Invites were sent out to everyone above this post.
Next time you are on just go to the following menu:
- Online Game Modes
-- Pro Club Championship
--- My Club
Accept the invite there or the 'Player Hub' Inbox. You can also accept this stuff online if you guys are signed up for (that's probably the easiest).
Once you are signed up, you can check to see who else is online and playing what (even if you aren't friends) by checking out the team roster. If there are at least 2 other people on playing FIFA send them a message to meet you in the Dressing Room, which can be accessed from:
- Online Game Modes
-- Pro Club Championship
--- My Club
---- Play a Match
I'll see you guys online. Hopefully, we can get some good games and we're not all averse to playing as a defender every once in awhile =P
P.S. Yes, I know that I used the wrong article in the club name. I got fixated on ELDR as the shorthand version and didn't realize until we already had a couple of people signed up.