This came up from another discussion so I decided to do a bit of Google. To my shock most articles on the matter of ethnic minorities in video games were dated up to 2009 with a few and loose articles dated from 2011 and 2012. By Google itself, it would seem that the whole matter of ethnic minorities in game industry has been consistently dropped out of the media's attention and being replaced I would say or placed under a lower priority than gender equality and presentation.
So where do Ethnic Minorities stand in this modern era of video games?
Let us reflect on the past for the time being,
Direct Source: Minority Report: The Non-White Gamer's Experience
Direct Source: Race in Video Games: Why it Matters... And Why Things Won't Change Anytime Soon
Direct Source: Stereotypical media portrayals reinforce negative views of racial minorities
Original Source: Playing Video Game as Black Avatar May Up Aggression
2009 Findings
Direct Source: Study: Minorities underrepresented in games
Presentation of Ethnic Minorities in video games
Black female (non-stereotypical) protagonists in videogames?
Representing Arabs in video games
Digital Arabs: Representation in Video Game
Misogyny, Racism and Homophobia
So where do Ethnic Minorities stand in this modern era of video games?
Let us reflect on the past for the time being,

Fergus Mills searches for the words. It's clear he wants to say this carefully. The 22-year-old from Macon, Ga. is black. His Xbox Live avatar is black. Except that it's not.P
Drawing it out of him, Mills says it's because of the avatar's body language. And while Mills doesn't say that's really a white guy on his screen, palette-swapped to look like him, he's pretty clear this representation is not from his neighborhood.P
"I can make him look like me, but have you noticed, when he's standing right there, the way he moves? It's ... weird," Mills said. "He puts his hand on his hip. He twirls his head. I've never seen people who act like that."
Direct Source: Minority Report: The Non-White Gamer's Experience

When I see my race represented in video games we are typically:
- Thugs whose only motives are to smoke drugs and get money (think GTA 4's Jacob).
- Extremely violent characters who hold gatling guns and shoot everything in sight.
- A Rapper/artist whose sole purpose in the game is to get famous and sign a recording contract.
Direct Source: Race in Video Games: Why it Matters... And Why Things Won't Change Anytime Soon

A recent study conducted at Ohio State University shows that white players who use black male avatars in violent video games demonstrate increased negative attitudes towards blacks, as well as increased aggression. This finding reveals the impact that negative media portrayals can have towards the public’s opinion of a minority group.
Researchers found the behavior disturbing, as white players acted more aggressively after the game is over, had stronger explicit negative attitudes toward blacks, and displayed stronger implicit attitudes linking blacks to weapons.
Direct Source: Stereotypical media portrayals reinforce negative views of racial minorities
Original Source: Playing Video Game as Black Avatar May Up Aggression
2009 Findings
USC researcher surveys 150 best-selling games, finds zero Hispanic or Native American protagonists; women, children, and the elderly also disproportionately rare.
The study also found that white people make up about 80 percent of game characters, compared to 75 percent of the US population. Asian/Pacific populations were the only other race category to be overrepresented (5 percent in games compared to 4 percent in the US), with Hispanics and Native Americans both significantly underrepresented.
Hispanics make up less than 3 percent of game characters, but more than 12 percent of the population, while Native Americans represent less than 1 percent of the country and make up less than 0.1 percent of game characters. On top of that, the two groups appeared solely as supporting characters in games, with the researchers recording no Hispanic or Native American protagonists in their study.
Direct Source: Study: Minorities underrepresented in games
Presentation of Ethnic Minorities in video games
Black female (non-stereotypical) protagonists in videogames?
Representing Arabs in video games
Digital Arabs: Representation in Video Game
Misogyny, Racism and Homophobia