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F.E.A.R. developer interview

Funky Papa

PC players rejoice!



GD: What are some of the other PC titles members of the development team have worked on in the past?

Lith: (Chris Hewett, Producer) – The majority of the leads on F.E.A.R. have been on the same team for quite awhile, having worked together on Shogo, NOLF, and NOLF2. Some team members have also worked on Monolith’s Blood, AvP2, and TRON 2.0. However, we’ve also had some great additions to the team that include people who have worked on projects such as Marathon Infinity, Spec Ops 2, Spiderman, Alice, Area 51, Counterstrike: Condition Zero, Counterstrike: Xbox, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

GD: What would you say are some of your development team’s strongest influences as they apply to the creation of F.E.A.R.? What types of titles does your crew primarily enjoy playing when they have the time, what are some of their favorite movies, and how have those and other influences factored into the making of this title?

Lith: (Craig Hubbard, Lead Game Designer) –From the start, we’ve focused on creating an intensely kinetic, highly stylized close quarters combat game, so Hong Kong action films like Hard-Boiled and Full Contact are an obvious influence. But because most of us are hardcore action junkies, we’re really drawing from a big reservoir of experiences and influences. I think if you go into a movie or a game or a book looking for things to like instead of things to pick apart, you can find inspiration anywhere.
For the scarier aspects of the game, the influences are equally diverse. Lots of horror novels, scary movies, and even some games. Fatal Frame is a personal favorite of mine and fairly pertinent to the style of horror we’re going for. I’m also a big fan of recent Asian horror films like Pulse (aka Kairo), Dark Water, A Tale of Two Sisters, The Eye, etc. Stuff that gets under your skin instead of jumping out of a closet at you. Although an occasional jolt can be effective.

GD: If you HAD to hazard an estimate, how far along would you say your team is in the development process on F.E.A.R.? 30%? Higher? Lower?

Lith: (Chris Hewett, Producer) – The engineering team started creating the new engine technology for F.E.A.R. after NOLF2 shipped (Sept 02) and now the game is approximately 75% complete. The game will be out in Q2 of 2005.

From the E3:
We also had some time to speak with Epic Frontman, Tim Sweeney on the floor on Friday and coaxed him upstairs for a look. We’re not sure, but we think it was a good sign when he walked out of the demo, looked at the guys from Monolith, and said “Half Life 2’s got nothing on you guys.”

Firefights are INTENSE and BLOODY, those of you with GS complete should check out the high-res videos, they are simply jaw dropping.

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