Fighting Game Headquarters |4| Cheers Love, the Anime's Here!

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As we close in on the Evolution Championship Series, it's time for a new thread as we celebrate what is truly near and dear to the heart of the Fighting Game Community:


Let's take a look at some of the current hot games on the tournament scene!

Waifu Simulator 2016


I Heard This Game Isn't Even Getting A Pot Bonus At CEO


Is This Still A Thing?


Everyone's Favorite NRS Title Until The One With Batman Drops


Hope You Like This Version, Cause You Aren't Getting A Sequel


Everyone's New Favorite Title, Totally Not Cause Of The Money




Here are some quick links:


On GAF we have various members that stream fighting games from time to time too. If you would like to add your channel to this thread, send me a PM.


Often, some fighting games can seem intimidating to players new and old. Below are a bunch of resources that may be of aid to new players, or handy as references.



frauds among us

also, overwatch sucks

i seriously don't understand how blizzard conned everyone into believing that it wasn't just league of legends with guns


Figures the cinematic thread expansion happens long after the thread ends up in community and all the casual posters left. Now I'm just stuck with this wack matchmaking that keeps putting me up against GAF Gold members.


Just started playing Melty Blood, wow it's kind of a tough game to get into. Any tips for a beginner?
1. Pick Nero
2. Impress yourself with the overwhelming size of his hitboxes and projectile zoning potential
3. Go online and have someone that knows how to play reveal to you the dead zones in your attacks
4. Pick a waifu


frauds among us

also, overwatch sucks

i seriously don't understand how blizzard conned everyone into believing that it wasn't just league of legends with guns
You say that like it's a bad thing for Blizzard. Seems like Korea agrees because Overwatch is gaining huge traction over there.


You say that like it's a bad thing for Blizzard. Seems like Korea agrees because Overwatch is gaining huge traction over there.
I don't think it's a bad thing, I just don't understand how things that people rag on all the time as flaws in League and Dota (~toxic~ community, difficulty, high burden of knowledge, inept or excessively tryhard teammates depending on which end of the skill spectrum you're on, poor solo queue experience in general) somehow magically don't exist anymore because it's a Blizzard shooter.


ow is competitive tf2 but requires less skills, lots of counter picks not enough outplay your enemies.
also ow killed my tf2 pub server ;_;


I don't think it's a bad thing, I just don't understand how things that people rag on all the time as flaws in League and Dota (~toxic~ community, difficulty, high burden of knowledge, inept or excessively tryhard teammates depending on which end of the skill spectrum you're on, poor solo queue experience in general) somehow magically don't exist anymore because it's a Blizzard shooter.
Oh that will come with due time. Minus the high burden of knowledge, I don't think Overwatch is really comparable to LoL in that regard but the toxic community and inept teammates will come soon for sure.


Oh that will come with due time. Minus the high burden of knowledge, I don't think Overwatch is really comparable to LoL in that regard but the toxic community and inept teammates will come soon for sure.
The burden of knowledge is definitely much lower on account of 21 heroes with no progression compared to 131 champions/111 heroes with skill and item builds, but 21 heroes' worth of interaction (including knowing when to switch) on 12 maps that all play differently is still nontrivial.

I get the impression that the upcoming addition of a ranked queue is what people are counting on to solve their matchmaking woes. Once they realize that it'll probably do no such thing, maybe the general opinion might shift a little.


This is just what I've been looking for thanks

Oh that will come with due time. Minus the high burden of knowledge, I don't think Overwatch is really comparable to LoL in that regard but the toxic community and inept teammates will come soon for sure.

Thar's already here though
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