and give a hand I'd greatly appreciate it.
To be honest I have quite awhile because I don't plan on sleeping tonight(class is 7:30 am ugh)