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Fat people, little bags. Whats the deal?

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force push the doodoo rock
Okay so ive noticed lately this trend. Fat women wearing tinee tiny backpack purse things. Whats the deal? It's like, hey im really fat, so i should wear a backpack .2% the size of myself so i can look even more huge! Mind you this style of backpack is lame whoever wears it, but on fat people it just looks really strange.

these are the types im taklin bout

Someone shed some light on this great mystery of the dissproportionate back pack, cause it really doesnt make any sense to me. I know i know fashion is whatever who am i to say what people can and cant wear blah blah blah. All that aside, this is a fashion epidemic the size of spandex and it must be stopped!


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
ok title of the thread really scared me....
You have to understand that at that size they are full. The tiny backpack is the maxium amount of weight they can add before immobilization sets in. One more gram on the scale... a wafer thin mint.
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