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ESPN NFL 2K5 Review at IGN Xbox


10.0 - Presentation
9.0 - Graphics
9.0 - Sound
9.0 - Gameplay
10.0 - Lasting Appeal

Overall - 9.4 / 10.0

I have to second Chris' statement. This is one of the finest sports experiences I've had the pleasure of enjoying. ESPN NFL 2K5 is a steal at $20. Even if you are a die-hard Madden fan, I highly recommend picking NFL 2K5 up and playing it for three weeks. Yes, go ahead and get Madden when it's out. Two great football games for just $70? That shouldn't be passed up by any gridiron fan. The custom soundtrack clips are about the coolest thing I've ever heard in a football game. I love having 'pac kick it whenever the LaDanian scores a TD. Great game, great price -- go out and get it.


Fucking "A"... I cannot wait for this game... we knew this year was going to be great for the ESPN NFL2K series...

I have 3 copies reserved... 1 for me, 1 for an uncle and cousin, and 1 for another buddy.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
ESPN 2K4 was my GotY last year. If this game is any better... I will die.


bishoptl said:
When you die, can I have your television set?


It's not that big.
Only thing they needed to do for 2K5 to be the best football title ever was fix the tackling in the running game. I can't fucking wait for Tuesday.

Where can I get the best price on an Xbox?


I never trust sports gaming reviews now

Gaming reviews did not say anything about the MVP Baseball problems

Gaming reviews did not say anything about ESPN 2004's rushing and sideline tackling problems

Gaming reviews did not say anything about NCAA 2005 Xbox's slowdown (although I didnt like the game anyway, so it didnt matter if it had slowdown or not)

Fuck you people!

Edit: Oh yeah, gaming reviews didnt say ESPN Basketball sucked major balls!


DaCocoBrova said:
Uh... Because it didn't.

Too simmy for you?

Too simmy? bwahhahahaha! Quote of the Year!

I am HUGE NBA2K fan, but ESPN Basketball is a shit stain on the legacy of NBA2K. It's the Godfather 3 of NBA2K. Its the Star Wars prequel of NBA2K. Its the Michael Jordan Wizards jersey of NBA2K.
espn basketball was a fucking joke last year. running up and down the floor at will, no defense, post up 3 pointers (lol...), slow ass animations, reggie miller throwing balls down from the free throw line in traffic. etc


DMczaf said:
I never trust sports gaming reviews now

Gaming reviews did not say anything about the MVP Baseball problems

Gaming reviews did not say anything about ESPN 2004's rushing and sideline tackling problems

Gaming reviews did not say anything about NCAA 2005 Xbox's slowdown (although I didnt like the game anyway, so it didnt matter if it had slowdown or not)

Fuck you people!

Edit: Oh yeah, gaming reviews didnt say ESPN Basketball sucked major balls!


I'm shocked that Jedimike is excited about this game (sure, it looks good), but no others since '92. I guess that's what the $20 is doing to people :p
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